Childrens sense that their parents are trustworthy and dependable is most indicative of

Processing new information by changing cognitive structures or creating new onesDefinition
Piaget's first stage (discovery), Birth-2 yearsDefinition
In Piaget's terms, the understanding that objects can undergo changes in appearance and still retain their essential natureDefinition
Piaget's third stage (reasoning/logic) 7-12 yearsDefinition
Issue of the role of genetics and environment in DevelopmentDefinition
Processing new information within existing structuresDefinition
Tracks the development of the same individuals across several different agesDefinition
A substance that can cross the placenta and may cause harm to an unborn childDefinition
Span of life during which specific experiences have a Particularly strong impact on developmentDefinition
Decreased responsiveness to a stimulus as the organism becomes used to itDefinition
Originated three-level model of moral development based upon cognitive developmentDefinition
Studies several different age groups at the same timeDefinition
Originated eight-stage model of psychosocial developmentDefinition
Two methods of addressing the nature-nurture questionDefinition
Twin studies, Adoption studiesTerm
Piaget's fourth stage (abstraction), 12 years and beyondDefinition
Piaget's second stage (language), 2-7 yearsDefinition
Kohberg emphasized that human behavior becomes less selfish as we mature due toDefinition
Josh thinks its wrong to drive over the speed limit simply because he might get punished for doing so. He is demonostrating Kohberg ____stage of moralityDefinition
According to Erickerson trust is to infacy as idenity is to?Definition
Harlow observed that most monkey's raised in total isolationDefinition
were incabable of mating upon reaching sexual maturityTerm
Childrens sense that their parents are trustworthy and dependable in most indicative ofDefinition
Chloe can clearly sense when her sister's teasing is intended to be friendly fun or a hostile put down. This best illistrates that chole has developed ....Definition
at about 8 months children become increasingly likely to react to newcomers with tears and distress. This best illistrates???Definition
instead of happily exploring the attractive toys located in the physicians waiting room. Little Emily clings to her mothers skirt. Emily most likely shows sign of ??Definition
The egocentricism of preschoolers was most strongly emphasized byDefinition
Piaget's cognitive development theoryTerm
Object permance is the understanding that?Definition
things continue to exist even when they are out of sight.Term
Incorporating new information into existing theories ____as modifying theories in light of new information is to ______Definition
assimilation; accommodationTerm
Which of the following represents the correct order of Piagets stages of cognitive developmentDefinition
sensorimotor; preoperational; concrete operational; formal operationalTerm
The first time 4 year old Sarah saw her older brother play the flute, she thought is was simiply a large whistleDefinition
Piaget was convinced that the mind of a childDefinition
develops through the series of stagesTerm
Mr. and Mrs Parker can't wait to begin toliet training their year old daughter. The Parkers most clearly need to be informed about the importance ofDefinition
Habituation refers to the?Definition
decreasing responsiveness to a stimulus to which one repeatedly exposedTerm
Dr. P major research in the development of motor skills of children . It is most likely that Ms. B is a ________psychologistDefinition
Mary believes that cognitive development is a matter of gradual repetitive changes over time. Her viewpoint is most directly related toDefinition


80 Questions, Multiple choice & 50 Questions on test

Piaget is best known for his interest in the process of ______ developementDefinition
According to Piaget schemas are...Definition
People's conceptual frameworksTerm
Interpreting new experiences in terms of existing schemas is called..Definition
Olivia understands her world primarily by grasping and sucking easily available objects. Olivia is clearly in Piaget's ______ stage.Definition
The egocentrisim of preschoolers was most strongly emphasized by:Definition
According to Piaget, egocentrism refers to:Definition
Belief that everyone see's things as you do.Term
The powerful survival impulse that leads infants to seek closeness to their caregivers is called:Definition
Providing children with a safe haven in times of stress contributes most directly to:Definition
A critical period is a phase during which:Definition
Certain have a particularly strong impact on developmentTerm
Which of the following is an example of imprinting?Definition
One-year-old Eunice is not overly fearful of strangers but she clearly prefers being held by her mother than by anyone else. Her behavior best illustrates:Definition
Children’s sense that their parents are trustworthy and dependable is most indicative of:Definition
Instead of happily exploring the attractive toys located in the pediatrician’s waiting room, little Sandra tenaciously clings to her mother’s skirt. Sandra most clearly shows signs of:Definition
In a pleasant but unfamiliar setting, infants with a secure maternal attachment are most likely to:Definition
When placed in strange situations without their artificial mothers, Harlow’s infant monkeys demonstrated signs of:Definition
Which of the following factors contributes most positively to the development of secure attachment between human infants and their mothers?attachment are most likely to:Definition
Some mothers feed their infants when they show signs of hunger, whereas others fail to respond predictably to their infants’ demands for food. These different maternal feeding practices are most likely to contribute to differences in infant:Definition
Instead of happily exploring the attractive toys located in the pediatrician’s waiting room, little Sandra tenaciously clings to her mother’s skirt. Sandra most clearly shows signs of:Definition
According to Piaget, during the formal operational stage people begin to:Definition
Already at 15 months of age, Justin strongly senses that he can rely on his father to comfort and protect him. This most clearly contributes to:Definition
For several months following a sudden and unexpected divorce, Henry was excessively preoccupied with thoughts of his ex-wife. His reaction resulted from the disruption of:Definition
Two characteristics of authoritarian parents are that they demonstrate:Definition
Low levels of responsiveness, high levels of controlTerm
Parents who are demanding and yet sensitively responsive to their children are said to be:Definition
Authoritative parents are likely to have children who:Definition
Self-Reliant, High self-esteemTerm
Compared to authoritarian parents, authoritative parents are likely to be:Definition
The importance of schemas was most clearly highlighted by:Definition
Two closed, pyramid-shaped beakers containing clearly identical amounts of a liquid are suddenly judged by a child to hold different amounts after one of the beakers is inverted. The child apparently lacks a:Definition
A child’s realization that others may have beliefs which the child knows to be false best illustrates the development of:Definition
The process of imprinting occurs during a brief developmental phase known as:Definition
Adolescence extends from:Definition
The body structures that enable reproduction are the:Definition
Primary sex characteristicsTerm
The first ejaculation is to an adolescent boy as ________ is to an adolescent girl.Definition
The ability to think logically about hypothetical situations is indicative of the ________ stage of development.Definition
Piaget is to cognitive development as Kohlberg is to ________ development.Definition
According to Kohlberg, morality based on the avoidance of punishment and the attainment of concrete rewards represents a ________ morality.Definition
Even though smoking marijuana would reduce the pain associated with her chronic medical condition, Juanita believes it would be morally wrong because it is prohibited by the laws of her state. Kohlberg would suggest that Juanita demonstrates a(n) _______ morality.Definition
According to Kohlberg, postconventional morality involves:Definition
You define what is, Self-Define, Affirmationi EthicsTerm
According to Erikson, trust is to ________ as identity is to ________.Definition
Infancy (0-1 1/2), AdloscentsTerm
According to Erikson, isolation is to intimacy as role confusion is to:Definition
According to Erikson, achieving a sense of identity is the special task of the:Definition
Erikson suggested that the adolescent search for identity is followed by a developing capacity for:Definition
Mark believes that choosing to violate government laws is morally justifiable if it is done to protect the lives of innocent people. Kohlberg would suggest that this illustrates ________ morality.Definition
Compared to a century ago, menarche occurs ________ in life and adult independence begins ________ in life.Definition
Female breasts are to ________ as male testes are to ________.Definition
The process of developing a sense of identity during adolescence was highlighted by:Definition
Adolescence is typically a time of:Definition
Deminishing parental influence, peer influence is growingTerm
According to Erikson, the central psychological challenges pertaining to adolescence, young adulthood, and middle age, respectively, are:Definition
Formation of Identity, intimacy, generativityTerm
In preconventional morality, the person:Definition
Among the hallmarks of growing up are a boy’s first ejaculation and a girl’s first menstrual period, which also is called:Definition
Adolescence is marked by the onset of:Definition
Whose stage theory of moral development was based on how people reasoned about ethical dilemmas?Definition
In Erikson’s theory, individuals generally focus on developing ________ during adolescence and then ________ during young adulthood.Definition
Which of the following was not mentioned in the text as a criticism of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development?Definition
Sam, a junior in high school, regularly attends church because his family and friends think he should. Which stage of moral reasoning is Sam in?Definition
After a series of unfulfilling relationships, 30-year-old Carlos tells a friend that he doesn’t want to marry because he is afraid of losing his freedom and independence. Erikson would say that Carlos is having difficulty with the psychosocial task of:Definition
Personality is best defined as an individual’s:Definition
Characteristic of thinking, feelings & actingTerm
Which of the following techniques was Freud most likely to use in an attempt to discover the hidden conflicts underlying his patient’s symptoms?Definition
Psychoanalysis > free association, dreams, defense mechanismsTerm
Freud called his theory of personality and the associated treatment techniques:Definition
According to Freud, thoughts that are too unsettling for people to acknowledge are:Definition
Freud believed that our unconsciously repressed impulses express themselves in:Definition
Dreams, defense mechanisms, slips of toungeTerm
The pleasure principle is to the __________ as the reality principle is to the__________.Definition
The superego is the part of the personality that:Definition
Generates feelings of guiltTerm
According to Freud, the most important erogenous zone during earliest infancy consists of the:Definition
Psychoanalytic theory suggests that the ego disguises threatening impulses and reduces anxiety by means of:Definition
A religious leader who attempts to overcome his hidden doubts with intense expressions of spiritual certainty illustrates most clearly the defense mechanism of:Definition
Projection refers to the process by which people:Definition
Carl Jung emphasized the importance of _____ in personality functioning.Definition
Tests that present ambiguous stimuli designed to uncover hidden personality dynamics are called_____ tests.Definition
According to Maslow, the psychological need that arises after all other “D” needs have been met is the need for:Definition
Self-actualized people. As described by Maslow, are least likely to:Definition
Experience an external locus of controlTerm
The humanistic perspective emphasized the importance of:Definition
Carl Rogers suggested that the_____is is a central feature of personality.Definition
Maslow most clearly interjected his own personal values into his study of self-actualized individuals by:Definition
Selectively studying people with quailties he admiredTerm
Self-actualized people, as described by Maslow, are especially likely to:Definition
Who emphasized the importance of unconditional positive regard in healthy personality development?Definition
Carl Rogers suggested that those who fall far short of their ideal self experience:Definition
In promoting personality growth, the person-centered perspective emphasizes all but:Definition
The school psychologist believes that having a positive self-concept is necessary before students can achieve their potential. Evidently, the school psychologist is an advocate of:Definition
Humanist Persective; Humanism

What was Piaget convinced of?

Piaget became convinced that children experience the world differently than adults. He thought that this was not due to a mere lack of experience, but because children think in qualitatively different ways than adults. He drew these thoughts together into a theory of stages of development.

What is the meaning of object permanence?

Object permanence involves understanding that items and people still exist even when you can't see or hear them. This concept was discovered by child psychologist Jean Piaget and is an important milestone in a baby's brain development.

What kind of parents are demanding and yet sensitively responsive to their children?

Summed up, some researchers have described it this way: Authoritative parents are highly demanding (like authoritarian parents), but they are also very responsive to their children's needs (Maccoby and Martin 1983).

What is a schema according to Piaget quizlet?

Piaget called the schema the basic building block of intelligent behavior - a way of organizing knowledge. The representation in the mind of a set of perceptions, ideas, and/or actions, which go together.