Studying nghĩa là gì

Bản dịch

I would like to study at your university for ___________.

expand_more Tôi muốn được học tại trường đại học của bạn trong_________.

Is there a cost to study as an exchange student at your university?

Tôi có phải trả học phí khi là sinh viên trao đổi ở trường này hay không?

We feel that our study enhances academic understanding of the factors…

Chúng tôi nhận thấy bài nghiên cứu này đã đóng góp thêm các kiến thức học thuật về các vấn đề...

Our study serves as a window to an understanding of the process…

expand_more Nghiên cứu này được thực hiện để giúp người đọc tìm hiểu thêm về...

The results of the present study demonstrate that…

Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy...

We feel that our study enhances academic understanding of the factors…

Chúng tôi nhận thấy bài nghiên cứu này đã đóng góp thêm các kiến thức học thuật về các vấn đề...

Ví dụ về cách dùng

Is there a cost to study as an exchange student at your university?

Tôi có phải trả học phí khi là sinh viên trao đổi ở trường này hay không?

We feel that our study enhances academic understanding of the factors…

Chúng tôi nhận thấy bài nghiên cứu này đã đóng góp thêm các kiến thức học thuật về các vấn đề...

Our study serves as a window to an understanding of the process…

Nghiên cứu này được thực hiện để giúp người đọc tìm hiểu thêm về...

I would like to study at your university for ___________.

Tôi muốn được học tại trường đại học của bạn trong_________.

A number of restrictions of our study and areas for future research should be mentioned…

Chúng ta cần nhìn nhận một số hạn chế của bài nghiên cứu cũng như các lĩnh vực có thể được nghiên cứu thêm trong tương lai, cụ thể là...

The results of the present study demonstrate that…

Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy...

What languages can I study at your school?

Ngôn ngữ nào tôi có thể học ở trường?

The current study has practical implications as well. First, intuitively appealing and is easily understood by strategists.

Nghiên cứu này còn mang lại nhiều ứng dụng thực tiễn. Trước hết,... rất dễ hiểu và có ý nghĩa đối với các nhà chiến lược học.

Ví dụ về đơn ngữ

A related but distinct subject, cosmology, is concerned with studying the universe as a whole.

In fact, the rhythm bandeiriano deserves in-depth studies of essayists.

This study found that the supraesophageal ganglion, or brain, controls songtype, and the sequence and coordination of courtship subunits.

The primary aim of the study was to deepen the understanding of fishwhale interactions.

During her visits she studies their decorative traditions and the cultural significance of ornament.

The case study companies draw on a range of sources of funding for their nanotechnology-related activities and no particular source appears to dominate.

An intriguing case study on the heritability of political cunning wasted.

Gallows humour carried the group through the darkest moments; it's a case study for how footballers react to stress and adversity.

Ultimately, we want to have an impact on tech and have these incidents be a case study moving forward.

The company faced many ups and downs that might be a good case study for medium scale industries doing business in this segment.

A feasibility study has been undertaken and is scheduled to be completed during 2014.

The project is about a quarter of the way through a feasibility study.

He said to go ahead with the proposals would be unwise, since the feasibility study is being undertaken on the dam.

The city has reserved about $60,000 to pay for its share of the feasibility study.

The port should have been built after the industries were set up, as had been recommended in the 2003 feasibility study.

The flow of students is not one-way but two-way -- domestic students are encouraged and helped to study abroad.

People complained that important positions and scholarship awards sending people to study abroad were distributed based on ethnic favoritism, nepotism, and cronyism.

Those who study abroad during undergraduate may find it difficult to earn enough credits to fulfill degree requirements in four years.

Laureate supports a number of exchange and study abroad programmes and encourages international students to join their community.

This education fair today is one way on how to find out the opportunity for my daughter to study abroad.



  • analyse
  • analyze
  • bailiwick
  • canvass
  • cogitation
  • consider
  • contemplate
  • discipline
  • examine
  • field
  • field of study
  • hit the books
  • learn
  • meditate
  • read


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