Which freeze panes option should you choose to freeze the first column and the first row

The Excel Freeze Panes option allows you to lock your columns and/or rows so that when you scroll down or over to view the rest of your sheet, the column and/or row will remain on the screen.

How to Freeze Top Row

To freeze only the top row, execute the steps mentioned below:

  1. In the windows group, go to the View tab, and click Freeze Panes.
  2. Click Freeze Top Row.
    Which freeze panes option should you choose to freeze the first column and the first row

    This Excel tutorial explains how to freeze panes to keep the first row and first column visible when scrolling in Excel 2013 (with screenshots and step-by-step instructions).

    Question: In Microsoft Excel 2013, I have a spreadsheet with column headings. I need to freeze the first row and also freeze the first column. That way, I can see the first row and first column at all times even when I scroll. How can I do this?

    Answer: If you need to see the first column (column A) and first row (row 1) even after scrolling, you could try freezing the pane in Excel.

    NOTE: Freezing panes only works when you are in Normal View.

    To freeze the first row and column, open your Excel spreadsheet.

    Select cell B2. Then select the VIEW tab from the toolbar at the top of the screen and click on the Freeze Panes button in the Window group. Then click on the Freeze Panes option in the popup menu.

    Which freeze panes option should you choose to freeze the first column and the first row

    Now when you scroll, you should still continue to see row 1 and column A.

    Which freeze panes option should you choose to freeze the first column and the first row

    Which freeze panes option should you choose to freeze the first column and the first row in Excel?

    Select the cell below the rows and to the right of the columns you want to keep visible when you scroll. Select View > Freeze Panes > Freeze Panes.

    Which freeze panes option should you choose to freeze the first column and the first row quizlet?

    Freeze First Column Keeps only the first column visible as you scroll through a worksheet. To freeze one or more rows and columns, use the Freeze Panes option. Before select- ing this option, make the active cell one row below and one column to the right of the rows and columns you want to freeze.

    How do I freeze first column and first row?

    To freeze the first row and column, open your Excel spreadsheet. Select cell B2. Then select the VIEW tab from the toolbar at the top of the screen and click on the Freeze Panes button in the Window group. Then click on the Freeze Panes option in the popup menu.

    How do I freeze both first row and first column in Excel?

    Click on the cell just to the right of the column, and just below the row you want to freeze, and then select View → Window → Freeze Panes → Freeze Panes . So, if you want to freeze row 1 and the column A , click on B2 and select View → Window → Freeze Panes → Freeze Panes .