fuckboy là gì - Nghĩa của từ fuckboy

fuckboy có nghĩa là

how to spot a fuckboy: - white nike tube socks with his adidas sandals
- he wants to play 20 questions [!!!!!!!!! do not play !!!!!!!!!!! especially if there’s a “;]” involved]
- relies on his mom but doesn’t respect women
- looks like he just read one of jaden smith’s tweets in all of his selfies
can’t find the clitoris fuckboys come in all shapes and sizes and results may vary but when he a fuckboy…he a fuckboy…and u will know


- timothy over here askin’ for nudes when all u did was say hello so he's a fuckboy
- connor who won’t calm down with his axe spray tryna infect ya lungs cause he's a fuckboy
- colin adding #420 to his bio when he smoked weed one time cause he's a fuckboy
- gregory mad cause u didn’t blow him after the first date so he's a fuckboy

fuckboy có nghĩa là

A fuckboy is a weakass dude who ain’t shit.
The guy who will go around calling women “thirsty hoes” but like 30 profile pictures in a row and comment “hot” because he thinks somehow it’ll get him laid.
The guy who calls girls sluts but goes around begging for nudes out of fucking nowhere.
The guy who sends unrequested dick pics with no context to women he’s barely spoken to.
The guy who regularly uses phrases like “bros before hoes”
The guy whose idea of flirting is “what would u do if i was there right now lol”
The guy who will call you a prude if you dont want to fuck anyone, but call you a slut if you want to fuck someone who isnt him.
The guy who will disrespect you and try and get with you in the same breath.
The guy who tries to text you even when he already has a girl
The guy who continues to hit on you even when you’ve said no
The kind of guy you have to lie about having a boyfriend to in order to get him to leave you alone.
The guy who will tell you “you’re not like the other girls” like that’s a compliment because he doesn’t have any respect for them.
The guy who will tell you “my exes were all crazy” even though you know them to be totally fine, kind, measured people.
A fuckboy is a guy who will tell you “guys don’t like it when you -” and try to shame you because of your weight, hair, style, makeup or anything else that you do in order to express yourself because in their tiny fuckboy minds you only exist to attract them.


"Dylan is a real fuckboy." "Yeah I liked this guy but then he started pulling this fuckboy crap so I stopped texting him back"

fuckboy có nghĩa là

a fuck boy is someone who says “i’m bad at relationships” as if it’s nearly an absolute truth. a fuck boy is also someone who is just sooo emotional that he cannot deal with it: “i can’t even.” “i just can’t.” “this is too much for me.”
he, the fuck boy, is fundamentally confused and is unsure of what he wants. however, he will seemingly sincerely play like he is more involved or enamored than he actually is in interest of getting romantic attention and scratching the romantic/sex itch. he is superficially intimate, as if acting from a script he knows all too well. fuck boy operates from a superficial level of consciousness and although he will seem like he is connected time will show you that he never was.
he does not care about the details of your day, your friends or family, the beautiful complexity of your essence. fuck boy is unable to truly respect and be present with any woman he is with. he has a hard time respecting women as whole human beings and furthermore he lacks self-awareness about this.


“fuckboy” continued: he thinks quite highly of himself and how he operates in the world but he continues to inevitably and regrettably lament, with remarkable futility, just how bad he is at relationships. fuck boys are usually idealizing something or someone from the past — likely another woman that he undervalued or disrespected in a former relationship. and the fuck boy is just so emotional about it.
he will live in the past or idealize the future — but the fuck boy will never embrace the joy of what is in front of him. the complexity of the present is just too much to bare…
but that’s neither here nor there because the fuck boy basically does not like thinking about his feelings right now.
so, he’ll go on dreaming of a past that’s long gone or of a future that will never come. he will always disappoint. beware. fuck boys often seem special and endearing at first…until you find out that he’s a fucking fuck boy. and, by the time you find out you’ve already fallen for him and bought into a persona he effortlessly projects. you like that he didn’t come on too strong but came on strong enough. fuck boys are often superficially very enjoyable people so you have a sense that he’s great company. when his coldness and distance emerges you will feel shock and heartache. endure it. remember, you’ve been fooled. be grateful upon realizing the fuckery of the fuck boy because, my sister, you just dodged a bullet. run and don’t look back.

fuckboy có nghĩa là

a boy who fucks with girls' feelings by leading them on and making them feel like shit


you know that kid Jason? yeah, he's a fuckboy.

fuckboy có nghĩa là

A chronic disease in which a chemical imbalance located in the brain and testicles causes males to act and behave in a certain way, especially disrespectful to women, and very self-idolizing. Can be cured with your over the counter prescription known as "fuck boy repellant" In the form of a spray or pill. Can only be prescribed by a medical professional. Do you, or someone you know show symptoms of a fuckboy? Call your local medical center to immediately seek attention. Slowly, together, we can eliminate fuckboys from our society.


What a fuckboy, asked for a girl's nudes after 5 minutes into the conversation.

fuckboy có nghĩa là

a boy around their teenage years--between thirteen and twenty-five. they play with a girls' feelings and are notorious womanizers. they are also called Casanova and playboy.
generally, they are: -privileged
-ask for nudes
-pretend they're interested
-masters at ghosting this is for the girls if you like a fuckboy, this is a note to all of y'all. this is what you will be thought of if you try to go after a fuckboy. i would personally not go after one this is how they think: if you are straightforward and show interest, you come off as too aggressive. if you are shy and waiting for them to make a move, then you are a tease and perpetuating gender stereotypes. if you want to screw you’re a slut if you don’t then you’re a prude. if you have a sense of style you’re a basic bitch. if you don’t then you’re not cool. if you initiate flirting you’re thirsty. if you don’t then they won’t talk to you. if you put on makeup you’re insecure. if you don’t then you’re ugly. if you want a relationship you’re boring and asking for too much. if you just want to hookup then you’re a hoe. if you show that you care about their wellbeing you’re trying too hard. if you don’t then you’re a bitch. if you want them to take care of you you’re incapable. if you can take care of yourself you are an aggressive feminist. if you don’t catch feelings and reject them then you’re a tease. if you catch feelings, then i would say you lose because the fuckboy won't.


Person A: Oh my God, did you see Michael last night with that girl? Even though he just broke up with Ella? Person B: I don't know why he's your friend, he's such a fuckboy.

fuckboy có nghĩa là

A grown man usually around the age of 30. Who expects to play house with you and the kids, when it's convenient for him. He says he loves you and he wants to sex with you and wants you to fully commit to him and only him but he doesn't want to put "a title" on what you have together because then "it'll just ruin it". When in fact he really just doesn't want to answer to anybody & wants to be able go goose hunting or hanging with his friends[male&female] and acting single! Basically do what/when he wants! & he wants to do all this without running plans by anyone else. And nobody can say anything about it because technically he has no commitments. Bc he is a "fuckboy"


You want wifey privileges from me?!, but you want to be acting like a fuckboy?!! MmmmMmMmm I don't think so!!

fuckboy có nghĩa là

a super shitty guy people who people should avoid at all times


wow jack w yallop is such a fuckboy, stay away from him

fuckboy có nghĩa là

Someone who pretends to be kind and sweet to get in your pants but turns out to be a douche.


Nick Moore is a total fuckboy! He's been playing boys for days.

fuckboy có nghĩa là

An overconfident ass who will lead a girl on just to let her down. Sometimes later apologizes only to say "send nudes" once the girl has welcomed him back into her trust. Boys like this will pretend to genuinely care one minute, and be emotionless the next. He is the definition of 'mixed signals'. Do NOT fall for his charms. Typically will call you baby girl and say cute things to get his claws on your emotions. If a girl tries to stand up to him he will likely deny everything and turn it around on the girl, making her feel stupid. Boys like this are egotistical assholes who can not be trusted and are hard to get rid of because they know all the right things to say.


Sierna: "He is so sweet to me and takes me out, but tells me not to catch feelings.. why does he do this to me?"
Payton: "He is a fuckboy Sierna! He's playing games, do not let him break your heart!!"

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