Dell laptop automatically turns on when plugged

Hi @ping98 ,

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I cannot read the screenshot for the Event Viewer as it is too small for me and when I try to enlarge it it is too fuzzy.

Looking at the other images that you posted, you have the Lid Power option set to “sleep” if the lid is closed. This means that the laptop can be “woken up” by the press of the power button.

Just wondering if you change this option to “shutdown” and with the battery removed check what happens after you have closed the lid, waited for the laptop to shutdown, opened the lid and then connected the charger and see what happens. It should wait until you press the Power button to start I think.

Can perhaps understand why you don’t want a battery in as new batteries are not that cheap. Here’s the part number 0B110-00360100 (found from this link) if you change your mind.

Not having a battery in the laptop kind of defeats the purpose of having a laptop though i.e. it is no longer a portable PC as it is tied to a power source like a desktop PC.

It may be advisable to do a “clean” install of the OS to see if this resolves the problems. I suggest however, that you do this with the battery in, as I’m not so sure that the installation will be a complete installation with it missing.

You could also then try performing a battery health check as I suggested in a comment above, just to check if the battery is OK or not and that it was a software problem and not a problem with the battery. After all, unless the laptop has had a hard life the battery is not that old.

After all this if you still want the no battery option, remove the battery and check what happens

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I have had several broken laptops that had the following issue: as soon as the charger is plugged into the laptop, the laptop will automatically turn on (without pressing the power button). The laptop wouldn't fully boot. In one case the laptop would just keep restarting, on another laptop it would just turn the lights on without booting. A laptop should turn on only when the power button is pressed. What makes the power bypass the power button and turn on?

I am trying to understand why a laptop would automatically turn on when plugged with power supply without pressing the power button. Any thoughts about this issue?

I would think this is a BIOS or motherboard design fault. basically what happens, when you plug it in, there's some circuits that begin functioning like battery charger, some LEDs etc. it's similar like if you take a WD external HDD and just plug it in, it will power on for a few seconds then detect that there's no data connection and shut off. I don't know, maybe they've solved that issue by now, not that it's a big problem. So, in case with a laptop, I'd think it's a similar issue, it detects AC power, essentially the motherboard turns on at that point. So maybe in your case the motherboard is faulty or BIOS is not configured properly and it does a false start. here's a few options to check out: - update BIOS if possible - do the laptops have functioning battery? - how about CMOS/BIOS battery? basically, pull out the laptop battery let the laptop sit for a bit then plug in, do you get the same behavior? also, unplug the battery, unplug ac, hold the power on button for 10 seconds, then plug in DC and check what happens. Does the BIOS time reset? Does it reset when you just take out the laptop battery? Basically there's 3 power sources for the motherboard ac adapter, laptop battery and CMOS battery (I think newer laptops are beginning to omit this one). If either of them goes bad or is malfunctioning you might experience strange behavior. Also, if you have a possibility try a different charger and different battery (if you have same in household or borrow somewhere) So experiment a little bit, let us know what you find. In the end it might be just a motherboard hardware fault in relation to power adapter that there's nothing you can do about it.

AntiZig thanks for your suggestions, I will definitely try those out and I will let you know.

i have the same problem, but my problem started when i spoil alcohol on my laptop, it stopped working for 3 months then it start working but it turns on automaticlly when it connected to AC power and it also turn off automaticly sometimes and sometimes it work noramlly, have you fixed yours? if so how?

I would think this is a BIOS or motherboard design fault. basically what happens, when you plug it in, there's some circuits that begin functioning like battery charger, some LEDs etc. it's similar like if you take a WD external HDD and just plug it in, it will power on for a few seconds then detect that there's no data connection and shut off. I don't know, maybe they've solved that issue by now, not that it's a big problem. So, in case with a laptop, I'd think it's a similar issue, it detects AC power, essentially the motherboard turns on at that point. So maybe in your case the motherboard is faulty or BIOS is not configured properly and it does a false start. here's a few options to check out: - update BIOS if possible - do the laptops have functioning battery? - how about CMOS/BIOS battery? basically, pull out the laptop battery let the laptop sit for a bit then plug in, do you get the same behavior? also, unplug the battery, unplug ac, hold the power on button for 10 seconds, then plug in DC and check what happens. Does the BIOS time reset? Does it reset when you just take out the laptop battery? Basically there's 3 power sources for the motherboard ac adapter, laptop battery and CMOS battery (I think newer laptops are beginning to omit this one). If either of them goes bad or is malfunctioning you might experience strange behavior. Also, if you have a possibility try a different charger and different battery (if you have same in household or borrow somewhere) So experiment a little bit, let us know what you find. In the end it might be just a motherboard hardware fault in relation to power adapter that there's nothing you can do about it.

I have same problems , but one case addition that my laptop battery is very poor , so can i used SMPS insted of used laptop batter to sloved the issue.

I too have the similar problem on my HP Compaq 6710b.. The laptop powers on when i force plug in the charger and the laptop works fine after that.. But the laptop never turns on when i try to power on my pushing the power button!!

Very annoying.. Does anyone know the reason why?? Is the same BIOS the reason here too with me??

Guys, it is simple, go to BIOS and under power management you will see an option "Wake on AC" or "Power on AC," mentioned. Just disable or unclick this option and you are done. BIOS settings would be different in different brands, but the steps are same,. You just need to disable or unclick the box next to this, so that the laptop does not power on when a adapter/charger is plugged in. Thanks,

edited by ffg7

Guys, it is simple, go to BIOS and under power management you will see an option "Wake on AC" or "Power on AC," mentioned. Just disable or unclick this option and you are done. BIOS settings would be different in different brands, but the steps are same,. You just need to disable or unclick the box next to this, so that the laptop does not power on when a adapter/charger is plugged in. Thanks,

edited by ffg7

it happens even with "Power on AC" option unchecked on my DELL Latitude E6410 ; My guess is either Operating System is taking over BIOS (I'm using windows 10); {I don't bother to go find windows power on settings and then test this hypothesis} OR Otherwise it's some BIOS software/hardware fault

Plus my laptop battery condition is also poor AND based on other posts here I suspect it could be the battery issue; Might replacing battery with a new one help

Guys, it is simple, go to BIOS and under power management you will see an option "Wake on AC" or "Power on AC," mentioned. Just disable or unclick this option and you are done. BIOS settings would be different in different brands, but the steps are same,. You just need to disable or unclick the box next to this, so that the laptop does not power on when a adapter/charger is plugged in. Thanks,

edited by ffg7

it happens even with "Power on AC" option unchecked on my DELL Latitude E6410 ; My guess is either Operating System is taking over BIOS (I'm using windows 10); {I don't bother to go find windows power on settings and then test this hypothesis} OR Otherwise it's some BIOS software/hardware fault

Plus my laptop battery condition is also poor AND based on other posts here I suspect it could be the battery issue; Might replacing battery with a new one help

I have the same problem white my DELL Latitude E6410 Bios is put right but same problem.

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Dell laptop automatically turns on when plugged
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Dell laptop automatically turns on when plugged
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