christians là gì - Nghĩa của từ christians

christians có nghĩa là

A misinterpreted, misunderstood faith. as you can see in many entries below. Christianity HAS been used to do things in "The Name of God" that God would never have wanted [ie. killing your parents, raping small children and mothers, stalkers, racial segregation etc.] But to give a perfect definition of Christianity - you would have to read the New Testament of the Holy Bible and see how Jesus Christ lived. He is the perfect definition of Christianity...afterall, that's where it all started. Before judging Christians, please meet a REAL one [a down-to-earth one] to show you what it's all about. Not with words, but in their actions.


NOT A CHRISTIAN: *Person standing on a box, screaming, "YOU ARE GOING TO HELL"*.

A REAL CHRISTIAN: A person who is humble, who shows by their ACTIONS louder than their WORDS that they have something different[Jesus].

christians có nghĩa là

People who follow Christ as the centre of their beliefs. They should accept that they are not perfect and that they need the love and forgiveness of Jesus to become whole again. They believe that they can have a personal relationship with Jesus.

Christians are not to be mistaken for hypocrites who follow a holier-than-thou attitude to life. Real Christians are humble and give all the praise back to Jesus.


"all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God" [Romans 3:23]

christians có nghĩa là

The only folk in the world that can discriminate and insult people other than themselves without being charged. Christians want their belief to be respected, but usually get very cross with non-christian people thinking the same way. They also believe that they are predestined for a better world thanks to their never-wavering faith in Gawd, and agree that all other people are simply inferior.

See also: muslims, jews.


"Hey, have you read The Da Vinci Code lately?"
"Die a painful death, you foul-mouthed atheist, priest of evil theories, for there is only one Book mankind should read! Dan Brown should burn in the seventh circle of Hell for his companionship with Satan!"
"So you didn't?"

christians có nghĩa là

People who follow Christ. Those who accept the fact that God incarnate in man suffered and died for their sins so that their worthless, vile, disgusting, and completly undeserving souls could go be with Him in Heaven. Christians do not save themselves through their own actions [contrary to the popular belief that Christians need to be "perfect"...if they were, then why would they need Christ?].

BTW: Christians are the number one reason why Christianity is not followed, misunderstood, hated or basically ignored.


I am a Christian and the world hates me but that's ok because I want nothing that this world has to offer.

christians có nghĩa là

Scums of the Earth that is the cause of most major artificial world problems. Consists of usually criminals, cowards, dumbasses, and rapists who wants to go to "Heaven" after being a dick all their life. Most intolerable cult that attacks, kills, and insults people who do not believe in their god. The reason why discrimination is so rampant. They attempt to create theocracies all over the world and crush all those who do not conform with their pathetic ideals.


Crusades, witch hunts, and Catholic and Protestant conflicts are some examples of how intolerant and apathetic Christians are.

christians có nghĩa là

A well-intentioned group of people that somehow manages to spew hateful propaganda and promote unfair laws at every chance.


I don't know how the gay marriage ban will ever pass unless the Christians go out and vote for it.

christians có nghĩa là

Boring-ass people who do nothing but boring crap. Especially the hardcore christians. They do not play fun games like GTA, or other games that have violence. They do not like scary holloween masks, they do not watch gorey movies like SAW. They just watch gay shows like 7th Heaven and Aurther. They probobly watch The 700 Club too.


My ex-freind was Christan. He had a video game called Olympic Winter Sports for Gamecube and actually called it fun. He was not allowed to play Super Smash Brothers Melee. What a goddamn dork. Damn christians.

christians có nghĩa là

1. a number of well-intentioned people who believe in peace, a single omnibenevolent, omnipotent, and omniscient God, and humanity's potential. Such people are often met with derision from non-Christians, who hypocritically associate this form of Christian with definition 2 Christians.

2. a group of people noted for their bigotry, close-mindedness, and hypocrisy. Often noted for using their religion, recent atrocities inflicted by psychopaths, and other tangential references to justify whatever social, political, or economic agenda they favor, e.g. anti-homosexual and anti-video game. Most pretend to be of the other variety of Christian, though empirical data has shown that even the few that do actually believe in the tenants of the religion of Christianity rarely follow them, for whatever reason. Maybe they're jealous of the people they persecute [no, we won't give you a pre-release copy of Halo 4].


1. Mother Theresa's charity work should be a radiant beacon to which Christians and the rest of humanity should aspire.

2. Christian [possibly ex-] attorney Jack Thompson seeks the removal of violent video games from the market by insisting that any and all atrocities that have ever happened or will ever happen are the direct result of people playing too many violent video games. Also, he's stalking me...What? It's true, I swear!

christians có nghĩa là

I suppose there is more than one type of christian, but to the point there is a nice type of christian in my eyes a nice christian [like myself] is someone hat follows christ and believes in god...they and i are perfectly normal people and we stand for whats right, i am a normal down to earth christian i do most things that everyone else does i dont have a problem with violence or anything like that.

I can honestly say i went down the first page giving every definition a thumbs down EVERY SINGLE view was a stereotype, or a bare-faced lie because you people think you see 1 person you don't like so therefore anyone that follows the same religion is the same, you assume things...


no example needed for this definition of christians

christians có nghĩa là

A word that has been corrupted. There are very few real christians any more. Most "christians" are either EXTREAMLY judgemental, don't really care about God at all, and just use His name for their own reasons, or go to church on sundays, and bars on saturdays. A wise person once said that Christians are the people who send the most people to hell. Non-christians see "christians" andd say, these people suck. Christians DO suck. I believe in God, I worship Him, but I don't like calling myself a Christian. That word means nothing now.


Non-Christians: Hello, could you tell me about Christ?
Fake Christian: No way, you look like a hobo. Get away from me. COPS!! Fake Christians [on sunday]: Glory to God! We love you! Praise be your name!
Said Fake Christian [On friday]: Whoo! Let's go get drunk guys!! Fake Christian [In public]: I love God, he's so wonderful. I love my kids, *gives money to hobo*
Said Fake Christian [at home, with family]: Women! Make me a sandwich! [Women doesn't hear, fake christian hits her] AND FINALLY!! REAL Christian[Sunday-Saturday]: I love God. He's wonderful. *Starts praying, then gives money to hobo* Gosh. That took forever to type ;] bbuuuuttt thats america.

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