ohio là gì - Nghĩa của từ ohio

ohio có nghĩa là

random weather patterns. makeing meteorology nearly imposible


if you can acuratly predict ohio's weather you are either God himself, or Satan

ohio có nghĩa là

The 17th state of the United States -- in 1803. Contains 13,000,000 people and its chief cities are Cleveland, Cincinnati, and the capital of Columbus. Ohio is known for being the home of the Wright Brothers, the first man in space, more presidents than any other state, and Generals William T. Sherman and U.S. Grant. Also home of the champion OSU Buckeyes. Unlike what others may tell you, there are larger hellholes in the universe. Ohio has a lot to offer and is a decent place full of decent people.


Ohio's old license plates said "The heart of it all,and man was that a shitty slogan"

ohio có nghĩa là

1) One of the states of the United States of America.
Home to a bunch of formerly bad but now improving pro sports teams, a ton of colleges, the OSU Buckeyes, actual buckeyes, part of the Rust Belt, Cedar Point and a lot of soybeans, cows, and corn.
Ohio contains a little bit of all the typical Midwestern environments- college towns, suburbs, cities, urban areas trying to reinvent themseles, farmlands, etc. It also contains part of Appalachia, and a large number of "swing voters". It has quite a few ardent liberals and conservatives, and has been the home and/or birthplace of eight presidents. The weather, it being part of the Midwest region, is often "crazy" and swings between hot, mild, cold, and freezing. The four seasons are widely known to be "winter, still winter, almost winter, and construction" or something to that effect (believed to be taken from a Jeff Foxworthy chain email).
There's definitely a lot more there than bad drivers, "hicks", and cows, and just driving through the state does not really do it justice. You've got to experience it to really understand it, and then you can pass judgement.
2) A song written by Neil Young (while he was working with Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young) in response to the Kent State Massacre, which occured at Kent State University in Ohio on May 4, 1970 when National Guardsmen opened fire on student protesters on the KSU campus.


1) "Ohio... the heart of it all"
2) "This summer I hear the drumming,/ Four dead in Ohio."- Neil Young, (Crosby,Stills, Nash, and Young), "Ohio"

ohio có nghĩa là

America is the melting pot of the world; Ohio is the melting pot of America. There will never be a pot more melting than Ohio. Some say this makes Ohio a blurry combination of everything, and that it is not very distinct among the states, but this is cantrary to the truth. No other state is like Ohio, in that it is a melting pot. Also, Ohio's flag is one of only three non-rectangular significant world flags, and the only non-rectangular flag of the states. Ohio's also cool cuz I live there.


DEVO: What's round on the ends and high in the middle? O-hi-o

Which is an interesting joke, cuz in its shape, Ohio is just the opposite: flat on the ends and low in the middle.

Ohio kicks ass.

ohio có nghĩa là

Home to the greatest university and the greatest college football team ever.


"The Ohio State University will no longer be considered for our annual list of party schools because we feel it is unfair to include professionals on a list of amateurs." ~Playboy 2003

ohio có nghĩa là

A boring state that I live in. It's not all hillbillies. I live in the north, and it's cool here.


Don't go further south in Ohio, or it'll be just like deliverence.

ohio có nghĩa là

A state that is a microcosm of the Eastern U.S. Although usually considered to be part of the Midwest, the northeastern part of the state seems more like the Northeast and the southern part of the state might as well be the South. Known for cultural diversity and corrupt government (e.g. the 2004 elections). Ohio like its neighboring Great Lakes states suffered more than anywhere else in the US from the deindustrialization and bad economic policies of the Reagan years and the ensuing globalization ever since, and is still suffering greatly.


Considering how Republicans have continually fucked up Ohio, I don't know why anyone who lives in the state votes GOP.

ohio có nghĩa là

the most american place in america. its typical mid-america. full of really typical cities, a bunch of colleges, malls and even more typical suburbs. its kinda part of the midwest, but not really. ohio is bitter enemies with michigan, probably because michigan hicks have really awesome accents. the drivers and weather is no worse that where i usially live (chicago semi-suburbs)

all in all, ohio is everything in america jammed together, and its really beautiful.


ohio, the stereotypical america

ohio có nghĩa là

One of the fastest growing states in the dying mid west. Columbus (it's capitol city) is the fastest growing cities in the Midwest. The cities of Cleveland and Cincinnati are both rebuilding after a decline and are actually gaining population. The buckeye state (Ohio) is the state that holds the rock and roll hall of fame, the pro football hall of fame, and cedar point (the most popular theme park in the Midwest).
The state has several pro teams and college teams. The state's greatest rivalry is Michigan, where they dump their trash. The smell of Michigan causes Toledo, Ohio, to not be the most loved city in Ohio. Michigan and Ohio are at a constant war, as Michigan is jealous of the great success Ohio has economically, demographically, and sports wise. The two states battle against each other in every sporting event. The college rivalry of Ohio State and Michigan is the ugliest in history. Ohio has recently been winning the match as the state increases in everything. The state of Michigan has declined in economy and demographically. The Blue and Gold has been covered by the Scarlet and Grey.


The state of Ohio attacks Michigan every time they can.
Ohio is the most beautiful star on the American flag.

ohio có nghĩa là

what's happening


person 1: welcome to Ohio
person 2: why is everything on fire