What is the definition of a tort quizlet?

Sam was a regular at Mary's Bar. He and the other regulars had a joke routine they used whenever a likely stranger walked in. One patron would say "Officer, that's the one", and Sam would pretend to be the local sheriff and place the stranger under arrest for robbery. When newcomer Dave walked in, the gang began the routine and Sam, using his fake sheriff's badge, told Dave he was under arrest and made him raise his hands and clasp them behind his head. Dave seemed upset, but Sam refused to let him move, again repeating that he was the sheriff. As the other patrons crowded around, jeering and laughing, Dave, overcome, began to faint. As he started to fall, Sam caught him and lowered him to the ground. Dave soon recovered and the joke was explained. Even though the crowd offered to buy him a drink, he remained upset and sued Sam.

Will Dave recover?

Dribble loved to play basketball. He would often wait around the basketball court near his home for hours, hoping to get involved in a game with other visitors to the court. One day, Dribble was asked to play basketball with three other boys his same age. He gladly accepted, and the four played for hours. However, the more the four boys played, the more physical the contact became under the basket as each boy pushed and shoved the others to gain the best position. The boys finally agreed that they would play one more game and then quit for the day. Dribble was determined that he and his teammate would prevail in the final game. The game was a close, hard-fought battle, and the two teams were tied with the next team to sink a basket winning the game. Dribble's teammate shot the basketball but missed. Dribble was determined that he would get the rebound on the missed shot but Potter, who played for the opposing team, had superior position under the basket. As the ball was falling off of the rim of the basket, Dribble elbowed Potter in the back, causing Potter to fall on the pavement and severely scrape his knee and elbow. Dribble got the rebound and made a basket, winning the game for his team. If Potter brings an action against Dribble for battery, Potter will

Sets with similar terms

What is the best definition of a tort?

A tort is an act or omission that gives rise to injury or harm to another and amounts to a civil wrong for which courts impose liability. In the context of torts, "injury" describes the invasion of any legal right, whereas "harm" describes a loss or detriment in fact that an individual suffers.

Which of these is the best definition of a tort quizlet?

A tort is a wrongful injury to a person or a person's property.

What is an example of a tort quizlet?

A "tort" is some kind of wrongful act that causes harm to someone else. An example of an intentional tort is a punch to the face, what is referred to as "battery."

What is tort law quizlet Texas?

*Tort- a private or civil wrong or injury other than a breach of contract.