Splashtop Wired XDisplay lag

  • I love this idea and I’m very appreciative of the fact that this software is free, but it’s kind of a pain to set up and doesn’t seem to be working anyways. Every time I open the XDisplay app on my computer, it immediately shuts down [even when iTunes is also running!]. I have no idea why it does this. Also, I was hoping to use the iPad as a third monitor [already have a second and feeling greedy] and, although my computer seems to know that there are three displays, the iPad only mirrors the second display! Rather irritating. And now I can’t even get it working at all anyways -_-

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  • [UPDATE 2018] have to drop to 1 star due to lack of updates and compatibility with MacOS High Sierra. Such a shame, used to be quite a good app! Previous Review from 2016: I tried out a couple similar apps and found this one to do what I needed. It is quite responsive and simple to work with. One thing to note [applied to other apps as well]: if you password protect your computer screensaver, the screensaver shows on device running app, but the device is not locked. Tapping the button on your iOS device still allows access so remember to lock your device, don't rely on a locked screensaver from the attached computer.

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  • What is this? Either I’m doing something wrong which I’ll gladly change my review if so or this app is garbage. Works amazingly until you load up on application on windows [like studio one or any daw for example] and now all of the sudden the touch screen on the app stops working until you click on windows and out of the application once you click back into the application, no touch on iPad doesn’t even respond. So either this doesn’t work at all or I’m doing something run. Seems like this would be a pretty basic feature. Every other screen app has this.

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  • Started the app and worked fine for about 30 seconds, then crashed and caused my computer to run so slow I could barely shut it down without doing a hard shutdown, it took my 20 minutes. Do not recommend.

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  • I love this idea and I’m very appreciative of the fact that this software is free, but it’s kind of a pain to set up and doesn’t seem to be working anyways. Every time I open the XDisplay app on my computer, it immediately shuts down [even when iTunes is also running!]. I have no idea why it does this. Also, I was hoping to use the iPad as a third monitor [already have a second and feeling greedy] and, although my computer seems to know that there are three displays, the iPad only mirrors the second display! Rather irritating. And now I can’t even get it working at all anyways -_-

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  • It is just mirroring my pc and does not want to extend no matter what I do.

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  • I have iTunes on my computer, the app on my computer, and the app on my iPad. I’ve followed all troubleshooting directions and nothing works. I have my iPad plugged in and it just says ‘connect to your computer’ over and over again. Don’t waste your time with this app, it’s just frustrating and doesn’t work in the end.

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  • Misleading, the first thing it wants you to do when opening this app on the iPad is to download the pro version on your Mac. No thanks.

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  • I love this idea and I’m very appreciative of the fact that this software is free, but it’s kind of a pain to set up and doesn’t seem to be working anyways. Every time I open the XDisplay app on my computer, it immediately shuts down [even when iTunes is also running!]. I have no idea why it does this. Also, I was hoping to use the iPad as a third monitor [already have a second and feeling greedy] and, although my computer seems to know that there are three displays, the iPad only mirrors the second display! Rather irritating. And now I can’t even get it working at all anyways -_-

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  • [UPDATE 2018] have to drop to 1 star due to lack of updates and compatibility with MacOS High Sierra. Such a shame, used to be quite a good app! Previous Review from 2016: I tried out a couple similar apps and found this one to do what I needed. It is quite responsive and simple to work with. One thing to note [applied to other apps as well]: if you password protect your computer screensaver, the screensaver shows on device running app, but the device is not locked. Tapping the button on your iOS device still allows access so remember to lock your device, don't rely on a locked screensaver from the attached computer.

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  • What is this? Either I’m doing something wrong which I’ll gladly change my review if so or this app is garbage. Works amazingly until you load up on application on windows [like studio one or any daw for example] and now all of the sudden the touch screen on the app stops working until you click on windows and out of the application once you click back into the application, no touch on iPad doesn’t even respond. So either this doesn’t work at all or I’m doing something run. Seems like this would be a pretty basic feature. Every other screen app has this.

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