brandi là gì - Nghĩa của từ brandi

brandi có nghĩa là

Typically the name of a girl who is stunningly beautiful, smart, easy to talk to and the kind of person youcan stay up half the night with. Always a good loving person.


Man that girl is breath taking! I'll bet her name is Brandy.

brandi có nghĩa là

Brandy is a girl that has standards but no limits. She is beautiful.. And amazing in every way. She is brutally honest... So you know where you stand and doesn't care wut u think of her. Brandy is loyal to everyone in her life but can fuck someone up real gud if there not as loyal back. Brandy is always down for a good time but knows that she has responsibilitys. Brandy is Brandy... And she likes being there for anyone at anytime


Hi I am Brandy lol ..I just described me self .... Humble??? Idk

brandi có nghĩa là

A Brandi is a very down to earth girl. She loves alcohol and partying with her friends. A Brandi doesn't care what others think and doesn't have a filter. When a Brandi falls in love she falls in love hard and will give you her all. Brandis are unique people with a unique personality and can usually make you laugh without any effort but be careful because when you make a Brandi mad you might as well of released hell's wrath. A Brandi is a loyal friend to have and will do anything for people she cares about. Anyone who catches a Brandi should consider themselves lucky.


Whoa did you see that Brandi over there she's gorgeous.

brandi có nghĩa là

A girl that is very beautiful but has no self confidence and is very shy because eveyone leaves her. She is worth every minute but feels like she is worth nothing.


Boy1: this girl brandy doesnt know how amazing and beautiful she is.
Boy2: only if she saw herself through my eyes

brandi có nghĩa là

Illest and dopest chick you'll ever meet. She loves hard & drama free. She's very sensual and affectionate. Non materialistic and she picks her friends like she picks her fruit. She is hard to anger, but once angered, beware.


Don't you just want to please Brandi .

brandi có nghĩa là

A Brandi is a really beautiful girl. She pays attention to her friends in need and cares a lot about them. Brandi's have really cute eyes and a smile. She loves her friends so much and is a nice person to joke around with. Brandi is the best girl you will ever meet and won't get bored of her.


"Have you met Brandi yet?"
"Yeah! She's a blast!"

brandi có nghĩa là

Brandy is the most stunning girl,she can be a bitch most of the time but you still love her she is beatiful , caring and the most perfect girl also smart ,but can be wild


I wish I could have that brandy

brandi có nghĩa là

A complicated, strong & rare creature. Truly fascinating & defines intensity in every way. They have intoxicating beauty & entrancing minds that'll drive you to more; despite getting bit!
Places they're found:
- Anywhere shiny, expensive, or cue is - Curbstomping that b*tch who wronged her
- Chasing random cute dogs so she can pet If spotted, don't be fooled by 'innocent' nature of walking alone. Be protected during eye contact, you'll get a judging look that cuts to your core. If "the smile" is received, you can approach w/ some safety -Hiphop should be played to distract Made it past 1st encounter w/ dignity & health in-tact? You're on a journey w/ a woman who is the most demanding, amazing, frustrating, loving, stubborn, adorable variety of all! Love & passion never die as a partner & they are always at 110%. A fantastic friend, lover, mother, & accomplice. Survive the judgements & hang-trums, & you have someone who'll be loyally yours to the end (or until you're kicked to curb).
Tips for bringing a Brandy into your life:
- They ALL suffer from a terrible disease known as EDL (Excessive Drama Leakage) so there are always little drama puddles nearby. Drama sacs are invisible so a petite Brandy seems like minimal space req'd but the sacs auto-expand to at least 85% of the avail. area.
- Love can be bought w/ home BBQ
- Food ends ANY argument
- If dogs or videos & pictures of dogs, or any other "Awww" animal content is near, you DO NOT have her attention


1. 'Brandy' - ˈbran-dē (noun): "If you are throwing a house party, 1 Brandy is the equivalent of 3 norms & will keep it poppin or throw-down if shit gets real" 2. 'Brandy' - ˈbran-dē (verb): Guy: "I slipped in a Brandy puddle last night" Friend: "you spilled your drink?" Guy: "no, something happened at my girlfriend's work so her drama bags were leaking all over
3. 'Brandy' - ˈbran-dē (adj.): Friend: "Congrats on the engagement! What's Brandy like?" Me: "She's definitely a Brandy" Friend: "No shit she's Brandy, what's she like?" Me: "Exactly! She's not like anything but herself"

brandi có nghĩa là

Loyal sweet kind. But when you make her mad, you run far very far away, she will smile with you with out you knowing she's mad, then bam your out!


I though Brandi was so sweet, then I broke her heart, I thought she forgave me, till my whole world fell apart.

brandi có nghĩa là

If you have a Brandie in your life your going to want to keep her cause you’ll go crazy without her and her support. Brandie is someone to go very hard for the ones she love and she loves to put them before herself. You don’t want to mess with a Brandie she’ll go off on the slightest insult. Brandie is a really good people person and knows how to make someone laugh and is such a charmer and has a way with words if she going hard for you and she loves you she’s a Brandie.


That girl is fighting that girl for her bf, She must be a Brandie