Lỗi cdpusersvc 4ab9b has stopped working trên win 10 năm 2024

The service CDPUserSvc belongs to "Connected Devices Platform Service" (CDPSvc) and there are task with changing appendixes in the name (CDPUserSvc_701f6cb). The service has been introduced in Windows 10.

Lỗi cdpusersvc 4ab9b has stopped working trên win 10 năm 2024

This article contains some details about the start modes of this service within distinct Windows 10 builds. Within this German forum post AReilland gives a few details about the tasks of this service – syncing (mails, live tiles, OneDrive etc.). At TechNet forum there is this thread with a few additional details. There I found the explanation, that CDPUserSvc is the abbreviation of "Microsoft (R) CDP User Components", probably the UWP part of "Connected Devices Platform Service" (CDPSvc ).

CDPUserSvc doesn't work

Searching the Internet for CDPUserSvc, brings a lot of hits, where users are facing serious issues with this service. Many users are facing an error message during login, that CDPUserSvc_xxx has stopped working.

Lỗi cdpusersvc 4ab9b has stopped working trên win 10 năm 2024

Within the German , Markus Damerau wrote, that the error CDPUserSvc has stopped working occurs after each restart of Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB. Peter H. told me within a mail:

Our experience with the current cumulative update (KB4048953) on Windows Server 2016 Datacenter v1607 – English

After installing KB4048953 – Cumulative update for Windows 10 Version 1607 and Windows Server 2016: November 14, 2017 (OS Build 14393.1884) the following messages appear on the servers:

CDPUserSvc has stopped working

Within the event log in event manager we found the following entries:

Lỗi cdpusersvc 4ab9b has stopped working trên win 10 năm 2024

In event manager we see that that cpd.dll is causing an error 0xC0000005 (STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION). Peter wrote:

We have already noticed this behavior with the cumulative update KB4041688 (OS Build 14393.1794) and went therefore back to OS Build 14393.1770 (KB4041691). On the Internet, initial information from users with the same problem is now circulating. Current workaround: Uninstall KB4048953 – that helps. We'll open a call to Microsoft in the morning. Let's see what happens.

I fear the call won't bring too much more details – but let's not give up some hope. Searching the internet for CDPUserSvc and 'stopped working' reveals many hits, some from 2016 (see here and here). It seems, that the service is a trouble maker since months in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016.

Deactivate the service?

In addition to the above advice to uninstall the November update KB4041688, some forums offer advice to deactivate the service via Registry hack (it is not possible to deactivate the service, see). To do this, select the following registry branch in a registry editor that runs with administrative privileges:


The value Start defines the start value of the service. The values are defined as:

2 Automatic 3 Manual 4 Deactivated

If you set the value to 4, the service is disabled. However, Windows 10 seems to reset this value from time to time. In addition, a deactivated service causes certain functions to be missing in Windows 10. At German forum administrator.de, someone has even written a batch program in this forum post to deactivate the relevant services. Also Woody Leonhard mentioned at ComputerWorld a script that Glenn Turner has put together to disables the CDPSvc and CDPUserSvc services. It's quite adventurous what you have to do as an administrator to keep your systems up and running.

A better approach: Isolate the process

Blog reader Markus Damerau mentioned within one of his comments posted in my German blog a workaround (I forgot this possibility). Just invoke an administrative command prompt window and enter the following command:

sc config cdpusersvc type=own

This command forces Windows to isolate the service in an own process (see). Process isolation is the default for services, but it seems that Microsoft decided, to run CDPuserSvc in another mode by default. Maybe process isolation solves the issue with the stopped service.

Windows 10 Thread, CDPUserSvc_ has stopped working in Technical; 2017-11 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based Systems (KB4048953) Has become installed across the network with a ...

  • 16th November 2017, 09:25 AM
    2017-11 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based Systems (KB4048953)

Has become installed across the network with a lovely error message everytime you logon:


It appears to be a service but fairly unknown as to what it links to apart from mail services, which we don't require as we use 365 either on the internet or use the full version of outlook 2016:

CDPUserSvc 1.JPG

Does anyone know if there is a patch or how to resolve this. We can only think of disabling/deleting it, what are your thoughts?

  • 16th November 2017, 03:50 PM

    Lỗi cdpusersvc 4ab9b has stopped working trên win 10 năm 2024
    Lỗi cdpusersvc 4ab9b has stopped working trên win 10 năm 2024

    - Rep Power 0 I can confirm the same: I'm currently testing the November Windows 10 patches (1511, 1607 and 1703) and am seeing the same errors only on the 1607 machines. Removing KB4048953 corrected the issue, no more crashing on startup.

I'm investigating this further and will update once I have something appreciable to report. Last edited 16th November 2017 at 04:49 PM.

  • 17th November 2017, 04:41 PM

    Lỗi cdpusersvc 4ab9b has stopped working trên win 10 năm 2024
    Lỗi cdpusersvc 4ab9b has stopped working trên win 10 năm 2024


    Rep Power 0 Microsoft confirmed the CDPUserSVC error is a bug we’re seeing after install of the November 2017 Windows 10 version 1607 Cumulative update. A private hotfix is available, which we will be testing internally to confirm teh issue is addressed, but I don’t want to deploy a private hotfix in the organization to only have to turn around and remove it and install the public hotfix. The only other workaround is to disable the firewall policies and the corresponding service which isn't an option. I have asked Microsoft for an ETA on the release of the public hotfix - will update once I hear more.

  • 17th November 2017, 07:11 PM

    It's like they want to kill 1607. I've had the C:\windows\ccm\temp filling up on 1607.

    - 20th November 2017, 11:03 AM Personal theory. It only errors on our 1607 PCs that have certain messaging apps permanently removed, our test machines with no apps permanently removed do not error. We don't use messaging apps or Skype etc. We disabled the service with GPO reg key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\CDPUserSvc value Start as 4

This cured it for us, nothing appears to have stopped working for us (email works, no other apps appear to stop working). simply reversing the Start to 1 gets the service running again.

20th November 2017, 12:01 PM

The error seems to have mysteriously dissappeared as quick as it arrived! It maybe a coincidence but Smoothwall have been helping us to get Skype working?

  • 20th November 2017, 03:59 PM

    Lỗi cdpusersvc 4ab9b has stopped working trên win 10 năm 2024
    Lỗi cdpusersvc 4ab9b has stopped working trên win 10 năm 2024


    Rep Power 0 That's an interesting idea: During OSD we remove plenty of unnecessary UWP apps so potentially every 1607 would have this problem. I don't have a stock machine or a standard build without the UWP apps removed to kick the tires on but that's something to consider. Before I go down that route, I'm going to wait until I hear back from MS since they did confirm it was an issue. Good theory though!

  • 21st November 2017, 03:56 PM

    Lỗi cdpusersvc 4ab9b has stopped working trên win 10 năm 2024
    Lỗi cdpusersvc 4ab9b has stopped working trên win 10 năm 2024


    Rep Power 0 Microsoft provided a link to the private hotfix, Windows10.0-KB991116--InstallForTestingPurposesOnly.exe, but I can't share it since it requires logging on.If you're in a corporate environment, I would open a case.For non corporate users (home users, small office/home office) check here for support options or simply chat with the Virtual Agent and type something like: "Windows 10 Update broke my computer - can I open a support ticket?"The Virtual Agent will probably try to offer the Windows Update Troubleshooter so click 'no' when asked if it resolved the issue then click the link to speak with a person and choose your preferred option.Microsoft does offer free support for situations like this, but I'm 99.999...% certain they will ask you to upgrade to 1703 or 1709 & see if it persists.

  • 4th December 2017, 02:53 PM

    Lỗi cdpusersvc 4ab9b has stopped working trên win 10 năm 2024
    Lỗi cdpusersvc 4ab9b has stopped working trên win 10 năm 2024


    Rep Power 0 No movement yet from MS on this but since it is a real issue, it'll be resolved soon enough.

  • 4th December 2017, 02:56 PM All of our 1609 machines seem to be affected randomly by this.

Looks like I'll need to push updating them to 1709 forward a bit.


4th December 2017, 03:08 PM

Microsoft have stated -

After installing KB4041688, KB4052231, or KB4048953, the error "CDPUserSvc_XXXX has stopped working" appears. Additionally, Event ID 1000 is logged in the Application event log. It notes that svchost.exe_CDPUserSvc_XXXX has stopped working and the faulting module name is "cdp.dll".

KB4041688 = October Windows Update (2nd version) KB4052231 = November Windows Update (1st version) KB4048953 = November Windows Update (2nd version)

There is a 3rd version of the November update available KB4051033, but this also is affected, so you'll have to wait until the December fix. Interestingly I'm running KB4048953 and not seeing this error!?