So sánh hơn của lazy

CHUYÊN ĐỀ : COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS. ( Các mức độ so sánh của tính từ và trạng từ )

Đọc bài Lưu
CHUYÊN ĐỀ : COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS. ( Các mức độ so sánh của tính từ và trạng từ )

So sánh hơn của lazy



( Các mức độ so sánh của tính từ và trạng từ )

Part A: Grammar

I/ Equal comparisons:

1. Adjectives ( tính từ ):

Ex : - English is as difficult as French.

  • Today is as hot as yesterday.
  • Is she as tall as your sister?

    =>S + be + as + adj +as + S/ Noun/ Pronoun/ Clause.

    2. Adverbs ( trạng từ / phó từ ):

    Ex : - He sings as well as a singer.

    - She writes as quickly as I do.

    - You speak English as fluently as a native speaker.

    =>S + verb + as + adverb + as + S/ Noun/ Pronoun.

    * Ngoài ra ý bằng nhau/ như nhau còn có thể diễn đạt bằng cách khác:

    Ex: -My house is as high as yours.

    ó My house is the same height as yours.

  • Lan is as old as Hoa

    ó Lan and Hoa are the same age.

    =>S + verb + the same + ( Noun ) + as + Noun/Pronoun.

    *Note : Các tính từ và danh từ tương ứng:



    -Heavy, light

    -Wide, narrow

    -Deep, shallow

    -long, short

    -Big, small








    II/ Comparatives of adjectives and adverbs ( So sánh hơn của tính từ và trạng từ )

    1. Short adjectives : ( Tính từ ngắn tức tính từ có một âm tiết):

    Ex: - Today is colder than yesterday.

  • She is shorter than I.
  • My house is higher than yours.

    =>S +be +short adj +er + than + S/ Noun/ Pronoun.

    *Các trường hợp cần lưu ý khi thêm / er / :

    a/ Tính từ có âm cuối là / e / ta chỉ thêm / r / ( nice nicer )

    b/ Tính từ có âm cuối là phụ âm mà trước nó là 1 nguyên âm thì ta phải nhân đôi phụ âm cuối rồi mới thêm / er /:

    Ex: hot - hotter thin - thinner

    Big - bigger fat - fatter

    c/ Tính từ kết thúc là / y/ mà trước nó là 1 phụ âm thì ta phải đổi /y /->/i / rồi mới thêm/er /:

    Ex: dry drier

    d/ Có 2 tính từ được biến đổi hoàn toàn:

    - good -> better ( tốt/ giỏi -> tốt hơn/ giỏi hơn)

    - bad -> worse (xấu/ tồi -> xấu hơn/ tồi hơn)

    2/ Long adjectives: ( Tính từ dài tức tính từ có 2 âm tiết trở lên )

    Ex: - A car is more expensive than a motorbike.

  • English is more difficult than Literature.

    =>S + be +more +long adj +than + S/ Noun/ Pronoun.

    *Các trường hợp ngoại lệ:

    - Các tính từ có 2 âm tiết nhưng có âm cuối là y, ow, er, et, le được xếp vào loại tính từ ngắn.

    Ex: - pretty -> prettier

  • -narrow -> narrower
  • clever -> cleverer
  • gentle -> gentler
  • quiet -> quieter

    So sánh hơn có thể dược nhấn mạnh bằng much hoặc far:


  • His watch is far more expensive than mine.
  • A watermelon is much sweeter than a lemon.

    3/ Short adverbs:( trạng từ/ phó từ ngắn )

    Ex: - He runs faster than I.

  • They work harder than their friends.

    =>S + verb +short adverb +er +than + S/ Noun/ Pronoun.

    4/ Long adverbs:

    Ex: - I can type more quickly than Tom

    - My father drives more careffully than my brother.

    =>S + verb + more + long adverb + than + S/ Noun/ Pronoun.

    III/ Superlatives of adjectives and adverbs:

    1. Short adjectives:

    Ex: - You are the youngest girl.

  • Mekong is the longest river in Viet Nam.
  • John is the tallest boy in his family.

    =>S + be + the + short adj +est + O/A.

    2. Long adjectives:

    Ex: - She is the most beautiful woman.

  • Those shoes are the most expensive.

    =>S + be + the most + long adj + O/A.

    3. Short adverbs:

    Ex: -Manh types the fastest.

    =>S + verb +the + short adverb +est + O/A.

    4. Long adverbs:

    Ex: - She smiles the most gracefully of all girls.

    - Hang does her homework the most careffully in our class.

    =>S + verb + the most + long adverbs + O/A.

    IV/ So sánh kém nhau:

    1. Adjectives:

    Ex: - He is less rich than his friends.

  • My pen is less expensive than yours.

    =>S + be + less + adj + than + S/ Noun/ Pronoun.

    2. Adverbs:

    Ex: - Ha writes less quickly than I do.

  • She sings less beautifully than her brother.

    =>S + verb + less + adverb + than + S/ Noun/ Pronoun.

    * Note: Thay vì so sánh kém có thể dùng so sánh không bằng nhau (so sánh hơn ).

    Ex: - She sings not so well as her brother.

    3. So sánh kém nhất:

    Ex: - This room is the least comfortable.

  • He works the least carefully.
  • She speaks English the least fluently.

    =>S + be + the least + adjective.

    =>S + verb + the least + adverb.

    *Chú ý các tính từ bất qui tắc:

    Nguyên cấp

    So sánh hơn

    So sánh hơn nhất

    1. good

    2. bad

    3. little

    4. much/ many

    5. far

    6. late

    7. near

    9. old









    ->the best

    ->the worst

    ->the least

    ->the most

    ->the farthest/the furthest

    ->the latest/the last

    ->the nearest/the next

    ->the oldest/the eldest

    *Các trạng từ bất qui tắc:

    Nguyên cấp

    So sánh hơn

    So sánh hơn nhất

    1. well

    2. badly

    3. late

    4. little

    5. much

    6. far







    ->the best

    ->the worst

    ->the last

    ->the least

    ->the most

    ->the farthest/the furthest.

    V/ Double comparatives ( so sánh kép):

    1. So sánh đồng tiến: (càng.càng )

    ->Ex1: - The hotter it is, the more miserable I feel.

    - The soooner you leave, the earlier you will arrive at your destination.

    =>The + comparative + S + verb + the + comparative + S + verb.

    Ex2: - The more you study, the smarter you will become.

    =>The more + S + Verb + the comparative + S + verb.

    2.So sánh lũy tiến: (càng ngày càng )

    a)Short adj/adv:

    Ex: - You are younger and younger.(Bạn càng ngày càng trẻ ra)

  • The river gets bigger and bigger.(Dòng sông càng ngày càng lớn)

    =>Adj/ adv + er and adj/ adv +er.

    b)Long adj/adv:

    Ex: - She becomes more and more beautiful.

  • His story was more and more attactive.

=>more and more + adj/adv.

Part 2 : Exercises

I/ Choose the correct word:

1. Are you (interesting/ interested) in football?

2.The football match was quite (exciting/ excited) . I enjoyed it.

3. Do you usually get (embarrassing/ embrrassed)?

4. I didnt find the situation funny.I was not (amusing/ amused).

5. Rita plays the violin (good/ well).

6. That is an (intense/ intensely ) novel.

7. the boys speak English (fluent/ fluently).

8. The table has a (smooth/ smoothly) surface.

9. He had an accident because he was driving too (fast/ fastly).

10. I always feel ( happy/ happily) when the Sun is shining.

11. I think you behaved very (selfish/selfishly).

12. We didnt go out because it was raining ( heavy/ heavily).

II/Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the word given:

1. She rarely smiles at me.


2. I hadnt known her until he told me.

=>Not until....................................................................................

3. You can buy this book only in this shop.

=>Only in this shop.....................................................................

4. My teacher is no longer teaching in this school.

=>No longer................................................................................

5. This rich man seldom helps the poor.


6. people did not discover AIDS until 1981.

=>Not until 1981...............................................................................

7. He not only refused to help me but he also laughed me.

=>Not only..................................................................................

8. I know little about computer.


9. She never in life felt happy.


10. He foud a job nowhere after he had graduated from college.

=>Nowhere .................................................................................

III/ Complete each sentence using a word from the list.Somtimes you need the adjective or the adverb.

careful(ly) complete(ly) continuous(ly) financial(ly) fluent(ly)

happy(ly) nervous(ly) perfect(ly) quick(ly) special(ly)

1. Our holiday was too short.The time passed very...............................

2. Tom doesnt take risks when he is driving.Hes always.....................

3. Sue works............................She never seems to stop.

4. Phong and Lan are very...............................married.

5. Her English is very..............................although she makes quite a lot of mistakes.

6. I cooked this meal..............................for you, so I hope you like it.

7. Everything was quiet.There was..............................silence.

8. I tried on the shoes and they fitted me..................................

9. Do you usually feel...................................before examinations?

10. Id like to buy a car but its.........................impossible for me at the moment.

IV/ Complete the sentences using the correct form of the adjectives or adverbs in brackets:

1. Marry is ( pretty) her sister.

2. A new house is ( expensive )..than an old one.

3. His job is (important)than mine.

4. Of the four ties, I like the red one ( well).

5. Nobody is ( happy ) than Miss Snow.

6. Today English is the ( international)of language.

7. John is much ( strong).than I thought.

8. Beches are (comfortable).than armchairs.

9. Bill is (good) ..than you thought.

10. Dick is the (careful)of the three workers.

11. The teacher speaks English (fluently) than we do.

12. Nga is (lazy) and ( lazy)

V/ Complete the sentences, using double comparative form:

1. It find a job.(hard)

2. That hole in your pullover is getting(big).

3. As I waited for my interview, I became.( nervous).

4. As the day went on, the weather got(bad).

5. As the conversation went on, he became ..(talkative).

VI/ Complete the sentences with than or as:

1. I cant reach as high as you.You are taller..

2. He doesnt know much.I know more..

3. We were very surprised. Nobody was more

4. She is not a very good player.Im a better.

5. They have been very lucky. I wish we were.

VII/ Read the situations and complete the sentences. Use a comparative form:

1. This film is more interesting than the one I saw last week.

=>The film I saw last week was not.

2. My new jeans are more expensive than yours.

=>Your new Jeans

3. Jane cooks better than her sister.

=>Janes sister.

4. Tom is the best football player in this team.

=>Nobody in this team

5. We were very busy at work today.We are not as busy as that everyday.


6. Nothing is faster than the speed of light.

=>The speed of light

7. Jack is younger than he looks.

=>Jack isnt..

8. I didnt spend as much money as you.


VIII/ Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences:

1. We chose.hotel of all to stay overnight.

A.expensive B.more expensive

C.the least expensive D.most expensive

2. This jacket is too small.I need a.size.

A. larger B.largest

C. much more large D.larger than

3. The earlier we leave,..well arrive.

A. the more soon B.the sooner

C. more and more sooner D.much sooner

4. A farmer and a worker, who work?

A. the harder B.harder

C. the hardest D.hardest

5. Your work isnt very good.Im sure you can do.this.

A. better than B.good than

C. worst than than

6. The more you practice your English,youll learn.

A. the faster B.the fastest

C. the quick Dthe quickest

7. Why did he get the job?- Im ..him.

A. more well - qualified B.well-qualified as

C. as well - qualified as D.the most qualified eat,the fatter you become.

A. More B.Much more

C. The more D.The most

9. You are driving too fast.Can you drive a bit.?

A. slowlier B.slowly

C. more slowly Dslow than

10. Health and happiness aremoney.

A.important as important

C. more important than D.most important than

11. Your bicycle is almostmine.

A. different B.similar

C. the same D.the same as

12. The president is the statesman I admire.of all.

A. more B.much

C. lots D.most

IX. Complete the sentencesusing the comparison form of the adjectives in the brackets.You may need to make any necessary changes.

1. Lan is.........................person in the class.(young)

2. Peter speaks good French but Lucia speaks it........................( good )

3. The gas bill the electricity biil. ( expensive ).

4. He bought the.........................petrol he could find. (cheap )

5. Her teacher speaks.......................than ours. (slow)

6. It I had ever seen. (boring )

7. They live............................from school than I do. (far )

8. Yours son behaviour the whole school. (bad )

9. She sings..........................than anyone else in the choir. (beautiful )

10. There isnt a room..........................than this one. ( comfortable )

X. Multiple choice

1. She is ....... singer Ive ever met.

A. worse B. bad C. the worst D. badly

2. Mary is ....... responsible as Peter.

A. more B. the most C. much D. as

3. It is ....... in the city than it is in the country.

A. noisily B. more noisier C. noisier D. noisy

4. She sings .. among the singers I have known.

A. the most beautiful B. the more beautiful C. the most beautifully D. the more beautifully

5. She is ....... student in my class.

A. most hard-working B. more hard-working C. the most hard-working D. as hard-working

6. The English test was ....... than I thought it would be.

A. the easier B. more easy C. easiest D. easier

7. English is thought to be ....... than Math.

A. harder B. the more hard C. hardest D. the hardest

8. Jupiter is ....... planet in the solar system.

A. the biggest B. the bigger C. bigger D. biggest

9. She runs in my class.

A. the slowest B. the most slow C. the slowly D. the most slowly

10. My house is ....... hers.

A. cheap than B. cheaper C. more cheap than D. cheaper than

11. Her office is ....... away than mine.

A. father B . more far C. farther D. farer

12. Tom is ....... than David.

A. handsome B. the more handsome C. more handsome D. the most handsome

13. He did the test .. I did.

A. as bad as B. badder than C. more badly than D. worse than

14. A boat is ....... than a plane.

A. slower B. slowest C. more slow D. more slower

15. My new sofa is ....... than the old one.

A. more comfortable B. comfortably C. more comfortabler D. comfortable

16. My sister dances .. than me.

A. gooder B. weller C. better D. more good

17. My bedroom is ....... room in my house.

A. tidier than B. the tidiest C. the most tidy D. more tidier

18. This road is ....... than that road.

A. narrower B. narrow C. the most narrow D. more narrower

19. He drives . his brother.

A. more careful than B. more carefully C. more carefully than D. as careful as

20. It was ....... day of the year.

A. the colder B. the coldest C. coldest D. colder

The end.

Tác giả: Nguyễn Thị Hòa

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