Top champion that sacle well in late game lol năm 2024

Hypercarries and champions that can single-handidly win a game, but there are some champions like Poppy who can reach hypercarry status, but I just haven' included them in the list because parts of their game are so weak.

We've reached the last part of our three-part mini-series, and we're down to everyone's favorite and likely to be hotly contested form of the tier list...the LATE GAME Tier List.

To start this off, I'd like to start this off by saying that this isn't a theoretical maximum tier list where champions like Thresh or Nasus perma-scale and demolish everything in the game in one hit. Instead, let's think of this as a standard tier list for champions at the 35 minute+ point where you can expect to be sporting around 4 to 6 items and closing in on the level cap.

At this point, champions that simply scale hard to the point where they can 1v5 are obviously powerful, but champions with strong pick-potentially are equally important. Again, this list assumes that all elements are equal and you're not dealing with a snowballed 25 mejai stack Ziggs.

Top champion that sacle well in late game lol năm 2024

Top champion that sacle well in late game lol năm 2024



LATE Game Tier List

We've reached the last part of our three-part mini-series, and we're down to everyone's favorite and likely to be hotly contested form of the tier list...the LATE GAME Tier List.

To start this off, I'd like to start this off by saying that this isn't a theoretical maximum tier list where champions like Thresh or Nasus perma-scale and demolish everything in the game in one hit. Instead, let's think of this as a standard tier list for champions at the 35 minute+ point where you can expect to be sporting around 4 to 6 items and closing in on the level cap.

At this point, champions that simply scale hard to the point where they can 1v5 are obviously powerful, but champions with strong pick-potentially are equally important. Again, this list assumes that all elements are equal and you're not dealing with a snowballed 25 mejai stack Ziggs.

As always, don't forget to like the site on Facebook if you haven't already!

  1. Solo Queue Tier List - Tier List for climbing solo queue
  2. Optimal Champion Bans by Division
  3. Strongest Potential Champions - Champions with the highest potential in the game
  4. Scaling Tier List - Early Game Tier List
  5. Scaling Tier List - Mid Game Tier List
  6. FOTM Tier List - Meta based tier list based on popularity and what high Elo players are using
  • 12/12/19 Initial Tier List
    • Updated for Patch 9.24
    • Added Aphelios
  • 6/21/20
    • Moved Fiddlesticks up, added Top Fiddlesticks
    • Added Sett

Toolkit and Options

LoL Tier List

God Tier List

[Game-Changing Priority Target | Solo Carries]

Mid Lane Ryze, Cassiopeia, Kayle, Karthus JungleMaster Yi, Kha'Zix, Karthus Top Lane Kayle, Ryze, Jax Bot Lane Jinx, Ezreal, Xayah, Kai'Sa SupportBlitzcrank, Sona, Nautilus

Tier 1

[Highly Effective | Primary Threat to Priority Targets]

Mid-Lane: Akali, Azir, Kassadin, Ekko, Yasuo, Katarina, Fizz, Veigar, Ahri, Vladimir, Diana, Leblanc

Jungle: Warwick, Jax, Nocturne, Rengar, Diana

Top: Mordekaiser, Akali, Riven, Camille, Vladimir, Sett, Garen, Kled, Darius, Kennen, Wukong, Tryndamere, Rumble, Gangplank, Heimerdinger, Lissandra, Fiora, Sion, Malphite

Bot Lane: Caitlyn, Yasuo, Twitch, Aphelios, Vayne

Support: Rakan, Pyke, Nami, Leona, Soraka, Thresh, Bard

Tier 2

[Good Enough | Vital to Success]

Mid-Lane: Syndra, Anivia, Talon, Kled, Annie, Heimerdinger, Nocturne, Vel'Koz, Zed, Zoe, Lux, Renekton, Malzahar, Qiyana, Gragas, Rumble, Orianna, Irelia, Xerath, Swain, Brand, Neeko, Lissandra, Kennen

Jungle: Olaf, Amumu, Malphite, Kindred, Jarvan IV, Vi, Xin Zhao, Elise, Hecarim, Wukong, Rek'Sai, Zac, Dr. Mundo, Kayn, Evelynn, Fiddlesticks, Sejuani, Shyvana, Graves, Camille, Taliyah, Skarner, Shaco

Top: Renekton, Olaf, Singed, Yasuo, Nasus, Fiddlesticks, Quinn, Pantheon, Illaoi, Jayce, Irelia, Vayne, Poppy, Ornn, Dr. Mundo, Urgot, Yorick, Teemo, Jarvan IV, Gnar, Lulu

Bot Lane: Ashe, Sivir, Draven, Tristana, Senna, Jhin, Kog'Maw

Support: Zyra, Brand, Shaco, Morgana, Swain, Lulu, Malphite, Fiddlesticks, Senna, Vel'Koz, Janna

Tier 3

[Useful But Not Priorities]

Mid-Lane: Viktor, Malphite, Twisted Fate, Galio, Zilean, Aurelion Sol, Tristana, Mordekaiser, Morgana, Ziggs, Jayce, Taliyah, Karma, Corki, Gangplank, Pyke, Sylas, Pantheon, Varus

Jungle: Lee Sin, Gragas, Nidalee, Cho'Gath, Twitch, Rammus, Pantheon, Tryndamere, Rumble, Riven, Nasus

Top: Cho'gath, Neeko, Sylas, Maokai, Hecarim, Aatrox, Qiyana, Rengar, Xin Zhao, Shaco, Tahm Kench

Bot Lane: Heimerdinger, Miss Fortune, Lucian, Varus

Support: Karma, Yuumi, Xerath, Lux, Shen, Braum, Zilean, Alistar, Taric, Pantheon, Annie

Tier 4

[Fell Off | Meat Shield | Split Pusher]

Jungle: Nunu, Volibear, Udyr, Ivern, Trundle

Top: Shen, Karma, Galio, Poppy

Support: Tahm Kench, Teemo, Poppy, Galio

Instructions and Caveats

  • Champions in BOLD I will talk about shortly
  • Within each tier, the champions are strongest from left to right, but within a tier, each champion's strength is relatively close. This is especially true for Tiers 2 and 3 where these champions are ALL highly playable and player dependent on how strong they are in-game.

LoL Tier List Champion Explanations

Aphelios [Tier 1 Bot]

Aphelios is mixed bucket right now. He's clearly not a champion that's easy to master considering his current win rate, but at the same time he's absolutely dominating games in the hands of players that are good at him. Overall I think that once players understand how to utilize his kit more efficiently, players will discover that his late-game is extremely oppressive.

Azir [Tier 1 Mid]

When it comes to late-game dominance, few do it as well as Azir. He's got a good mix of offense and defense both in the form of his wall, and is a constant threat from all angles. If you combine him with Yasuo, Azir provides arguably the largest knock-up in the game for massive wombo-combos.

Blitzcrank [God Tier Support]

He's not a hypercarry on his own, but Blitzcrank's fishing ability is as good as it gets late-game when everyone's packing enough damage to instantly pop a target a few times over. Although he isn't the most consistent initiation, his long-range gives him ample opportunities to try.

Ezreal [God Tier Marksman]

Players often think of Ezreal as a poke champion and they're not wrong. In an all-in at melee range Ezreal loses out to a lot of other champions. However, he's also the safest marksman in the game later on, and a single "poke" is enough to knock out half of any squishy's HP.

Karthus [God Tier Jungle]

In the current meta Karthus struggles in the early game. However, if you can make it to late game he's still quite good provided the entire enemy team isn't comprised of tanks carrying magic resist. Even if he's only stacked a moderate number of Dark Harvest stacks, he comes into battle knowing that he can take out half of the enemy team's health even if he dies before landing a single Q.

Kayle [God Tier Mid]

Players still understimate Kayle, especially after Conqueror nerfs. Ever since her early game buffs, she's no longer the push-over she used to be during laning phase and has enough damage to have a semblance of kill potential. Meanwhile, her late game continues to be oppressive to say the least, and if you have another hyper-carry in the game she literally makes them omnipotent.

Rakan [Tier 1 Support]

Placing Rakan above the likes of Leona/Thresh/Pyke is somewhat controversial, but I think that late game Rakan is much better as a result of his faster long-range initiation. Giving enemies minimal time to react is key late game for maximum impact, especially when everyone is already packing so much damage.

Sona [God Tier Support]

As a support, Sona is the only champion I would consider a true "hypercarry" from a pure support role. Her heals are absolutely absurd and can bring the entire team from 0 to full in 10 seconds flat, and she's packing one of the biggest instant AOE crowd-control spell in the game. If she has mana and isn't being locked down, late-game Sona is one of the most dangerous champions in the game.

Who is the best scaling champion in League of Legends?

Gwen is one of the best scaling champions in League of Legends, and in Arena, the early game is practically skipped, allowing Gwen to come online much sooner. Gwen is also great at snipping through tanks, a rarity among magic damage dealers, making her a great pickup.

What are the best scaling top laners?

The 5 Best Scaling Champions in LoL.

Kayle. This is probably not a surprise for those who are familiar with the top lane role. ... .

Kassadin. ... .

Kog'Maw. ... .

Veigar. ... .

What is the best scaling champion in League of Legends reddit?

Top: Jax, Kayle, Vlad, Fiora, Gwen and maybe Ornn Mid: Kayle, Vlad, Corki, Azir, Viktor, Kassadin, akshan, veigar. Jg: Fiddle, Master yi, Kayn, Shyvanna, Graves, Kindred and maybe belveth Bot: Kog, Senna, Aphelios, Jinx, Vayne and maybe Trist or Kai'sa.

Who is the easiest LoL champ to play?

Top 10 Easy Champions for Beginners in League of Legends.

Garen. If you want things to be easier right off the bat in the top lane, Garen is the champion for you. ... .

Malphite. Malphite is a versatile melee champion who can not only dominate top lane, but other lanes as well. ... .

Warwick. ... .

Master Yi. ... .

Lux. ... .

Annie. ... .

Miss Fortune. ... .
