sabbat là gì - Nghĩa của từ sabbat

sabbat có nghĩa là

Leave time with pay granted to a teacher or professor after serving for six or seven years on the same faculty. Its purpose is to give an extended period of time for concentrated study.

A sabbatical year is a prolonged hiatus, typically one year, in the career of an otherwise successful individual taken in order to fulfill some dream, e.g. writing a book or travelling extensively. Some universities and other institutional employers of scientists, physicians, and/or academics offer a paid sabbatical as an employee benefit


I need a sabbatical to think over some things and get away from the daily routine.

sabbat có nghĩa là

The time a businessman spends passed out on the hotel lobby floor after consuming too much alcohol at a business event. A sabbatical is often the result of someone that has Winterized or been sork'd


Joe attended the awards dinner last night and then went on sabbatical.

sabbat có nghĩa là

what students who go military schools call it when they are academically suspended


so how long was you sabbatical?
o, you know the usual one semester
realy i know a guy who took a four year sabbatical and became a marine while he was gone

sabbat có nghĩa là

All Sabbat adhere to a code of conduct called "The Code of Milan", which preaches loyalty to sect and packmates, and to one's own freedom within the sect, as long as one's own good is never placed above the good of the Sabbat itself.

In addition to a very firm "if you're not with us, you're against us"-mentality, the sect considers vampires to be a higher form of life than humanity, and is based upon the principles of Loyalty and Freedom. Loyalty to the sect and to one's comrades is one of the important aspects of the sect, and the Sabbat vampires maintain this loyalty through a ritual called Vaulderie, where strong emotional bonds are created between members of the Sabbat. Freedom is preached in accordance to the Sabbat belief that every vampire is free to create their own destiny without being hindered by the reputations of their elders, and that no Sabbat has to lay down their life for cowards who cannot take care of their own matters. Of course, it does not always work like this in practice.

The Sabbat as a whole is not a very structured sect. Though they lack this structure that can be found in the Camarilla, the Sabbat does not regard generation [potency of vampire blood] as a guideline for promotion. Instead, simply the most capable of vampires fill the positions they are most suitable for.

Perhaps the most unique part of the Sabbat structure is the formation of so-called Packs of vampires. Sometimes the formation of these Packs happens on a voluntary basis, while at other times, Pack members are simply appointed. Loyalty to the Pack is ensured by the Vaulderie ritual. Packs usually stick to one place and do not move around much, instead making one location their base of operations. Every Pack has a Ductus - a vampire of higher status and experience who functions as leader - and most Packs have a Priest. Priests lead or oversee the rituals of a Pack. There are some universal rituals within the Sabbat, but Packs usually develop their own, with a wide variety of uses.

Despite its open structure at the bottom, the Sabbat maintains several Ranks, listed from "high" to "low" in the sect organisation.


The Black Hand
A secret organisation within the sect, the Black Hand remains a mystery even for most members of the Sabbat itself. Assamites make up the majority of this group, that is rumoured to form Packs of its own. Only the most powerful, cunning, loyal and intelligent of vampires may be able to join. Its true purpose remains unknown, but it is believed by most of those who have heard of it that it serves as the sect's assassin squad.



You are part of a Sabbat Pack, not the Cam loyal puppets.

sabbat có nghĩa là

When a person temporarily deactivates their Facebook account because they feel as though it's taken over their life. Deactivation can also be brought on by no longer wanting to be constantly connected to newsfeeds and constant status updates because of lack of interest or little time to check site. Facebook Sabbaticals are typically for an undetermined length of time and not always announced to friends.


Hey, I tried to post something on your wall but I couldn't find you..." "Yeah, my bad, I'm taking a Facebook Sabbatical.

sabbat có nghĩa là

A sexual sabbatical is when you take a break from intimate relations with someone else, to empower yourself and learn the power of no. It differs from abstinence in that you are not denying yourself, you’re just denying others access to you!


I have been on a sexual sabbatical for over a year now.

sabbat có nghĩa là

A period of rest taken by the principle of life, feeling, thought, and action in humans.


Guy #1: "Man, have you seen bill in a while?" Guy #2: "Yeah, I went to his house and he was in the middle of a soul sabbatical."

sabbat có nghĩa là

When a person must take a break from eating a meal because they feel a bit sick or full, but still want to finish their food.


Jason: This chicken is so good, but I can't finish cause I feel like shit. Jon: Go on meal sabbatical, bro.

sabbat có nghĩa là

Taking a time out, a breather from long periods of masterbating.


My friends boyfriend is on a spank sabbatical, because he was waxing his own carrot too much, and became desinsitized , no longer able to perform intercourse with his girlfriend.

sabbat có nghĩa là

a- the condition of having a herpes cold sore, so large, on your lip that it keeps you from kissing anyone. b- having a herpes cold sore large enough to render one a hideous creature- hence wanting to stay out of the public eye until it clears up.


a- Valentine's Day came and went, I was on a herpes sabbatical. But I did give out a few rain checks;] b- There is no way I'm going to that party tonight. I'm going on a herpes sabbatical until this damn cold sore clears up.

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