Lỗi failed to retrieve data for this request năm 2024

The error message is not helpful at all. So, the first step to troubleshoot an issue is to look at the error logs.

The location by default is : C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Setup Bootstrap\Log There is a summary.txt file and many subfolders created every time the Installation wizard is started. In those subfolders, we can find a Detail.txt file.

The error looks like this:

Exception type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.EnumeratorException

    Failed to retrieve data for this request.
HResult : 0x80131500
  HelpLink.ProdName = Microsoft SQL Server
  HelpLink.BaseHelpUrl = http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink
  HelpLink.LinkId = 20476
  HelpLink.EvtType = 0xE8A0C283@0xAC7B1A58@1233@53
  DisableWatson = true
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Discovery.SqlDiscoveryDatastoreInterface.LoadData(IEnumerable`1 machineNames, String discoveryDocRootPath, String clusterDiscoveryDocRootPath)
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Discovery.SqlDiscoveryProvider.DiscoverMachines(ServiceContainer context, Boolean runRemoteDetection, String discoveryDocRootPath, String clusterDiscoveryDocRootPath)
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.SetupExtension.RunDiscoveryAction.ExecuteAction(String actionId)
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.Action.Execute(String actionId, TextWriter errorStream)
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Setup.Chainer.Workflow.ActionInvocation.<>c__DisplayClasse.b__b()
    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Setup.Chainer.Workflow.ActionInvocation.ExecuteActionHelper(ActionWorker workerDelegate)
Inner exception type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.Sco.SqlRegistryException
            The network path was not found.
    HResult : 0x84d10035
            FacilityCode : 1233 (4d1)
            ErrorCode : 53 (0035)
The useful information here is the message about network: The network path was not found. I try to install the instance on a server that is a member of a Failover Cluster. So this gives me a hint. I need to check any connectivity issue between the 2 nodes of my cluster.

The 2 nodes can ping each other. The DNS resolution is fine. Out of curiously, I tried the administrative shares and it was not working from my current server to the other node. The other way around is fine. This is surprising and I tried to fix this.

Lỗi failed to retrieve data for this request năm 2024

Without further ado, I will show you where the issue comes from.

Lỗi failed to retrieve data for this request năm 2024

Someone had disabled File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks on the Ethernet Adapter of the other cluster node.

Enabling it made both the administrative shares and the SQL Server Wizard behave as expected.

I hope this was helpful if you encountered the same error message when trying to install an SQL Server instance in a Failover Cluster context.

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Please check the logs located under C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\LOG folder for the possible reason for this error.


SSC Enthusiast

Points: 163

I am on Windows Server 2008 and using SQL Server 2008 R2.

when double click on sql server logs, error msg occurred on Microsoft sql server management studio.

"Failed to retrieve data for this request. ( Microsoft.sql server.management.sdk.sfc)

Additional information:

an exception occurred while executing a transact-sql statement or batch. (Microsoft.sqlserver.connectioninfo)

A severe error occurred on the current command. The result, if any, should be discarded. (Microsoft sql server)

server log msg created around 11:00 pm the night before on cluster-node server as following:

- The messenger service has not been started - netsend notifications will not be sent

- sqlserveragent starting under windows nt service control

- unable to start mail session

-the mail system filed to initialize: check configuration setting

-job scheduler engine started

-alert engine start

- request service engine started

- sql server mssqlserver is clustered - autorestart has been disabled...

So far, we are on schedule to reboot the cluster fail over and also stop/restart the sql agent server log.

What would be the next to fix this issue. Your suggestions will be very appreciated !


SSC Enthusiast

Points: 163

After rebooting the the active node server, sql server logs on management studio is working properly. Problem resolved.