When an unauthorized person follows an authorized person into a secure area?

Tailgating, the passage of an unauthorized person behind authorized personnel, is one of the most common physical security breaches. Also known as “piggybacking”, tailgating often results from a random act of kindness such as holding the door to a stranger. It can be seamless and a lot less suspicious to follow an authorized person rather than breaking into a building. Those with criminal intentions are well aware of this.

In high-traffic settings like large facilities, companies, or residential complexes, the risk of tailgating is higher. Tailgating can expose people and companies to perils like loss of revenue or goods, reputation, and even physical danger. Hence, it’s not a surprise that tailgating is among the top three security concerns of Fortune 1000 companies.

However, it’s possible to mitigate the risks of tailgating, and here are four ways to do so.

1. Managing Access Control

One of the most efficient ways of mitigating tailgating risks is to install appropriate access control systems and manage them methodically — a suitable solution as such is turnstiles. As the entrance control method of choice for bustling facilities, turnstiles allow only one person at a time, and only after the visitors present the appropriate entrance credentials.

Depending on the needs of a building, it’s possible to operate the turnstiles either with or without the assistance of the front-desk or security staff.

2. Video Surveillance

Integration of video surveillance in key security spots on a building, and particularly the main entrance, not only deters criminals but also helps law enforcement authorities to identify the tailgaters in case of a crime.

Thanks to technological advancements in biometrics and machine learning, some modern video security systems can even differentiate between people passing in the foreground and tailgaters.

3. Visitor Credentials

Wearable identification, such as badges, ensures that anyone who carries it is authorized to be in the building. This includes all permanent staff and visitors, as well as temporary workers.

While visitor badges are inexpensive and ubiquitous, other tools such as a QR code generated from a mobile app or biometric credentials can also help to prevent the risk of tailgating.

4. Build a Culture for Security

While appropriate measures such as turnstiles, credentials, or surveillance can reduce the risk of tailgating, security is a collective effort.

“The simplest way to deal with tailgating is to build a culture of the challenge principle,” says Warren Rosebraugh, director of operations, Security Center of Excellence in the Buildings Business of Schneider Electric. “[This requires] making people aware of the risks and empowering them to challenge unfamiliar faces.”

To achieve this, companies and facilities can benefit a thorough security awareness training. They must also have an open dialogue about risks, and empower everyone to take personal responsibility.

While random acts of kindness often make someone’s day, a security breach can ruin many.

Adriana Voegeli

Adriana is the Editor-in-Chief of the dormakaba Blog. She is responsible for the content plan, the relation with internal and external authors as well as the strategic further development of the blog.

Tailgating occurs when an unauthorized person follows an authorized person into a secured area.

Campuses that want to control who enters their facilities need to guard against tailgating, but what exactly is tailgating?

According to Detex Marketing Manager Tim Shafer, tailgating occurs when an unauthorized person follows an authorized person into a secured area.

“And when unauthorized individuals come into a building, campus officials have no knowledge of the risk until the event occurs,” he says. “That event could be a disgruntled former employee, violent activists, stalkers or something worse.”

Fortunately, there is a solution.

“The Detex AT-5200 and AT-5600 sneak detection systems for doors are the most accurate and cost-effective way a campus can detect access by unauthorized persons,” Shafer says. “Compared to video surveillance systems, the AT-5200 and AT-5600 have lower false alarm rates and are much more affordable.”

Shafer recommends campuses adopt the following policies to support their organization’s tailgating detection technology:

  • Everyone must card through the opening in a single-file line
  • No one should hold open the doors for others
  • Everyone should present their ID card when entering the building
  • Access cards should not be shared. If this happens the AT-5200 and AT-5600 anti-passback feature can help.


When a unauthorized person follows an authorized person into?

Tailgating is a physical security breach in which an unauthorized person follows an authorized individual to enter a typically secured area.

What is the term referring to when an Unauthorised person?

Unauthorized person means any person who accesses government data without a work assignment that reasonably requires access, or regardless of the person's work assignment, for a purpose not described in the procedures required by section 13.05, subdivision 5.

What is it called when another person follows you into a restricted area after you have unlocked a door?

In security, piggybacking, similar to tailgating, refers to when a person tags along with another person who is authorized to gain entry into a restricted area, or pass a certain checkpoint.

What is an example of tailgating?

In a common type of tailgating attack, a person impersonates a delivery driver and waits outside a building. When an employee gains security's approval and opens their door, the attacker asks that the employee hold the door, thereby gaining access through someone who is authorized to enter the company.

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