state colleges là gì - Nghĩa của từ state colleges

state colleges có nghĩa là

Location of Penn State's main campus to which all the branch students call "Mecca."

Wanna get drunk? No problem! 21 bars within 2 square miles!

Wanna get laid? Noooo problem! Frats are crawling with disease-infested freshman & sophomore students who will sleep with anyone who hands them a warm Milwaukee's Beast.

Need an apartment? Noo problem at all! Just make sure you like getting screwed up the pooper with no lube every month.

The residents hate the students, the students hate the residents, and the district court LOVES the steady income of money from the many crimes committed on Fridays & Saturdays.


BranchCampusStudent#1: dude, i'm finally going up to State College this weekend to party!
BranchCampusStudent#2: OMG!! i'm so envious...all i get to do is sit in my dorm and rub one out.

PSUstudent#1: Damn State College police...i have another trial to go to.
PSUstudent#2: yea, i just paid $300 to the State College District Court for pissing in an alley behind the Saloon.

state colleges có nghĩa là

A public college located in olympia wa. The school is often frowned upon by douche bags who serve no purpose in life, but is respected by many professionals.


Dude, you go to the evergreen state college? That's awesome!

state colleges có nghĩa là

a party school for ordinary people


State College is a great place to live when its not summer.

state colleges có nghĩa là

A small college in a small vermont town commonly know as lyndonville. In the winter, Lyndon State College is home to the famous Ice Penis fountain. Despite the rules that limit such activity, students can always be found having partied the night away. Hungover skiing is a popular sport durring winter months, but dont worry when the weather is warmer you can always take a midnight dip in the pond which is home to questionable creatures.


they sure have fun at lyndon state college

state colleges có nghĩa là

Small college in the middle of no where .. aka Vermont. Population of students is small, about 2,000. Consists of stoners, skateboarders, snowboarders/skiers, drama/theater people and dancers .... and anime club. Campus is beautiful in the summer and fall and if you like snow then this is the place for you. Snow hangs around till early to mid spring. The food [called Shwag - Shit We All Get] is decent on some days, other days it'll cause you to shwoop [shwag poop]. This is very common with incoming freshman who are not used to shwag's effects on the human stomach. Classes are mostly laid back so after a day of 3 classes, one can usually do nothing for the rest of the day and smoke a bowl with your friendly neighborhood badger mascot.


JSC - Just Sorta College

state colleges có nghĩa là

A fine academic establishment in Northern Vermont. During the winter, which lasts from October to May, students of LSC can typically be found skiing or snowboarding down the tiny-ass hill between the Stonehenge dorms and the Stonehenge parking lot, climbing the central "ice sculpture" which looks suspiciously phallic most of the time, coming up with incredibly creative methods of smoking pot, contracting food poisoning from the culinary anus of America [a.k.a. Stevens Dining Hall], or seeing how much alcohol it is possible to consume in one night [about 15 hours]. During the summer, which is about two weeks of the time the college is actually inhabited by anything besides bears, moose, and really fucked up looking creatures known as "Public Safety Officers", all incoming freshmen are required to find out that no, you don't want to swim in the ponds on campus, and also that the Packing House is not at all worth their money.


Lyndon State College: A good place to get really, really fucked up.

state colleges có nghĩa là

Disreguard that NSC royalty bull. It's a fairly new college that is only seeing as many applicants as it is because the economy sucks and they cant pay for UNLV or UNR and got rejected by CSN!


Well im to poor to go to a university and csn rejected me cuz im a procrastinator. Oh darn i guess i'll try out Nevada State College.

state colleges có nghĩa là

Harvard on the hill. Two year community college located in Bismarck, North Dakota.


"I got my associates from Bismarck State College."
"Ah, sweet. Harvard on the hill!"

state colleges có nghĩa là

Innisfail State College, also known as inbred central, is known for creating and providing the Northern tropics with bin chicken cum chuggers. Unlike its rival, Tully State High School [known as The Gem of the North], Innisfail State High is known for being ,metaphorically, like a snotty toddler whom missed their nap for the fact that they were only created in 2010. Innisfail is also known for their high class Maccas, which unfortunately receives majority of its income from the high achievers of Tully state students due to the fact that the Innisfail students fail to afford the penny pinchers menu.


Child: Mummy look its a bin chicken!
Mother: oh no honey, they are just Innisfail State College kids .

state colleges có nghĩa là

Cheaper option of a university


“Hey are you going to university of blah blah
“No i think im just gonna go to a state College because im broke lol *laughs awkwardly*”
Umm ooook *quietly leaves room*”

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