What is a neutral stimulus in classical conditioning quizlet?

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A long-lasting change in behavior resulting from experience

Although learning is not the same as behavior, most psychologists accept that learning can best be measured through changes in behavior

Ivan Pavlov

A Russian physiologist who inadvertently discovered a kind of learning while studying digestion in dogs

Found that the dogs learned to pair the sounds in the environment where they were fed with the food that was given to them and began to salivate simply upon hearing the sounds.

Deduced the basic principle of classical conditioning. People and animals can learn to associate neutral stimuli (E.G. sounds) with stimuli that produce reflexive, involuntary response (e.g. food) and will learn to respond similarly to the new stimulus as they did to the old one

Classical Conditioning

A type of learning first described by Ivan Pavlov

The classical conditioning process begins when a stimulus elicits a response. This is known as an unconditioned response (UR or UCR)

A US is something that elicits a natural, reflexive response. This response is called the unconditioned response (UR or UCR)

Through repeated pairings with a neutral stimulus (CS), animals will come to associate the two stimuli together.

When the CS elicits a response without the us, A CONDITIONED RESPONSE (cr) OCCURS.

Unconditioned Stimulus (US or UCS)

An element of classical conditioning

The classical conditioning process begins when a stimulus elicits a response, which is known as an unconditioned stimulus (US or UCS)

Something that elicits a natural, reflexive response. In the classic Pavlovian paradigm, it is food.

Food elicits the natural, involuntary response of salivation, which is called the unconditioned response (UR or UCR)

Conditioned Stimulus (CS)

An element of classical conditioning

In classical conditioning, a conditioned stimulus (an originally neutral stimuluss, like a bell) is paired with an unconditioned stimulus (a stimulus that elicits a reflexive response, such as food eliciting salivation.)

Eventually, the conditioned stimulus (E.G. a bell) alone elicits a conditioned response (e.g. salivation) This stage is also called acquisition, since the organism has acquired a new behavior

Unconditioned Response (UR or UCR)

An element of classical conditioning

In classical conditioning, a conditioned stimulus (a neutral stimulus, like a bell) is paired with an unconditioned stimulus (a stimulus that elicits a reflexive response, such as food eliciting salivation)

This reflexive response elicited by the unconditioned stimulus is the unconditioned response

Eventually, the conditioned stimulus (e.g. a bell) alone eleicits a conditioned response (ee.g salivation)

Extinction (Classical Conditioning)

Extinction has taken place when the conditioned stimulus no longer elicits the conditioned response. Extinction is achieved by repeated presenting the conditioned stimulus without the unconditioned stimulus, thus breaking the association between the two.

If one rings thebell over and over again and never feeds the dogs, the dogs will ultimately learn not to salivate when the bell rings.

Spontaneous Recovery

Sometimes, after a classically conditioned esponse has been extinguished and no further training of the animals has taken place, the response briefly reappears upon presentation of the conditioned stimulus.

Discrimination (Classical Conditioning)

Occurs when an organism responds only to specific conditioned stimulus instead of similar conditioned stimuli

For example, to train dogs to discriminate between different bells we would repeatedly pair the original bell with presentation of food but we would intermix trials where we presented other bells that we did not pair with food

Generalization, responding only to similar conditioned stimuli instead of only a specific conditioned stimul, is the opposite

Generalization (classical conditioning)


Second-order or higher-order conditioning


Aversive Conditioning


Operant Conditioning


Learned Taste Aversions (Garcia Effect)


B.F. Skinner (1904-1990)


The Law of Effect


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What is a neutral stimulus in classical conditioning?

A neutral stimulus is a stimulus that at first elicits no response. Pavlov introduced the ringing of the bell as a neutral stimulus. An unconditioned stimulus is a stimulus that leads to an automatic response.

What is neutral stimulus quizlet?

neutral stimulus. in classical conditioning, a stimulus that elicits no response before conditioning. observational learning. learning by observing others; also called social learning.

What is a neutral stimulus?

The Neutral Stimulus A neutral stimulus doesn't trigger any particular response at first, but when used together with an unconditioned stimulus, it can effectively stimulate learning, eventually becoming a conditioned stimulus. A good example of a neutral stimulus is a sound or a song.

Which event is an example of a neutral stimulus?

A neutral stimulus produces a response other than the behavior under investigation. If a scientist is trying to train a dog to salivate at the sound of a bell, the bell is a neutral stimulus at the beginning of the learning process because it does not produce salivation.