Triumph street twin 2023 đánh giá năm 2024

It has been a year since my friend and I embarked on an unforgettable all-night ride, a journey that significantly shaped my life. The evening started like any other, meeting up at our usual mechanic garage. I owned a Himalayan, while my friend possessed a Honda CB350. Our routine consisted of water-washing our bikes, engaging in passionate bike talks, sipping tea, and heading for a short highway ride before calling it a day. However, this particular night held something different in store.

After dropping off my bike for a thorough wash, we set out on our usual highway ride, discussing and planning our future biking adventures for the next few months. The prospect of exploring new routes and pushing the boundaries of our riding experiences fueled our excitement. As the hours passed, we decided to grab dinner and continue our journey within the city, confident that the late hour would spare us from traffic woes.

As the wheels turned and the night grew deeper, we found ourselves immersed in discussions about our dream bikes and what made each model stand out. Around 2 AM, we stumbled upon the Triumph showroom, where we gazed at the awe-inspiring motorcycles through the elegant glass panes. Little did we imagine that these bikes would eventually find a place in our collection. The night continued to unfold, and our aspirations for upgrading our bikes and riding more fiercely took centre stage in our minds.

As the clock struck 7 AM, our ride continued and we acknowledged the depth of our immersion in the world of motorcycling. Thirteen hours on the road, indulging in endless bike discussions, had awakened a profound realization within us. We were consumed by our love for motorcycles, and a sense of responsibility dawned upon us to consider not just if, but when we would make our next bike purchases.

A few months after that unforgettable all-night ride, my friend and I decided to turn our biking dreams into reality. We visited showrooms, carefully considering our options. While I was fixed on the Speed Twin, my friend's mind kept wavering between the CB650R, Ninja 1000 SX, and even the Bonnie T100 or T120.

After much contemplation, we finally made up our minds to book the bikes in a few months' time. However, a significant twist occurred during one of the most important weeks of our motorcycling journey. I had a family vacation planned that week, and before I left, my friend was inquiring about the T100. Assuming it was another of his fluctuating decisions, I didn't take it seriously.

Upon my return, my friend couldn't contain his excitement and proposed buying the bikes immediately. Confused by his sudden enthusiasm, I asked what was going on. That's when he revealed that he had secretly bought a Triumph Bonneville T100 during my absence. Overwhelmed with joy, we couldn't stop smiling as he shared the thrilling events of that week.

His decision to upgrade to the T100 left the ball in my court. Two days later, I found myself at the Triumph showroom ready to book the Matt Baja Orange Speed Twin 1200, a color I personally found drop-dead gorgeous. To our disappointment, the dealers informed us that the orange color had been discontinued, and two new options were available: grey+black and grey+red.

After thoughtful consideration, we opted for the grey and red combination, a unique choice since we couldn't find any photos of this color scheme on Google. Satisfied with our decision, I booked the red+grey Triumph Speed Twin, marking the completion of what we fondly called "Phase 2" in our biking journey.

The waiting game began, with the dealer estimating a 45-day delivery time. However, the unexpected happened as the dealer contacted us just two weeks later, indicating that the bike had arrived, and paperwork should begin. Coincidentally, my friend had planned a trip in 10 days, and we were determined to receive the bike before his departure.

Juggling the financial work and dealing with public holidays, we had a tight window of about 5 days for the bike delivery. My friend, understandably, didn't want me to take delivery without him, so we urged the dealer to speed up the process. The dealer assured a maximum of 7 working days for delivery, but we were hopeful it would happen earlier, considering I was obtaining a temporary registration.

Just when everything seemed to align for a Friday delivery, a disappointing setback occurred. The dealer communicated that the bike's new color had to be registered in Vaahan, causing an unexpected delay. Despite the setback, I decided to wait for my friend.

After a 1 week delay, the long-awaited day had finally arrived, and both my friend and I were brimming with excitement as we reached the showroom. The bike, shrouded in a black cloth, awaited its grand unveiling. As I removed the cover, we were astonished by the sight of our bikes in the new colour. It felt like fate had intertwined our journeys, and the red hue perfectly complemented our shared passion.

The delivery experience was meticulously planned by the showroom, complete with a bouquet of flowers and a cake-cutting celebration. Overwhelmed with joy, I rolled the bike out of the showroom, ready to embark on countless adventures.

The break-in period saw the bike navigating through traffic, the engine's heat making it a slightly uncomfortable experience. Eager to unleash the bike's potential, I decided to take it on a 120km highway stretch. The smoothness and agility of the bike at high speeds were simply incredible, almost gliding over the road effortlessly.

250 kms done:

As the kilometers increased, the bike only got smoother, and its performance in various modes left a lasting impression. The front brakes instilled confidence, especially during fast rides, while the Sport mode unleashed the bike's true power and responsiveness. Rain mode proved ideal for city riding, delivering smooth and gentle power delivery.

500kms done:

A rainy ride provided a different perspective, as the bike got quite messy with mud splatters, but it still performed admirably. Surprisingly, the stock headlights held up well during night-time highway runs with no street lights, providing a decent throw.

The bike's deceptive weight distribution made it feel much lighter than its actual weight of 216kg when cornering, enhancing its maneuverability. However, the horn sounded quite feeble and was promptly replaced.

Approaching the 1000km mark, it was time for the first service, and the bike's transition to fully synthetic oil made it even smoother, an astonishing feat. With the bike now running like a dream, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment and exhilaration.

One memorable night, just after the first service, my friend and I took our gorgeous machines on a highway ride, a tradition we cherished. As we sipped tea and discussed our bikes, the joy of the ride was evident, and I couldn't stop smiling throughout the journey.

Now, we are planning an exciting trip to a hill station, eager to test our bikes on challenging terrain. This past month has been an incredible ride, filled with unmatched happiness and a thrilling dopamine rush. I am immensely grateful for choosing this stunning machine, and it has been a true pleasure sharing this unforgettable experience with you all. The journey ahead holds boundless promise, and I am certain it will only get better from here.

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