Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 13 reading

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 13 reading

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 13 reading


 By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

 Understand the passage.

 Identifying the main idea.

 Guess the meaning in context.

– Answer the questions.

– Talk about their hobbies.

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Trường: THPT Phạm Hùng GVHD: Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Tâm Lớp: 11/2. Môn: Tiếng Anh Họ và tên GSh: Nguyễn Duy Thanh Tiết: MSSV: 7086609 Ngày 9 tháng 3 năm 2012 LESSON PLAN UNIT 13: HOBBIES LESSON: READING OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Understand the passage. Identifying the main idea. Guess the meaning in context. – Answer the questions. – Talk about their hobbies. Time/ Stages Contents Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 5’ ** Warm-up - Showing 4 pictures - Asking students to tell activities in those pictures - Giving correction - Looking at those pictures - Naming those activities - Taking notes Lead- in When do people watch TV and go fishing? Do all people do the same thing? Why? Each person has a private hobby, today we will study unit 13, Part A Reading to know author’s hobbies. First of all I introduce some new words to you 20’ Pre- reading Vocabulary Accomplished (adj): tài hoa, cừ khôi. ( synonym) (to) Accompany: đệm đàn, đệm nhạc ( picture) Avid (adj): khao khát (synonym) (to) Indulge in: say mê (situation) Keep me occupied ( V phr.): làm tôi bận rộn (picture) ** Rub out and remember - Asking the whole class: What is the synonym of talented? - Asking students to look at the picture - Asking them: What is he doing? - Asking the whole class: What is the synonym of eager? - Tom plays football day after day. How can we conclude him, class? - Looking at this picture - Asking class: How does he look? - Asking students to close their notebooks - Asking them to copy down - smart, accomplished - Looking at the picture - đệm đàn - avid - say mê bận rộn - closing notebooks - copying down Set the scene - What is your hobby?Why? - To know author’s hobby is the same as your hobby or not, let’s move on Task 1 Task 1: Read the following statements and predict whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. The writer is not an accomplished guitarist. 2. The writer collected fish from the shop only. 3. The writer is an avid stamp collector. 4. The writer has more foreign stamps than local ones. - Asking students to read task 1 - Asking one random student: What will we do in this task? - Asking students to work in pairs in 2 minutes - Asking students to give their prediction - đọc và xem chúng T or F - Predicting - Working in pairs - Giving predicting 15’ While- reading ** Read the passage and check your prediction *Answer keys: T F T F - Asking students to work in pairs in 3 minutes - Asking students to write down their answer on the board - Giving correction and asking them to give evidence to the whole class - Working in pairs - Giving answers - Giving evidence and correcting Task 2: Answer the questions: On page 148 * Answer Key: 1. Playing guitar. 2. No, he isn’t. 3. Because his uncle is very good at paying guitar and accompanying people singing with his guitar. 4. Keeping fish. 5. He bought some from the shop and collected some others in the rice field. 6. He is not an avid collector. 7. From discarded envelopes. 8. Local stamps. 9. He keeps the less common ones in a small album; the common ones he gives to others or throws away. - Asking students to read task 2 on page 148 - Asking one random student: What will we do in this task? - Running through new words and phrases - Asking students to work in pairs in 9 minutes - Asking students to write down their answer on the board - Giving correction and asking them to give evidence to the whole class - Trả lời câu hỏi phía dưới - Taking notes - Working in pairs - Giving answers - Giving evidence and correcting Post- Reading 10’ Interview T: What’s your name? Ss: My name is Lan T: What is your hobby? Ss: My hobby is reading stories. T: Why do you like reading stories? Ss: Because, I feel comfortable, it helps me relax. T: When do you like reading them? Ss: I like reading story when I have free time T: Where do you often read stories? Ss: I often read in the bed. Names Hobbies Reasons Time Place - Asking students to work in groups of 3 or 4 - Asking them to interview 2 persons in groups to complete the table - Checking whether they know their duty - Giving a model - Asking students to interview in 3 minutes - Calling on some random students to report their interview - Working in groups - Listening to teacher’s eliciting questions - Interviewing - Reporting Homework - Learning by heart all new words - Preparing for the next lesson. - Asking students to learn by heart all new words and prepare for the next lesson. - Taking notes Duyệt của GVHDCM Long Hồ, ngày 03 tháng 3 năm 2012 Người soạn Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Tâm Nguyễn Duy Thanh

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu

  1. UNIT 13 : HOBBIES PART A: Reading I. Objectives Students can practice: - Guessing the meaning of the word in context:accomplished guitarist - Intensive reading skills :about hobbies - Scanning and skimming skills: To get information ABOUT hobbies such as :collect stamps,keeping fish and play guitars.. II. Material Text books, board, and handouts III. Procedures *.Checking up the old lesson (5’): Remind some relative prononces and how to omission it in the sentence
  2. T CONTENTS T& SS’ACTIVITIES 6 I.Warm up:(6’) -T give some questions about the Things you do in your free time ’ Reading playing chess hobbies of SS -Ss work in groups and give the answers on the bb( 2 Playing guitar groups) -T checks and gives the ideas Going shopping Fishing Collecting -Which group write stamps more and correct that group will win
  3. T give some -T: How can you keep yur hobbies and why do you expression to lead to have that hobby ?Come to Unit 13 : HOBBIES New Lesson II.While reading:(26’) -T uses some 1. Vocabulary:(7’) techniques to teach -accomplished(a): well-trained, skilled the new words -accompany (v): use a musical instrument, -Ss listen , repeat accompanying and give the -modest (a): not very big meaning in English -avid (a) : eager, crazy and Vietnameses - discarded (a): thrown away -indudlge in (v) : let yourself do or have something -T reads and SS that you repeat Enjoy In chorus and in -collect(v) –collector(n) individually *Checking Vocabulary: What and where -Ss repeat and give 2.Task 1: Fill in the blank with the words given in the the meaning
  4. bDiscarded, modest, ox(8’) accomplished, accompanying, fish tank, avid, keep me occupied 1.Van Cao is an…………………..musician.All his -T explains how to song are very popular do 2.This TV can’t be used. It can be………………… -SS work in groups 3.My father loves ……………..for my mother’s songs and write the 4.I spend most of her time to look after the children.I answers on the really posters and hang it ……………………….. on bb 5.My brother has a beautiful……………..which has a -T checks and gives lot of beautiful fishes feedback 6.He doesn’t like a big house.His only dream is to have a ………………little house on the bank 7.She loves all kinds of stamps.She is an
  5. ………..collector of stamps 3.Task 2:Scan the passage and answer the questions ( -T explains the rules play a game: noughs and crosses)(11’) to SS -Ss work in groups *Suggested answers: and after that work 1.Playing theguitar in pairs ask and 2.No,he isn’t answer the questions 3.He is accomplished guitarist and he ‘s good at (2 groups) accompany people by his guitar -T checks and give 4.Keeping fishes the feedback 5.From shop and the rice field near his house avid stamp 1 2 9 7.from discarded envelop that my relatives and friends 5 3 4 give me 6 7 8 8.local stamps 9.He usually gives away to others or if ni one wants -Ss woork in groups them he simply throws them away of 8 students,
  6. III.Post –reading: role play One Ss is a famous * Suggested questions: person, others are 1.What is your favourite hobby? the interviewers and 2.How often do you …………….? interview the 3.Where do you usually……………? famous person 4.When do you usually…………………? 5.Who do you usually ………………..with? 6.Why do you enjoy………………? -T can lists for SS some hobbies IV.Homework Write a passage to answer the questions Among the three hobbies mentioned in the passage which one are you interested in?

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 13 reading

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