Giải sách bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 6 Community services

Giải i-Learn Smart World 6 workbook unit 6 Community service lesson 3 nằm trong bộ tài liệu Soạn tiếng Anh 6 i-Learn Smart World theo từng Unit năm 2021 – 2022 do biên soạn và đăng tỉa. Giải lesson 3 Unit 6 sách bài tập i-Learn Smart World 6 trang 36 37 bao gồm gợi ý đáp án, file nghe mp3 và hướng dẫn dịch các phần bài tập tiếng Anh xuất hiện trong Lesson 3 Unit 6 Community services SBT tiếng Anh i-Learn Smart World lớp 6.

Soạn giải i-Learn Smart World 6 workbook do tự biên soạn, vui lòng KHÔNG sao chép dưới mọi hình thức.

a. Unscramble the words. Sắp xếp từ.

Đáp án

2- donate

3 – wildlife

4 – free

5 – protect

b. Fill in the blanks using the words in Task a. Hoàn thành chỗ trống sử dụng từ xuất hiện trong bài a.

Đáp án

2 – donate

3 – free

4 – protect

5 – charity

Listen and write “True” or “False.” Nghe và điền True hoặc False.

Click để nghe

Đáp án

2 – False

3 – False

4 – False

5 – True

Read the article and answer the questions. Đọc bài báo và trả lời câu hỏi.

Đáp án

1 – We can build houses and school.

2 – They helps to keep our environment clean and green.

3 – Fruits and vegetables are in the forest garden.

4 – You can donate money.

5 – One dollar can buy a new tree.

Write a paragraph about the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) using the information below. Write 50 to 60 words. Viết một đoạn văn về Quỹ Quốc tế về Phúc lợi Động vật (IFAW) bằng cách sử dụng thông tin dưới đây. Viết 50 đến 60 từ.

What they do:

• work to save animals

• teach communities how to look after and protect wildlife all around the world

Where they work:

• in more than 40 countries

When they started:

• in 1969, Canada

How to help:

• donate money

Gợi ý

The International Fund for Animal Welfare IFAW is one of the largest charities for saving wildlife animals in the world. It works to save animals and teaches communities how to look after and protect wildlife all around the world. IFAW works in more than 40 countries. It started first in 1969 in Canada. You can help this charity by donating money.

Trên đây là Giải sách bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 unit 6 lesson 3 community services chi tiết nhất. Ngoài ra, đã đăng tải nhiều tài liệu tiếng Anh unit 6 lớp 6 khác như:

Ngữ pháp Unit 6 lớp 6 Community services

Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 6 Community services

Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 6 lesson 3

1. a. Circle the correct definitions of the underlined words. listen and repeat. 

1. The WWF is Aacharity. It helps to look alter animals like tigers and elephants. 

a. group that helps people or animals

b. a zoo that buys animals 

2. People are cutting down the Amazon rainforest. It is getting smaller every year. This is terrible! We have to protect our rainforests.

a. keep safe                                b. make bigger

3. I pick up trash in the park on Saturdays. I don't get any money, I do it for free.

a. some money                            b. no money

4. Beth loves walking in the forest. She can see foxes, birds, flowers, and many other kinds of wildlife.

a. plants and people                    b. animals and plants

5. If you donate five dollars, you can help buy schoolbooks for poor children.

a. give money to help someone or something

b. get money for books 

b. Discuss and answer the questions.

1. Do you know any charities?

2. Who or what do they help? 

=> Answer:

a. 1. a                 2. a                  3. b                   4. b                5. a

b. Yes, I do. They help the poor children.

2. a. Listen to two people talking about a charity. Does the charity work in one country, or many countries? 

b. Now, listen and fill in the blanks.

1. Trash Free Seas started in ___________ in the USA. 

2. They wonted to protect ocean ___________

3. In 2018, they picked up more than ___________ million kilograms of trash 

4. People can visit the website if they want to ___________.

=> Answer:

a. Many countries

b. 1 1986                  2. wildlife                   3. ten                  4. donate

3. Listen then practice 

Giải sách bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 6 Community services

4. a. Read the article and circle the best headline. 

1. An Environmental Charity In Vietnam

2. The Story of the Think Green Program 

Mai Hoang, June 5

Act Green Vietnam is a charity in Vietnam. They help communities come together to clean parks, rivers, and beaches all around Vietnam. They started helping to clean the beaches on MO Quart Island in 2015. Now, every month, Act Green Vietnam plans to clean somewhere in Vietnam. They also plan cleanups in big cities all over Vietnam on Earth Day and on World Cleanup Day. In 2016, Act Green Vietnam created the Think Green Program. They aim to teach children how to protect wildlife in Vietnam. The program has stickers, crofts, handbooks, and a mobile game, all For free, to make it fun. To help Act Green Vietnam, you can join one of their cleanups, donate money, or offer to help at their office in Ho Chi Minh City. 

b. Read the article and fill in the blanks. 

1. Act Green Vietnam is a Vietnamese charity 

2. The first community they helped to clean was _____ in 2015.

3. They have cleanups in big cities every year on _____ and World Cleanup Day.

4. You can offer to help or _____ money. 

=> Answer:

a.  An Environmental Charity in Vietnam 

b. 1. chanty                     2. Phu Quoc Island

3. Earth Day                    4. donate 

5. a. You and your friend want to help a charity. Student B. Work in pairs. Student A, answer Student B's questions. Swap roles. Ask Student B about Earthwatch. Make notes. 

Giải sách bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 6 Community services

b. Decide which charity you want to help. 

=> Answer: 

I want to donate to charities supporting people living in poverty, advocating to protect the environment, helping animals in need.

6. Use the notes to write a paragraph about the World Write 50 to 60 words. 

What they do:

• protect wildlife and the environment

• make sure everyone has enough food

• reduce food waste

Where they work:

in more than 100 countries

When they started:

1961, in Switzerland

How to help:

• take part in events

• donate money 

=> Answer:

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is a very large charity. They work to protect wildlife and the environment. They also find ways to make sure everyone has enough food and reduce food waste. They started in 1961 in Switzerland and now they work in more than one hundred countries. To help VVWF, you can donate money. They are the largest wildlife charity in the world.

1. a. Listen and repeat.

a police station          library       hospital        train station          post office       bus station

Giải sách bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 6 Community services

b. Say what public services are near your house. 

=> Answer:

1. train station                  2. library                   3. hospital

4. police station                5. post office            6. bus station 

2. a. Listen to two people talking in a hotel. Are the speaker's friends? Yes/No 

Giải sách bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 6 Community services

b. Now, listen and fill in the blanks.

1. The _____ is on Market Street.

2. The _____ is opposite the mall.

3. There's a _____  near the hotel.

4. The bus station is next to the _____

=> Answer:

a. No 

b. 1. post office             2. train station             3. bus station            4. library 

3. a. Listen and repeat

Giải sách bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 6 Community services

b. Circle the correct words. 

1. Molly: Excuse me, is there a/ the post office near here? 

2. Chris: Yes, a/ the post office is on Garden Street.

3. Ws opposite/ between the movie theater.

4. Molly: Thanks. Oh, and is there a/the bus station near here?

5. Chris: Yes, a/ the bus station is on Market Street.

6. It's next to/ between the subway and the library.

c. Look at the map and complete the sentences.

Giải sách bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 6 Community services

Ben: Excuse me, is there o supermarket near here?

Mary: Yes, it's between (1) the library and (2) ______

Ben: Great! Is there a post office near here?

Mary: Yes (3) ______ is next to (4) ______ 

Ben: Is there a bus station, too?

Mary: Yes, there is. (5) ______ is opposite (6) ______

Ben: Thank you for your help. Goodbye!

Mary: You're welcome. 

d. Now, practice the conversation with your partner. 

=> Answer:

a. 1. a                  2. the                   3. opposite

4. a                      5. the                   6. between

b. 1. the library                   2. the movie theater                   3. the post office

4. the train station              5. the bus station                        6. the hospital 

4. a. Focus on the /st/ sound. 

b. Listen to the words and focus on the underlined letters. 

c. Listen and repeat. 

d. Read the words with the correct sound to a partner. 

5. a. Practice the conversation. Swap roles and repeat. 

Giải sách bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 6 Community services

b. Practice with your own ideas.

=> Answer:

Jenny: Excuse me, is there post office near here?

Me: Yes, the post office is on Nguyen Du Street. It's opposite the hospital.

Jenny: Thanks. Oh, and is there a library near here?

Me: Yes, the supermarket is on Queen's Street. It's next to the school.

Jenny: Great. Thank you. 

6. a. You're visiting a new town. Work in pairs. Student A, stay on this page and answer Student B's questions about Maple Fall.

Giải sách bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 6 Community services

b. Student A, look at the map of Fair View and ask about these places: post office, library, and train station. Add them to the map.