Tiếng anh 10 unit 7 looking back

Tiếng anh 10 unit 7 looking back

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As part of an education exchange programme, a group of foreign students will visit your school for two months. Your group will have to prepare a presentation for them in which you will describe some aspects of Vietnamese culture (e.g. The rituals for certain festivals, table manners, typical characteristics of the Vietnamese people …) and some Dos and Don’ts to help them avoid embarrassment during their stay in Viet Nam.

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Tiếng anh 10 unit 7 looking back

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Tiếng anh 10 unit 7 looking back

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2 Read the conversation again and check if the following statements are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG).

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3 Find the adjectives which describe the devices used as learning tools and write them down. Discuss each word’s meaning with your partner.

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Tiếng anh 10 unit 7 looking back

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2 Listen again and put a mark (') before the stressed syllable.

Tiếng anh 10 unit 7 looking back

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1 Look at the pictures. What are the students doing? What do you think you are going to read about?

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2 Match each of the words or phrases with its meaning.

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3 Quickly read the text. Choose the best title for it.

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1 class=index-number>

1 ng-bind-html=((sentence.index_number) + '.') | to_trusted class=index-number index-number-auto>

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5 Discuss in pairs / groups.

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1 Look at some arguments in favour of using electronic devices in learning. Match arguments 1-4 with explanations a-d.

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2 Work in pairs. Read the arguments and explanations in 1 again. Decide on the two most effective ways of using electronic devices. Explain why. Useful expressions:

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3 Work in pairs. Discuss how useful electronic devices are in learning, using the arguments in 1.

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4 Work in groups. Answer the following questions. Note down your partners’ answers and report them to the class.

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1 Look at the pictures and read the caption below these pictures. What are the students doing? What do you think you are going to listen about?

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2 Listen to a teacher giving instructions on how to use online English language materials. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

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3 Listen again and complete the following sentences by writing no more than three words.