woking là gì - Nghĩa của từ woking

woking có nghĩa là

Spiritual and intellectual enlightenment, like waking up from a deep sleep and seeing things clearly for the first time.


I never knew what really mattered in life. Now I'm woke.

woking có nghĩa là

Being "woke" means to "be paying the fuck attention to what's going on, because if you don't, you'll get fucked over and left behind". Also, "get your fucking head out of the fucking sand, you fucking lame idiot. Life isn't all about getting high and getting laid. WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!"


You better get woke, because before you know it, we'll all be speaking some bastardized form of Russian.

woking có nghĩa là

Today there is a new definition of "woke". You might have woke your dog up when you opened that bag of chips, but he is not "woke" as it applies today. To be "woke" means you're now informed of things you did not know. You are not "in the dark" about other societies and cultures whose past has been edited and censored to make you think it wasn't as bad as it actually was.


You might consider yourself to be woke, but you could probably still learn a thing or two.

woking có nghĩa là

Umbrella term for individuals who are engrossed by social justice and thinks of themselves as saviors with a moral high ground, but remain willfully ignorant to the irrationality of their claims and the problems they create. These individuals give special treatment to certain minorities in hopes of ending racism and perpetuate mental illnesses as the norm.


My son's woke kindergarten teacher taught him that he's actually a girl because he played with dolls.

woking có nghĩa là

Legal racism or bigotry against white people or anyone who follows a traditional path in life.


Allowing men in the woman's restroom with little girls is a example of being woke.

woking có nghĩa là

To be woke is to be a somnambulist under the control of blind, furious and demonic forces. One cannot be extreme or radical enough with one's views if one is woke. Every social justice issue needs to be promoted to the most extreme boundaries. If anyone disagrees or is not extreme enough, then they deserve to be cancelled. Wokeness or wokeism is a cult based on neo-marxisim and post modernism. Facts are unimportant and the truth is often sacrificed on the altar of Ideology. If you are woke, you are asleep and under the control of demonic forces.


Wisteria: Anyone who is woke needs to have at least 22 abortions and supports defunding the police! Dwenzil: You are not woke enough! Put conservatives in concentration camps and allow intersectional, cross-species marriage now!

woking có nghĩa là

Originally intended to mean "alert to civil rights issues" or "takes an enlightened approach to civil rights", its meaning has changed. It is now associated with adopting an obsessive, blinkered or deliberately obtuse approach to certain civil rights, particularly in relation to equality. It refers to an approach which is overall and on balance harmful to society, ignores context and counterpoints, and is ignorant of the wider ramifications of the position taken. Under the pretense of being politically correct, the "woke" person is, ironically, asleep, in that they are ignorant of or unconcerned by the harms caused by their actions. Such harms may include:
• damage to freedom of expression and freedom of association
• the diminution of comedy, and artistic license in music, to the point that it becomes dull
• stifling of conversation
• fear of expressing an alternative opinion or calling out that which is evidently nonsense
• feelings of being browbeaten, helpless and living in a dystopian society
• diversion of societal focus away from more pressing issues affecting society
• the breakdown of language and societal structures
• discrimination and prejudice against others with particular characteristics - typically those who, in a particular location or organisation, are in a majority - under the guise of improving equality and acting on behalf of the minority. The "woke" person may be acting in their own self-interests to achieve their own ends.


They is only one person, but they has a big effect on everyone around them. They's so woke that they can't function properly in life, it's hard to understand them, and even their friends can't keep track of their pronouns. He's so woke that he's asleep. Wokey dokey.

woking có nghĩa là

Woke Far Leftist PC dupes that have been sucked in by the nwo communist agenda , but have zero clue what the agenda is .


Those Virtue signaling green haired retards are sooo woke and have no genitalia .

woking có nghĩa là

a small southern town, with about 62,000 inhabitants, is actually not as shit as the 2nd description.
cinema, pool in the park, 25 min train journey to LDN, supermarkets, shopping centre, theatre, colleges and schools are some of the greaaaat attractions.
yess, populated by a lot of chavs, but there are other subcultures within this town.


1: "where do you live?"
2: "wokinggg"
1: "ohh sick, its pretty cool there"

woking có nghĩa là

A view of the world not based on one’s own truth (i.e. standpoint epistemology), but grounded in data, reason, and universal principles.


I’m Not Woke. I agree racism exists and has caused disparities, but evidence doesn’t support it as the source for all inequality of outcome.