Sua lỗi invalid project description trong zend studio năm 2024

Attempts to create a new project in a certain location results in the "XDE Websphere Software Workbench [WSW] and XDE for Websphere Application Developer [WSAD] error: invalid project description."


"Invalid project description" error occurs during attempts to create a new project in a certain location.

The message usually appears when the default workspace location is changed.

Creating a project in the same directory twice will cause the error when the directory is other than the default workspace.

For example if a project was once created in c:\temp, > this message might appear if another project is created in that same directory.


This is a limitation in Eclipse.

For whatever reason, Eclipse does not permit projects to be rooted to the Workspace folder, *unless* said location is the default location for the new project, based on the project name.

Probably a rule they enforce to keep their project metadata from getting confused.

Resolving The Problem

Change the Default location.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSJ2Z","label":"Rational XDE Java"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"General information","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"2002.05.20","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

When working with Java projects in Eclipse IDE, you may encounter the error message “Invalid Project Description”. This error signifies that the project’s .project file contains invalid or corrupt data. Resolving this issue requires investigating the root cause and making appropriate corrections.

Zend Framework Website | Zend Framework Manual

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