Python list comprehension reduce

Top 12 Python Packages for Machine Learning

By Dr. Deepali Vora

Lovers of vintage movies would have definitely heard of the Monty Python series. The programming language that it inspired continues to remain among the most popular languages. Guess why Python has consistently topped the charts of the most popular programming languages? Because of its rich environment of libraries and tools, its easy code readability and the fact that it is so easy to pick up. You name the domain, and you will get Python libraries available, to help you out in solving problems. Right from Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Machine Learning, Image Processing, Speech Recognition, Computer Vision and more, Python has numerous uses. These libraries and frameworks are open source and can be easily integrated with the development environment that one has.These software frameworks, the platforms which provides necessary libraries and code components, are backbones for devloping applications. Read on to see which are the top ML frameworks and libraries in Python.1. NumpyAs the name implies,this is the library which supports numerical calculations and tasks.Itsupports array operations and basic mathematical functions on the array and other data types ofPython. The basic data type of this library isndArrayobject. Numpyhas many advantagesThe base data structure is N Dimensional array.Rich functions to handle the N-dimensionalarray effectively.Supports integration of C, C++ and other language code fragments.Supports many functions related to linear algebra, random numbers, transforms, statistics etc.DisadvantagesNo GPUand TPUsupport.Cannotautomatically calculatethe derivatives which is required in all MLalgorithms.Numpyperformancegoesdown when high complex calculations are required.2. PandasThis is the most useful library for data preprocessing and preparing the data for the Machine Learning algorithms. The data from various files like CSV, Excel, Data etc. can be easily read usingPandas.The data is available in a spreadsheet likearea,which makes processing easy. There are three basic data structuresat the core of Pandas library:Series - One-dimensional array like object containing data and label (or index).Dataframe- Spreadsheet-like data structure containing an order collection of columns. It has both a row and column index.Panel Collection ofdataframesbut rarely used data structure.AdvantagesStructured data can be read easily.Great tool for handling of data.Strong functions for manipulationand preprocessing ofdata.Data Exploration functions help in better understandingdata.Datapreprocessingcapabilities help in making data ready fortheapplication of ML algorithms.Basic Plotting functions are provided for visualization of data.Datasets can be easily joined or merged.The functions of Pandas are optimized for large datasets.DisadvantagesGetting to know the Pandas functionalities is time consuming.The syntax is complex when multiple operations are required.Support for 3D metrics is poor.Proper documentation is not available for study.3. MatplotlibMatplotlibis an importantPythonlibrary which helpsin datavisualization. Understanding the data is very important for a data scientist before devising any machine learning based model. This library helps in understanding the data in a visual way. Data can be visualized using various graphical methods like line graph, bar graph, pie chart etc.This is a 2D visualization library with numerous ways of visualizing data.Image SourceAdvantagesSimple and easy to learn forbeginners.Integrated with Pandas for visualization of data in effective way.Various plots are provided for better understanding of data like Bar Chart, Stacked Barchart, Pie chart, Scatter Plot etc.Forms a base for many advanced plotting libraries.Supports storing of the various graphs as images so that they can be integrated with other applications.Can plot timeseries data (with date) very easily.DisadvantagesComplex Syntax for plotting simple graphs.The code becomes lengthy and complex for visualizations.Support for plotting of categorial data is not provided.It is a 2D visualization library.When multiple fields are required to be plotted and visualized effectively, matplotlib codecanbecome lengthy.Managing multiplefiguresisdifficult.4. SeabornVisualizationsaremadesimpler and more advancedwith the help ofSeabornlibrary. The base forSeabornisMatplotlib. It is a boon for programmers as statistical visualizations aresimplified.Image sourceAdvantagesBest high-level interface for drawing statistical graphics.Provides support for plotting of categorial data effectively.The library provides default themes and many visualization patterns.Multiple figures are automatically created.The syntax is very simple and compact.There are many methods to integrate with Pandasdataframe,makingthis library most useful for visualization.DisadvantagesMemory issues due to creation of multiple figures.Less customizable and flexible as compared to Matplotlib.Scalability issues.5. ScipyScipyis a Scientific Python library based onNumpy. It has functions which are best suitable for Mathematics, Science and Engineering.Many libraries are provided for Image and Signal Processing, Fourier Transform, Linear Algebra, Integration and Optimization. The functions are useful for ML algorithms and programs.AdvantagesThe base library isNumpy.ManyML relatedfunctions are providedlike Linear Algebra, Optimization, Compressed Sparce Data Structureetc.Useful Linear Algebra functions are available which are required for implementation of ML related algorithms.The functions can be applied with PandasDataframedirectly.DisadvantagesComplex functions are available anddomainknowledgeis neededto understand and implement these functions.There are performance issues when data size increases.Many other effective alternative libraries are available with the needed functionality.6.Scikit-LearnScikit-Learnis auseful open access library for use toPython developers. It is an extensive and popular library with manyMachineLearningSupervised and Unsupervised algorithms implemented. These algorithms can befine-tunedwith the help of hyperparameters.This library contains many useful functions for preprocessing of data, useful metrics to measure performance of algorithms and optimization techniques.AdvantagesIt is a general Machine Learning library built on top ofNumpy, Pandas and Matplotlib.Simple to understand and use even for novice programmers.Useful Machine Learning Algorithms, bothSupervised and Unsupervised, are implemented.Popular library for doing Machine Learning related tasks.Rich in Data Preprocessing and Data Sampling functions and techniques.Plethora of evaluation measures implemented to track the performance of algorithms.Veryeffectivefor quick coding and building Machine Learning Models.DisadvantagesScikit learn, as is based onNumpy, requires additional support to run on GTP andTPUPerformance is an issue with size of data.Best suitable for basic Machine Learning applications.This librarymay beuseful if one wants towrite easycode,but its not the best choice for more detailed learning.7. NLTKNatural Language processingisa great field of study for developers who like to research and challengethemselves.This library provides a base for Natural Language processing by providing simple functionalities to work withandunderstand languages.AdvantagesVery simple to useforprocessingnatural language data.Many basic functionalities like tokenizing the words, removal of stop words, conversion to word vectors etc. are provided which forms the basis to start with natural language processing models.It is an amazing library to play with natural language usingPython.It has more than 50trained modelsand lexical resources like wordnet available for use.Rich discussion forums andmanyexamplesareavailable to discuss how to use this library effectively.DisadvantagesItisbased onstring processing,which itself has many limitations.Slower as compared to other Natural Language processing libraries like Spacy.8. KerasKerasis a library written in Python for Neural Networkprogramming.It offersavery simple interface to code the neural network and related algorithms. It isan incrediblypopular library for Deep Learning algorithms, models and applications and canalsobe combined with various deep learning frameworks. It provides support for GPU and TPU computation of algorithms.The API provided is simple,same as Scikit-learn.Kerasis totally based on Models and Graphs. A model has Input,outputand intermediate layers to perform the various tasks as per requirement.Effective functionalities and models provided to code deep learning algorithms like Neural Network, RecurrentNeural Network, LongShort-Termmemory, Autoencoders etc.Allows to create products easily supporting multiplebackendsSupportsmulti-platformuse.Can be used with TensorFlow, can be used in browser usingweb basedkerasand provides native ML support for iPhone app development.9. TensorFlowTensorFlowisthetalk of the town because of its capabilities suitable for MachineLearningand Deep Learning models. It is one of the best,and mostpopularframeworks, adopted by companies around the worldfor Machine Learning and DeepLearning.Its support for Web as well as Mobile application coupled with Deep Learning models has made it popular among engineers and researchers. Many giants like IBM,Dropbox, Nvidia etc.useTensorFlowfor creating and deploying Machine Learning Models.Thislibrary has many applications like imagerecognition, video analysis,speechrecognition,Natural Language Processing,Recommendation System etc.TensorFlowlite andTensorFlowJS has made it more popular for webapplicationsand Mobile Applications.AdvantagesDeveloped by Google, it is one of the best deep learningframeworks.Simple Machine Learning tasks are also supportedinTensorFlow.Supports many famous libraries like scikit learn,Kerasetc. which are part ofTensorFlow.The basic unit isTensor which is ann-dimensional array.The basic derivatives are inherently computed which helps in developing manyMachinelearning Models easily.The models developed are supported on CPT, TPU and GPU.Tensorboardis the effective tool for data visualization.Many other supported tools are available to facilitate Web Development, App Development and IoT Applications using Machine Learning.DisadvantagesUnderstandingTensor and computational graphs is tedious.Computational graphs make the code complex and sometimes face performance problems.10. PytorchA popularPython framework,Pytorchsupports machine learning and deep learning algorithms and is a scientific computing framework. This is a framework which is widely used by Twitter,Googleand Facebook. Thelibrary supports complexTensor computations and is used toconstructdeep neural networks.AdvantagesThe power ofPytorchlies inconstructionof Deep Neural Networks.Rich functions andutilitiesareprovided toconstructand use Neural Networks.Powerfulwhen it comes tocreation of production ready models.It supports GPU operations with richmath-basedlibrary functions.UnlikeNumpy,itprovides the functions which calculates gradient of the function, useful for theconstructionof the neural network.Provides support for Gradient based optimization which helps inscalingup the models easily to large data.DisadvantagesIt is a complex framework, so learning is difficult.Documentation support for learning is notreadilyavailable.Scalability may be an issue as compared toTensorFlow.11. TheanoTheanois a library for evaluating and optimizing the mathematical computations. It is based onNumPybut provides support forboth theGPU and CPU.AdvantagesIt is a fast computation library inPython.Uses native libraries like BIAS to turn the code in faster computation.Best suited to handle computations in DeepLearning algorithms.Industry standard for Deep Learning research and development.DisadvantagesIt is notverypopular among researchersas it is one of the olderframeworks.It is notaseasy to use asTensorFlow.12.CNTKCNTKisMicrosofts CognitiveToolkit for the development of Deep Learning based models.It is a commercial distributed deep learning tool.AdvantagesIt is a distributedopen-sourcedeep learningframework.Popular models like Deep NeuralNetwork, ConvolutionalNeuralNetwork models can be combined easily to form new models.Provides interface with C,C++and Java to include Machine Learning models.Can be used to build reinforcement learning models as wide functions are available.Can be used to develop GAN (GenerativeAdversarialNetworks).Provides various ways to measure the performance of the models built.High accuracy parallel computation on Multiple GPU is provided.DisadvantagesProperdocumentationisnot available.There is inadequatecommunity support.ConclusionPython, being one of the most popular languagesfor the development of Machine Learning models, hasaplethora of tools and frameworks available for use.The choice of tool depends onthedevelopersexperience as well asthetype of application to be developed. Every tool has some strong points and someweaknesses, soonehas tocarefully choose the tool or framework forthedevelopmentof MachineLearningbased applications.Thedocumentationand support availablearealsoimportant criteria to be kept in mind while choosingthemost appropriatetool.

Top-Paying Programming Certifications for 2021

By KnowledgeHut

Programming is at the core of software development, which is why there is a huge demand for programmersa demand that is growing exponentially and is expected to rise at a steady rate even in the future. In todays world, just about everything is getting automated and digitization has become the new normal.Recruiters are on the lookout for professionals who have solid programming and full-stack development skills. Every recruiting agency and organizational HR recruiting team has put in place a thorough screening process, and this active hiring in startups, SMEs, and multinational companies has raised the bar for many aspiring programmers. Having a software development, web development, or programming certification will give you an upper hand at the time of recruitment. A certification from a reputed accreditation body will validate your skills and make you stand out among your peers.Having an extra certification apart from your UG or PG degree makes you a better fit for the job role in which you have an interest. But before you opt for any certification, you need to understand which programming language will take you where; and the potential benefits of pursuing a certification course of that particular programming language.In this article, you will get to know about the top programming certifications of 2021 and how to achieve them.What are Programming certifications?Programming certifications are exam-oriented, and verify your skill and expertise in that field. Different organizations provide different programming certification exams that define your level, skills, and abilities vis `a vis that programming language. Having a programming certification will give you an edge over other peers and will highlight your coding skills.Most Popular Programming CertificationsC & C++ CertificationsOracle Certified Associate Java Programmer OCAJPCertified Associate in Python Programming (PCAP)MongoDB Certified Developer Associate ExamR Programming CertificationOracle MySQL Database Administration Training and Certification (CMDBA)CCA Spark and Hadoop Developer1. C & C++ CertificationsRegardless of your specialization in your UG or PG courses, clearing a developer-rated certification will not only make your resume stand out from others but also enhance your skills and boost your confidence. We have curated the top-most and popularly available certifications with descriptions that can help you decide which one is appropriate for your career path.C & C++ Certifications: C and C++ are often called the mother of Procedure-oriented and Object-oriented programming languages, which is absolutely true. These two programming languages have been around for many decades. Colleges and universities all over the world teach these as the base language. To get global recognition for the C and C++ certification, C++ Institute and Pearson VUE decided to carve a niche in this part of the certification landscape by offering the world's first international C/C++ certifications.Aspirants and professionals can choose either C or C++ as a career option/path and climb the certification ladder from associate to professional to senior. The C Programming Language Certified Associate (CLA) and C++ Certified Associate Programmer (CPA) are the core and first-level C and C++ certifications.CLA comprises of topics likeIntroduction to compiling and software development;Basic scalar data types and their operators;Flow control;Complex data types: arrays, structures and pointers;Memory management;Files and streams;Structuring the code: functions and modules;Preprocessor directives and complex declarations.CPA comprises of topics likeIntroduction to compiling and software development;Basic scalar data types, operators, flow control, streamed input/output, conversions;Declaring, defining and invoking functions, function overloading;Data aggregates;String processing, exceptions handling, dealing with namespaces;Object-oriented approach and its vocabulary;Dealing with classes and objects, class hierarchy and inheritance;Defining overloaded operators, user-defined operators, exceptions;Demand and Benefits: Having a CLA certification verifies that the programmer or the aspirant has an understanding of all the necessary and essential universal concepts of computer programming and developer tools. The course also covers all the syntax and semantics of different C constructs plus the data types offered by the language. This course brings crisp knowledge on writing programs using standard language infrastructure regardless of the hardware or software platform.A C++ Certified Associate Programmer (CPA) certification will give you an upper hand because it comprises syntax and semantics of the C++ language plus basic C++ data types. Apart from that, it contains principles of the object-oriented model and C++ implementation. Also, you will get to know about the various C++ standard libraries through this certification process. The average entry-level salary of a C/C++ developer with this certification will be $ 7,415 per annum. With two to three years of experience, the average salary hikes to $ 10,593 annually.Top companies and industries hiring CLA and CPA are Philips, Calsoft Pvt. Ltd., Cognizant, Synopsys Inc., private universities, Mphasis, etc.Where to take Training for Certification: CPP Institute has all the study resources you need to prepare for this examination. Apart from that, you can study from YouTube free resources.Who should take the Training (roles) for Certification: Any programmer or computer science aspirant - who wants to expand their knowledge of C/C++ or start their career as a C/C++ programmer or developer can opt for this certification course. There is no other prerequisite to appear for this exam.Course fees for Certification:CLA Certification:$ 147.50 (50% discount voucher)CPA Certification:$ 147.50 (50% discount voucher)Exam fee for certification:CLA Certification:$ 295CPA Certification:$ 295Retake fee for certification: Aspirants who have paid the complete exam price (USD 295) or have completed a course aligned with certification in the self-study mode (50% discount voucher) can have a free retake of the CPA or CLA exam. There is no limit to the number of times a candidate may retake the exam. You must wait 15 days before being allowed to re-sit that exam.2. Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer OCAJPThis is a Java programming certification provided by Oracle. Java is among the most popular programming languages. James Gosling is the creator of Java which was earlier named Oak. It is a robust, high-level, general-purpose, pure object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems (now part of Oracle). Java consistently tops the 'most used programming languages list and is one of the most extensively used software development platforms. If you have the plan to get a proper training course online before appearing for the certification exam, KnowledgeHut ( has that for you.It is the preliminary and most basic certification provided by Oracle for Java. It helps gain fundamental understanding of Java programming and builds a foundation in Java and other general programming concepts. The certification encompasses two subcategories OCAJP Java Standard Edition 8 (OCAJP 8) and OCAJP Java Standard Edition 11 (OCAJP 11)It comprises of topics likeJava BasicsWorking with Java Data TypesUsing Operators and Decision ConstructsCreating and Using ArraysUsing Loop ConstructsWorking with Methods and EncapsulationWorking with InheritanceHandling ExceptionsClass Methods and EncapsulationDescribing and Using Objects and ClassesHandling ExceptionsJava Technology and the Java Development EnvironmentInheritance and InterfacesUnderstanding ModulesUsing Operators and Decision ConstructsWorking with Java ArraysWorking with Selected classes, Java Primitive Data Types and String APIsDemand and Benefits: Having an OCAJP certification verifies that the aspirant has all the necessary and essential skills to become an expert Java developer. This certification also helps in getting an internship or entry-level jobs in different organizations. The entry-level salary of a junior Java developer with this certification is $ 3670 per annum; when the candidate gathers two to three years of experience, the average salary hikes to $ 5430 annually.Top companies and industries hiring Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmers are Smart Monitor Pvt. Ltd., Fiserv, Micron Semiconductor Asia Pvt. Ltd., private universities and many others.Where to take Training for Certification: KnowledgeHut has a fascinating course opportunity for beginners in Java programming. It has workshops with hands-on learning and 40 hours of instructor-led online lectures. Apart from that, Oracle also provides exam vouchers for this certification course.Who should take the Training (roles) for Certification: Any programmer or computer science aspirant - who wants to settle as a Java developer or start his/her career as a Java programmer can opt for this certification course. There is no other prerequisite to appear for this exam.Course fee for Certification:$ 245Application fee for certification:OCAJP8: $ 245OCAJP11: $ 249Exam fee for certification:OCAJP8: $ 245OCAJP11: $ 255Retake fee for certification: Aspirants can retake the exam if the exam voucher has a free retake option. If the exam retake option is available, one can opt for the exam after 14 days.3. Certified Associate in Python Programming (PCAP)Python is an interpreted, general-purpose, and high-level programming language developed by Guido Van Rossum. Python released in 1991 and within 5 to 6 years, this programming language become the most popular and widely used programming language in various disciplines. Today, companies use Python for GUI and CLI-based software development, web development (server-side), data science, machine learning, AI, robotics, drone systems, developing cyber-security tools, mathematics, system scripting, etc. PCAP is a professional Python certification credential that measures your competency in using the Python language to create code and your fundamental understanding of object-oriented programming.It comprises of topics likeBasic concepts of PythonOperators & data typesControl and EvaluationsModules and PackagesData AggregatesException HandlingStringsFunctions and ModulesObject-Oriented ProgrammingList Comprehensions, Lambdas, Closures, and I/O OperationsClasses, Objects, and ExceptionsDemand and Benefits: Having a Python certification verifies that the programmer or the aspirant has all the necessary and essential skills needed to become an expert Python developer. This certification also helps in getting an internship or entry-level jobs in different organizations. The average entry-level salary of a Python developer starts at around $100k per annum. With a few years of experience, the average salary hikes to $ 105k annually.Top companies and organizations hiring certified Python programmers are Bank of America, Atlassian, Google, Adobe, Apple, Cisco Systems, Intel, Lyft, IBM, etc.Where to take Training for Certification: KnowledgeHut has a fascinating course opportunity for beginners in Python programming. It has hands-on learning with 24 hours of instructor-led online lectures. Apart from that, the course has 100 hours of MCQs and three live projects.Who should take the Training (roles) for Certification: Any programmer, graduate, post graduate student, or computer science aspirant - who wants to pursue a career as a Python developer or Python programmer can opt for this certification training. There is no other prerequisite to appear for this exam.Course fees for Certification: $ 295Exam fee for certification:$ 295Retake fee for certification: If a candidate fails the exam, he/she has to wait for 15 days before being allowed to retake the exam for free. There is no limit to the number of times a candidate may retake an exam.4. MongoDB Certified Developer Associate ExamMongoDB is a NoSQL, document-based high-volume heterogeneous database system. Instead of having tables with rows and columns, MongoDB uses a collection of documents. It is a database development system that provides scalability and flexibility as per query requirements. Its document models are easy to implement for developers and can meet complex demands at scale.MongoDB created this MongoDB Certified Developer Associate Exam for individuals who require to verify their knowledge on fundamentals of designing and building applications using MongoDB. They recommend this certification for those who want to become software engineers and have a solid understanding of core MongoDB along with professional experience.It comprises of topics likeMongoDB BasicsCRUDIndexing and PerformanceThe MongoDB Aggregation FrameworkBasic Cluster AdministrationAggregation & ReplicationShardingMongoDB Performance MongoDB for Python DevelopersMongoDB for Java Developers or MongoDB for JavaScript DevelopersData ModelingDemand and Benefits: Having a MongoDB Certified Developer Associate Exam certification verifies that the programmer or the aspirant has all the necessary and essential skills to become a NoSQL database expert. The MongoDB certification is inexpensive and in demand. The average salary for a software developer with MongoDB skills starts from $ 8200 per annum.Top companies and organizations hiring certified MongoDB developers are Accenture, Collabera, Leoforce LLC., Adobe, Trigent Software, Lyft, etc.Where to take Training for Certification: KnowledgeHut has a comprehensive course structure for those who want to learn MongoDB & Mongodb Administrator. It has 24+ hours of instructor-led online lectures and 80+ hours of hands-on with cloud labs. This self-paced course also includes capstone projects to give participants a feel of real world working. Who should take the Training (roles) for Certification: Any programmer, graduate, post graduate student, experienced developer or computer science aspirant - who wants to embark on a career as a MongoDB developer or start his/her career as a NoSQL database expert or do better in their current role as a MongoDB developer can opt for this certification course. There is no other prerequisite to appear for this exam.Course fees for Certification: $ 150Exam fee for certification:$ 150Retake fee for certification: MongoDB University is no longer allowing a free retake with the exam fee. The candidate has to pay an additional $10 to reschedule or retake the exam.5. R Programming CertificationIt is a part of the data science specialization from Johns Hopkins University under Coursera. This course teaches R programming for efficient data analysis. It covers different R programming concepts like building blocks of R, datatypes, reading data into R from external files, accessing packages, writing functions, debugging techniques, profiling R code, and performing analysis.It comprises of topics like:Basic building blocks in RData types in RControl StructuresScoping Rules - OptimizationCoding StandardsDates and TimesFunctionsLoopingDebugging toolsSimulating data in RR ProfilerDemand and Benefits: Having an R Programming certification verifies that the programmer or the aspirant has all the necessary and essential skills require to get a job role as data analyst. This certification also helps in getting an internship or entry-level jobs in different organizations and firms. The average salary of a certified R programmer with this certification is 508,224 per annum.Top companies and industries hiring certified R programmers are Technovatrix, CGI Group Inc., Amazon, Sparx IT Solutions, Accenture, Uber, etc.Where to take Training for Certification: KnowledgeHut has a fascinating training course for those who wants to become a R programmer. It has 22+ hours of instructor-led live training and three self-paced live projects.Who should take the Training (roles) for Certification: Any data analyst, graduate, post graduate student, experienced data analyst or computer science aspirant - who wants to settle as a R programmer or data analyst can opt for this certification course. There is no other prerequisite to appear for this exam.Course fees for Certification:FreeFee for certification:$ 60 (Coursera Plus Monthly)Retake fee for certification: Free6. Oracle MySQL Database Administration Training and Certification (CMDBA)It is another course offered by Oracle for SQL developers. Oracle University designed this course for database administrators who want to validate their skills with developing performance, blending business processes, and accomplishing data processing work. Structured Query Language (SQL) is one of the top database management query languages that allows us to access and manipulate databases. If you want to verify your database skills during a job interview or impress your peers at your workplace then this certification is worth getting. This certification path includes Professional, Specialist, and Developer levels. The candidate should pass the MySQL Database Administrator Certified Professional Exam Part 1 & Part 2 to earn the certification.It comprises of topics likeInstalling MySQLMySQL ArchitectureConfiguring MySQLUser ManagementMySQL SecurityMaintaining a Stable SystemOptimizing Query PerformanceBackup StrategiesConfiguring a Replication TopologyDemand and Benefits: Having an CMDBA certification verifies that the programmer or the aspirant has all the necessary and essential skills required to get a job role as SQL developer. This certification also helps in getting an internship or entry-level jobs in different organizations and firms. The average salary of a certified MySQL DBA or backend developer with this certification is $ 66,470 per annum.Top companies and industries hiring Certified MySQL database administrators are Fiserv, IBM, HCL, Adobe, Microsoft, Apple, Accenture, Collabera, and more.Where to take Training for Certification: KnowledgeHut has a cutting-edge curriculum for those who want to become MySQL database administrators. It has 16+ hours of instructor-led online lectures and 80+ hours of hands-on lab. Apart from that, this self-paced course has Capstone projects.Who should take the Training (roles) for Certification: Any developer, graduate, post graduate student, experienced developer or computer science aspirant - who wants to pursue a career as a DBA or backend developer or start his/her career in database management or backend software development can opt for this certification course. There is no other prerequisite to appear for this exam or course.Course fees for Certification:$ 255Exam fee for certification:$ 255Retake fee for certification: Aspirants can retake the exam if the exam voucher has a free retake option. If the exam retake option is available, one can opt for the exam after 14 days after the initial attempt.7. CCA Spark and Hadoop DeveloperWith the exponential growth in data, IT firms and organizations have to manage this tremendous amount of data generated. So, many companies are actively looking for Big data and Spark developers who can optimize performance. Big Data is the term used to describe enormous volumes of data. Apache Spark supports data management as it is an open-source centralized analytics engine that handles large-scale data processing.It requires prerequisite knowledge of Scala and Python. This certification also verifies and showcases your skills through Spark and Hadoop projects. Passing this certification course gives you a logo and a license to authenticate your CCA status.It comprises of topics likeLoad data from HDFS for use in Spark applicationsWrite the results back into HDFS using SparkRead and write files in a variety of file formatsPerform standard extract, transform, load (ETL) processes on data using the Spark APIUse metastore tables as an input source or an output sink for Spark applicationsUnderstand the fundamentals of querying datasets in SparkFilter data using SparkWrite queries that calculate aggregate statisticsJoin disparate datasets using SparkProduce ranked or sorted dataSupply command-line options to change your application configuration, such as increasing available memoryDemand and Benefits: Passing the CCA Spark and Hadoop Developer Exam (CCA175) by Cloudera verifies that you have all the essential skills required to get a job as a Hadoop developer and handle Big data projects. The average salary of a certified CCA Spark and Hadoop Developer with this certification is $ 74,200 per annum.Top companies and industries hiring Certified Spark and Hadoop Developers are Primus Global, IBM, Collabera, CorroHealth, Genpact, Xerox, Accenture, and more.Where to take Training for Certification: KnowledgeHut has extensive courses for those who want to become Big Data experts and want to work as Hadoop developers. It has different courses on Big Data Analytics, Apache Storm, Hadoop Administration, Apache Spark & Scala, Big Data with Hadoop, and more.Who should take the Training (roles) for Certification: Any Big Data developer, graduate & post graduate students, Hadoop developer or computer science aspirant - who wants to make a career in Big data development or start his/her career as a Big Data or Hadoop project developer can opt for this certification course. There is no other prerequisite to appear for this exam.Course fees for Certification:$ 295Application fee for certification:$ 295Exam fee for certification:$ 295Retake fee for certification: Within 30 to 60 minutes of exam completion, Cloudera will send a scorecard mail with a pass or fail status. If the candidate fails the exam, then they have to wait for 30 days for another try. Cloudera gives additional discounts on retakes.ConclusionWhether you are starting your career as a coder or are an experienced programmer looking to grow in the industry, having a certification and proper knowledge of any popular programming language is one of the most proven ways to elevate your programming career. We trust that this article will help you to understand your area of interest. Choose the programming language you wish to make a career in, wisely. This would also depend on your pre-existing knowledge. If you aren't sure which resource will be more informative for doing your certification as per your area of interest, KnowledgeHut ( has all the support and expert trainers who can guide you, from start to finishthat is in clearing the exam and helping you gain sound knowledge of your preferred subject.Receiving a programming certification is an added bonus which will make you stand out from the rest. Proper training from an institute such as KnowledgeHut will help you gain skills that are relevant and in demand in the industry.
Top-Paying Programming Certifications for 2021

Top IT Certifications for Java Developers in 2021

By Gaurav Kr. Roy

Programming languagesareat the heart of computer science and software development.Theyhelp developers write efficient code for developing digital solutions through applications and websites. Programming helps in automating, maintaining, assembling, and measuring the processed data.Java is one such popular programming language.It is a robust, high-level, general-purpose, pure object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems (now part of Oracle). James Gosling is the creator of Java which was earlier named Oak. Javaranks highin thetop programminglanguageslist and is one of the most extensively used software development platforms.Itiswell suited todeveloping software solutions and other innovative projects and simulations.SinceOracle acquired Sun Microsystems in January 2010, they have beenresponsible for the further development of the Java platform. All the mentioned top Java certifications verify a specific expertise level and knowledge of the Java platform highlightingparticular domains. Without further due, let us now dig into the top 5 Java certifications and their details.About Oracles Java CertificationsOrganizations and industries consider certifications as proof of knowledge, especially when the certifications are from a recognized body or firm. Aspirants and professionals looking for possibilities in the Java development domain canavail ofa plethora of benefits through the certifications mentioned in this article.There are six levels of Oracle Java Certification based on job roles, skills, and responsibilities:Oracle Certified Junior Associate (OCJA)Oracle Certified Associate (OCA)Oracle Certified Professional (OCP)Oracle Certified Specialist (OCS)Oracle Certified Expert (OCE)Oracle Certified Master (OCM)Among them, the top five Java certifications that are in demand for the year 2021 are1. Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer OCAJPIt is the preliminary and most basic certification provided by Oracle for Java. Ithelps you gainfundamental understanding of Java programming and build a foundationinJava and other general programming concepts.There are two subcategoriesinthis certification OCAJP Java Standard Edition 8(OCAJP 8)andOCAJP Java Standard Edition 11(OCAJP 11)OCAJP8 comprises of topics likeCreating and Using ArraysHandling ExceptionsJava BasicsUsing Loop ConstructsUsing Operators and Decision ConstructsWorking with InheritanceWorking with Java Data TypesWorking with Methods and EncapsulationWorking with Selected classes from the Java APIOCAJP11comprises of topics likeApplying EncapsulationCreating and Using MethodsCreating Simple Java ProgramsDescribing and Using Objects and ClassesHandling ExceptionsJava Technology and the Java Development EnvironmentProgramming Abstractly Through InterfacesReusing Implementations Through InheritanceUnderstanding ModulesUsing Operators and Decision ConstructsWorking with Java ArraysWorking with Java Primitive Data Types and String APIsDemand and Benefits:Having an OCAJP certification verifies that the programmer or the aspirant has all the necessary and essential skills to become an expert Java developer. This certification also helps in getting an internship or entry-level jobs in different organizations. The entry-level salary of a junior Java developer with this certification is$ 3670per annum; when the candidate gathers two to three years of experience, the average salary hikes to$ 5430annually. (Source: Glassdoor)Top companies and industries hiring Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmers are Smart Monitor Pvt. Ltd., Fiserv, Micron Semiconductor Asia Pvt. Ltd.,and more.Where to takeTraining for Certification:KnowledgeHuthas a fascinating course, designedfor beginners inJava programming.Itoffers hands-on learning with 40 hours of instructor-led online lectures.Apart from that, Oracle also provides exam vouchers for this certification course.Who should take the Training (roles) for Certification:Any programmer or computer science aspirant-who wants tobe aJava developer or start his/her career as a Java programmer can opt for this certificationcourse.There is no other prerequisite to appear for this exam.Course fees for Certification:$ 245Application fee for certification:$ 245Exam fee for certification:$ 245Retake fee for certification:Aspirants can retake the exam if the exam voucher has a free retake option. If the exam retake option is available, one can opt for the exam after 14 days.2) Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer OCPJPIt is a professional-level certification program provided by Oracle for Java developers. It verifies the candidates' knowledge and professional expertise. Using this certification, aspirants and other hard-core Java programmers can distinguish themselves from those Java professionals who are not certified. It comes in the second level of Oracle's Java Certification list.There are two subcategories of this certification OCPJP Java Standard Edition 8(OCPJP 8)andOCPJP Java Standard Edition 11(OCPJP 11)This certification is preferable if someone has professional experience with Java or has already worked for some years in Java technology.OCPJP8 comprises of topics like:Advanced Class DesignBuilding Database Applications with JDBCConcurrencyExceptions and AssertionsGenerics and CollectionsJava Class DesignJava File I/O (NIO.2)Java I/O FundamentalsJava Stream APILambda Built-in Functional InterfacesLocalizationUse Java SE 8 Date/Time APIOCPJP11 comprises of topics like:AnnotationsBuilt-in Functional InterfacesConcurrencyDatabase Applications with JDBCException Handling and AssertionsFunctional Interface and Lambda ExpressionsGenerics and CollectionsI/O (Fundamentals and NIO.2)Java FundamentalsJava InterfacesJava Stream APILambda Operations on StreamsLocalizationMigration to a Modular ApplicationParallel SystemsSecure Coding in Java SE ApplicationServices in a Modular ApplicationDemand and Benefits:Once you are a certified Professional Java Programmer (OCPJP), you can switch to better salary slabs and organizations that hire senior Java developers. This certification also helps in getting internal promotions as Java developers in different organizations and firms. The average salary of a certified professional Java developer is$ 5300 - $ 8610per annum.Top companies and industries hiring Oracle CertifiedProfessionalJava Programmers are Oracle, Capgemini, Morgan Stanley,Chetu, Mphasis, etc.Where to take Training for Certification:KnowledgeHuthas a fascinating course opportunity forJava developersand professionalsfor learning intermediate Java topics. It has hands-on learning with32hours of instructor-led onlinelectures. Apart from that, Oracle also provides exam vouchers for this certification course.Who should take the Training (roles) for Certification:Any Java programmer who wants to apply for a senior Java developer's role or start his/her career as a Java programmer can opt for this professional certificationcourse.There is no other prerequisite to appear for this exam.Course fees for Certification:$ 245Application fee for certification:$ 245Exam fee for certification:$ 245Retake fee for certification:Aspirants can retake the exam if the exam voucher has a free retake option. If the exam retake option is available, one can opt for the exam after 14 days.3. Oracle Certified Expert - Web Component Developer OCEWCDIt is an intermediate-level course offered by Oracle for Java web developers.The Oracle Certified Expert Web Component Developer is forweb developers whowant towrite web applications using Java. Through this course, they can prove their expertise in developing web apps using JSP and Servlet technologies. It verifies your expertise in Servlet 3.0 and helps in creating dynamic Web content and Web services.It comprises of topics likeUnderstandingJava EE ArchitectureManagingPersistence using JPA entities and Bean ValidationImplementingbusiness logic using EJBsUsingJava Message Service APIImplement SOAP Services using JAX-WS and JAXB APIsCreatingJava Web Applications using Servlets and JSPsImplementingREST Services using JAX-RS APICreatingJava Applications usingWebSocketsDevelopingWeb Applications using JSFsSecuringJava EE 7 ApplicationsUsingCDI BeansDemand and Benefits:You can opt for this course once you are a certified Professional Java Programmer (OCPJP) or certified associated Java programmer. This certification course will help you get a job in organizations having rigorous work in Servlet, Java Server Page, JSF, and web microservices. The average salary of a certified professional Java developer is$ 8,850 - $ 11,930 per annum.Top companies and industries hiring Oracle CertifiedWeb Component DevelopersareAmdocs, IBM,Oracle, Capgemini, SAP, Shine,Byjus, etc.Where to take Training for Certification:KnowledgeHuthas a fascinating course opportunity forJava web developers(.It has hands-on learning with instructor-led online lecturesand live projects.Apart from this, you can get online training fromOracle Universityas wellWho should take the Training (roles) for Certification:Any programmer or computer science aspirant who wants to settle as a Javawebdeveloper or start his/her career as a Javaweb content and web service developercan opt for this certificationcourse.As a prerequisite, youhave topass the OCPJP to opt for this certification.Course fees for Certification:$ 245Application fee for certification:$ 245Exam fee for certification:$ 245Retake fee for certification:Aspirants can retake the exam if the exam voucher has a free retake option. If the exam retake option is available, one can opt for the exam after 14 days.4. Oracle Certified Professional Java Application Developer (OCPJAD)It is an advanced-level course offered by Oracle for Java application developers. The Oracle Certified Professional Java Application Developer (OCPJAD) is for software developers who want to write different applications and automation tools using Java. Through this course, developers can prove their expertise and abilities to develop and deploy applications through Java Enterprise Edition 7. OCPJAD is ideal for desktop application developers, frontend + backend app developers, software engineers, and application architects.It comprises of topics likeCreatingBatch APIDevelopingCDI BeansConcepts ofConcurrencyCreating Java ApplicationswithWeb-SocketsCreating Java Web ApplicationswithJSPsDeveloping Java Web ApplicationswithServletsDeveloping Web ApplicationswithJSFsImplementing Business LogicwithEJBsPerforming REST ServiceswithJAX-RS APIImplementing SOAP ServiceswithJAX-WS and JAXB APIsJava EE 7system architectureJava EE 7 SecurityTechniquesJava Message Service APIManaging PersistencewithJPA Entities and Bean-ValidationDemand and Benefits:Once you pass the Certified Professional Java Application Developer (OCPJAD), you can seek employment inorganizationsthatwork on critical application developmentand command higher salaries. This professional certification will give you exposure to develop APIs, implementing business logic using EJBs, create message services, and apply security systems. The average salary of a certified professional application developer is $ 9,800 - $13,910 per annum.Top companies and industries hiring Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmers are Oracle, Capgemini, NetSuite Inc., SAP, Cognizant, etc.Where to take Training for Certification:KnowledgeHuthas a fascinating course opportunitywithhands-on learningexposureand live projects. Apart from this, you can get online training from Oracle University as well.Who should take the Training (roles) for Certification:AnyJava developerorfull-stack application developerwho wants tobecome a certifiedJavaapplicationdeveloper ormove to the specialized sector of API development using REST, security architect or software engineercan opt for this certificationcourse.As aprerequisite,youshouldhave passed theOCAJPcertification.Course fees for Certification: $ 245Application fee for certification:$ 245Exam fee for certification:$ 245Retake fee for certification:Aspirants can retake the exam if the exam voucher has a free retake option. If the exam retake option is available, one can opt for the exam after 14 days.5. Oracle Certified Master Java Enterprise Architect (OCMJEA)Large-scale development and service firms have different critical applications and systems to develop, manage, and maintain. Such systems require full-stack developers and specialized professionals with proven skills. Such organizations and MNCs hire only highly experienced professionals and specialists who can supervise the extensive operation, architect the defects, and define & develop systems as per requirements.The Oracle Certified Master Java Enterprise Architect (OCMJEA) is one of the most prestigious Java certifications a Java developer can achieve.It comprises of topics likeArchitect Enterprise ApplicationsthroughJava EEDeveloping Applications for the Java EE 6Developing Applications for the Java EE 7Developing Applications with Java EE 6 on WebLogic Server 12cJava Design PatternsJava EE 6: Develop Business Components with JMS & EJBsJava EE 6: Develop Database Applications with JPAJava EE 6: Develop Web Services with JAX-WS & JAX-RSJava EE 7: New FeaturesJava SE 7: Develop Rich Client ApplicationsJava SE 8: ProgrammingJava SE 8 FundamentalsObject-Oriented Analysis and Design Using UML, etc.Demand and Benefits:Once you pass the Certified Master Java Enterprise Architect course, you get the essential skills and understanding of how to execute application development on an enterprise level. Such an experienced professional gains full-stack Java development skills. They get hired with the responsibility of undertaking Java projects from the very start to their final delivery. Many Certified Master Java Enterprise Architects work as managers or senior managerial roles in industries and firms. The average salary of a certified professional application developer is$ 14,000 - $ 19,210per annum.Top companies and industries hiring Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmers areIBM,Oracle,Microsoft, HCL,Capgemini, NetSuite Inc., SAP, Cognizant,Atlassian,etc.Where to take Training for Certification:KnowledgeHuthas a fascinatingJavacoursewith hands-on learning exposure andalive project.Apart from that, aprofessional can train himself through ILT (Instructor-Led-in-Class), Learning Subscription, TOD (Training on Demand), LVC (Live Virtual Class), or classes delivered byOracle AuthorizedEducation Center. Other Oracle Authorized Partner Oracle Academy, Oracle University Training Center, or Oracle Workforce Development Program can also benefit and train you in this course.Who should take the Training (roles) for Certification:Any Java developer or full-stack application developer who wants tomove toa seniorrole in the enterprise-levelorwant to become a manager or team leadcan opt for this certificationcourse.As a prerequisite, youneed tohave passed the OCPJPcertification.Course fees for Certification:$248Application fee for certification:$ 248Exam fee for certification:$ 248Retake fee for certification:Aspirants can retake the exam if the exam voucher has a free retake option. If the exam retake option is available, one can opt for the exam after 14 days.Javais an evergreen programming language and ishere to stay, at leastforthe nextcouple ofdecades. A vast community of professionals and entry-level aspirants enjoy the benefit of this pure object-oriented, class-based, multi-paradigm, high-level programming language.Java Certification requires proper training.KnowledgeHuthas the requiredinfrastructure and quality educationfaculty,both online and offline,to trainaspirants forthese Oracle Certifications. It caters to well-structured, industry-oriented Java certification training,explicitly designed to serve the candidates according to thelatestindustry needs. Getting proper training fromKnowledgeHutwill help aspirantsmastercore knowledge of Java plus equip themselves with the industry standards to manage large projects.
Top IT Certifications for Java Developers in 2021