What is file management state major functions of an operating system?

Keeping your electronic assets organized in today’s digital world is a challenging undertaking. Electronic file management allows us to be organized and in control of our digital documents and files.

File management refers to the process of organizing, storing, and manipulating files on a computer system. This can include organizing stored files into folders, backing up files, and compressing files to save space.

Every digital file we generate or receive must be appropriately handled and saved in our system to save us time in finding the resource when we need it. The process of identifying and storing these data files inside a logical structure made up of directories and subdirectories should be handled with care.

Computer file management allows us to take full control over our most valuable digital assets by creating digital logical folders and subfolders for long-term preservation, backup, and easy access when needed.

The main components of file management include organizing files into folders, storing files on a device or storage system, Retrieving stored files from storage systems when they are needed, and providing an interface for users to access their files

You may make the most of your digital asset collection by employing suitable file and folder name techniques, as well as solid metadata practices.

What are the 3 basic types of file management?

It’s important to know the 3 basic types of file management because it will help you organize your files and folders.

The 3 basic types of file management are:

1- Hierarchical Electronic File Management

It is one of the oldest and most popular methods for organizing files. This type of electronic file management organizes files by creating a hierarchy of folders, which are arranged from the most to least important. The hierarchy is created by creating folders that start with the broadest category and then branch out into more specific subcategories.

2- Network Electronic File Management

It is a newer method for organizing files that organize files based on their location on the computer’s hard drive or other storage media. This type of file organization is not as popular because it can be difficult to find certain files without using a search engine or strong knowledge of computer science.

3- Relational Electronic File Management

It is a newer method for organizing data that organizes files based on the relationships between data stored in each file. This is growing in popularity because it provides an easier way to find and manage the additional information stored on a particular computer.

File Management Techniques

Have you ever had a situation where your desktop is so cluttered with files and folders that you can’t see the wallpaper?

Have you ever attempted to locate a file and spent at least 5 minutes doing so?

Most of us have been in this scenario, but at some point, we resolved to structure our electronic file management hierarchy so that we could spend less time looking for digital documents and more time doing our tasks.

File management techniques are important because they can help you keep your computer organized and can make it easier to find and use the files you need. Having a good file management strategy can also help you free up space on your hard drive and keep your computer running smoothly.

What is file management state major functions of an operating system?
File Management Strategies

The top 8 file management techniques are:

1- Setup The Main Folder For All Documents

Among the top electronic file management strategies and techniques is the creation of the main folder for all important documents.

Set up a folder or shared directory that will include all of your folders, subfolders, and documents in one location, whether for personal or organizational use.

It’s easier to discover important documents and perform backups and archives when all electronic files are kept in one place and paper documents are digitized.

2- Create Folders/Subfolders in a Logical Hierarchy

We’ll begin by generating the necessary computer folders and nested folders that will serve as a container for our electronic documents in this stage.

To begin, consider the various types of files and documents you’ll be storing in these folders. Then, for each of the previously defined categories, start creating folders and subfolders. It’s important to note that you may adjust this as you progress along the journey.

You may, for example, establish a folder for financial documents with subfolders for each year. Or a folder including all quotations, as well as the names of the firms and subcontractors with whom you are working.

This is far more manageable than having a single “My Document” folder with hundreds of random files.

Don’t go overboard with elaborate, multi-layered folder structures. Instead, wherever feasible, use descriptive file names.

3- Follow a Consistent Naming Convention

One of the top electronic file management strategies and techniques is the usage of a consistent file naming convention for the easier file location in the future.

Following standard uniform tips for all your files is the most crucial component of digitally organizing data for easy retrieval.

  • Create a file naming convention for each type of file on your computer.
  • If you’re using several operating systems, such as Linux or Windows, avoid using spaces in file or folder names since some of them won’t let you.
  • Add details to the file name, such as the project name, the date, the document version number, and so on.
  • Special characters, spaces, and case insensitivity should all be avoided.
  • Manage the version number of documents. here is a complete tutorial covering this aspect.

    Master Your DOCUMENT VERSION CONTROL in 5 Minutes (theecmconsultant.com)

  • When feasible, use common abbreviations.
  • File extensions should not be overwritten.

4- Make Use Of Metadata

Metadata may be thought of as the building elements that allow you to find additional information more quickly. You may find or locate this file using any of the information supplied before by adding extra data to the file (right-click, properties, details).

This guide to metadata in the area of information management may be found here.

What is METADATA: Why Is It Extremely Important? (theecmconsultant.com)

5- Organize Your Files As You Go

Whenever you create a new file or document, or whenever you get a file that you need to store for later processing, save it to the appropriate folder and name it appropriately for quicker access.

This will be difficult at first, but you will adapt and realize that this step is quite beneficial.

6- Index Files For Faster Search

Computer file management in windows can be enhanced by enabling index capabilities.

Some of the operating systems we use already have the capability of indexing your files and documents for future searches. Make sure this option is turned on on your computer.

Rather than having to manually filter through hundreds of thousands of files, if the files you’re looking for are indexed, that item may be instantly searched up in the index.

How to Index Files in Windows 10 to Speed Up Searches | Tom’s Hardware (tomshardware.com)

7- Do Periodic Checks

Create a process that allows you to go through your files and remove everything that isn’t needed. This will save space and make the hierarchy more accessible.

DO NOT delete any business document for archival purposes unless you are certain it is safe to do so. Organizations are obligated by law and regulation to store certain types of files for a specific amount of time or face financial penalties or fines.

8- Back up Your Files Regularly

Electronic equipment is susceptible to a variety of issues that might cause them to fail or shut down completely.

In such a scenario, it’s a good idea to back up this folder and the documents it contains on a regular basis to protect your most important data.

There are various free computer applications available that allow you to select the backup destination folder and backup storage location. The option to create a timetable that will accomplish all of this automatically in the future is the most appealing feature.

Good file management software makes it easier for you to back up your files based on predefined schedules.

Why is File Management Important?

The benefits of file management include: it helps keep everything organized, it makes sharing easier, it reduces the risk of losing important files, and it can provide a backup in case something goes wrong.

The top file management benefits include:

1- Increased productivity

Among the top file management benefits is the ability to increase our productivity.

When files are properly managed, it becomes easier and faster to find files that you need. This increases productivity as you will not have to waste time files.

That’s the main reason why effective file management is important!

2- Improved organization

The list of effective file management benefits is enormous and one of them is improving files and document organization.

It can help improve the organization of files. This makes it easier to find files that you need.

Using file management software helps you organize your files and electronic documents in a very easy way.

3- Reduced costs

Proper file management can help reduce the costs associated with file storage and easy retrieval. When an effective file is properly managed, it can be stored in a more efficient manner, which can lead to reduced costs and increases efficiency.

4- Enhanced security

It can help enhance security by preventing unauthorized access to digital files. When files are properly managed, they can be stored in a more secure manner, which can help prevent unauthorized access.

A good file management system makes it secure and efficient to complete the file sharing process while providing full capabilities to control access.

5- Improved collaboration

File management can improve collaboration by allowing multiple users to access and edit files. When digital files are properly managed, they can be stored in a way that allows multiple users to access and edit them.

File sharing can be easily managed through the usage of a good file management system.

6- Reduced risk of losing important files

Proper management of files can reduce the risk of losing important files by organizing them into multiple folders and subfolders. Backing up files regularly can also help prevent data loss.

7- Maintained document versions

A good file management system helps with audit trail by maintaining document versions and organizing data files into multiple folders and subfolders. This way, you can easily find the most recent version of a document, as well as any older versions that may be needed.

Having a complete audit trail of each operation that was conducted on documents will come in handy in the future. Furthermore, using naming conventions may ensure that you will not overwrite any documents which increase efficiency.


Electronic file management should be a component of your company’s overall document management strategy.

In today’s environment, using technology innovation to handle the ever-increasing burden of information expansion is necessary.


What is meant by file management?

File management is the process of organizing, categorizing, and maintaining files. This can involve naming conventions, metadata, and sorting files into folders according to their type.

What is the purpose of file management?

File management is important for individuals because it helps them keep their files organized. It can also help them find files more easily when they need to access them. File management is important for businesses because it allows them to share files with their employees or clients more easily.

What are the major functions of file management in operating system?

Functions of a file management system are as follows:.
Store, arrange, or accessing files on a disk or other storage locations..
Creating new files..
Displaying the old files..
Adding and editing the data in files..
Moving files from one location to another..
Sorting files according to the given criteria..

What is meant by file management?

File Management: The process and act of creating an organized structure in which you store information for easy retrieval. Drive: A drive is a computer storage device that holds information.