thayer academy là gì - Nghĩa của từ thayer academy

thayer academy có nghĩa là

1] An ancient prep school in Braintree, Massachusetts that resembles Hogwarts on a winter's night;
2] A place where heatwaving, Nalgene bottles, upturned collars, Ugg boots, anything-but-hetero- sexual teachers, genious children, and money are all the rage.


1] Hey, it's 10:00 and I'm still here for Richins' play rehearsal, and I'm freezing my ass off. The tall, pointy towers and sketchy wooden doors kinda make this place look like a haunted school for wizard children;
2] I just turned my friend's bag inside out cuz I have nothing better to do, my water bottle is my best friend, my collar is so straight up I can touch it with my tounge, my furry snow boots are my best friend from November to April, I must ponder the sexual orientation of most of my teachers, my friends and I get super-good grades cuz we're from wholesome families, I have incredible amounts of dough to squander on my bratty children because we are a wholesome family.

thayer academy có nghĩa là

Typical private school in Braintree, Ma; prison and meeting place for upper middle class white kids into drinking, drugs, sex, other illegal activities, and of course sports; girls worship the STD filled hockey boys, and boys chase after the skankiest underclassmen they can find; popular junior girls dress like they came straight out of the talbots catalog [not a good thing]; the teachers can be cool, but most fall into the category of drug addicts, or dykes; their leader Mr. Clarke heads their nazi regime to braiknwash the youth of america and tourture those who try and be diffrent.


common TA phrases

"Omg his hockey mullet is soo hot."
"I love your sweater vest!, did u get it at talbots?"
"Man that weed made me thrirsty, pass my Nalgene water bottle."

thayer academy có nghĩa là

um i actually like the school. Not kidding. met some good friends there. :: ducks to avoid teh inevitable stones thrown at me::


Thayer is an ok place to go to school!

thayer academy có nghĩa là

The home to many "pole up ass" teachers, some men, some women, and Mr. Dunne who we're not too sure about. The home to "collar up" pink shirt and kaki wearing bitches who prance around as if it were a dockers commercial. The home to several dealers of the power flower who find it amusing to rip off retards who dont know crap about the power flower to begin with [shhh! dont tell Fred!] The home to the largest percentage of caucasian white males in any school on the face of this earth. If Mao Zedong saw our school, he would bomb us within minutes. The home to several girls where the rules that apply are: The hotter and sluttier you are, the cooler you are and the higher chance you'll get to give steam to a hockey stud.


This is my home... and i want to shit terds on it

thayer academy có nghĩa là

shitty backup school enrolling the white trash of the south shore.


Oh, you go to Thayer Academy? You must suck so much dick that you can hardly see.

thayer academy có nghĩa là

Let me just say that everyone on this page is right, except for the one attempting to make fun of Tim Roche and Melch. You hockey players are just a bunch of AIDS-carrying 20 year olds that look to infect all incomming freshman.


Hockey = boooo
Beer = Yay!

thayer academy có nghĩa là

A high school on lovely Washington Street whose students all apparently have too much free time on their hands. And coming from me that's saying a lot.

One thing no one's mentioned yet is that the Thayer math team gets no respect despite having a record that the average sports team could only dream of. And we're better-looking, too.


I have nothing to do this free period. I might as well write long, ranting insults about people no one on the Internet has ever heard of on!

thayer academy có nghĩa là

One of the best private schools south of Boston. Unlike other "elite" private schools they don't judge people based off of how much money they have or where they come from. Literally, this is the best school I have ever been to in my entire life [and I'm not a kid who started there in sixth grade either]. While sports are big, and we get out at 1:30 on Wednesdays for game travel, arts are also a huge part of the curriculum. 90% of students participate in some form each year. Any student I've ever heard say they hate it was begging to come back two months after they graduated. While some students may be stuck up and mean, they are the exceptions. Both the students and faculty at Thayer Academy are caring and welcoming. I could not have a chosen a better high school. Oh and why are all these other posts from 2005?


Thayer Academy has its little problems, but it's better than any other school south of Boston. Oh, and I dare you to find a dining hall that can even compare to Chef Doug's.

thayer academy có nghĩa là

Tim Roche is playing D-1 baseball. And you must be going to another three years of high school or something.


High School Education = 4 years
Thayer Academy Hockey = 7 years

thayer academy có nghĩa là

A prep school on the lower half of the Independent School League in terms of academics but is nonetheless a lowkey hard school if you take a shit load of APs and Honors courses. Looks a lot like Hogwarts in the winter and has an administration that doesn’t give a fuck about education in the humanities but will happily build a new hockey rink for the whitest offspring you’ll ever find in Hingham, Cohasset, and Duxbury. The headmaster does absolutely nothing while the high school Director wields a hammer of pain.


“Dude where do you go to school?”
“Thayer Academy”
“Wow you must be rich af.”

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