Sociology is the study of Quizlet

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Terms in this set (11)


Coined by august comte it is the scientific study of the patterns and processes of social interactions as identified by social phenomena. Sociology focuses on group studies and how members of these groups are socialized.

Social interactions

The way people relate with others

Social phenomena

Social situation that can be measured or observed.

Group studies

Concerned with how groups of people respond to studied situations


Process of learning how to become a member of society


(Termed by Max Weber) Empathetic understanding of meanings others attach to their actions.

August comte

Auguste Comte called the "father of sociology" first used the term "sociology" in 1838 to refer to the scientific study of society. He believed that all societies develop and progress through the following stages: religious, metaphysical, and scientific. Comte argued that society needs scientific knowledge based on facts and evidence to solve its problems—not speculation and superstition, which characterize the religious and metaphysical stages of social development. Comte viewed the science of sociology as consisting of two branches: dynamics, or the study of the processes by which societies change; and statics, or the study of the processes by which societies endure.

Herbert Spencer

Herbert Spencer compared society to a living organism with interdependent parts. Change in one part of society causes change in the other parts, so that every part contributes to the stability and survival of society as a whole. If one part of society malfunctions, the other parts must adjust to the crisis and contribute even more to preserve society.
Spencer suggested that society will correct its own defects through the natural process of "survival of the fittest." Social problems work themselves out when the government leaves society alone. The "fittest"—the rich, powerful, and successful—enjoy their status because nature has "selected" them to do so. In contrast, nature has doomed the "unfit"—the poor, weak, and unsuccessful—to failure.
Governmental interference in the "natural" order of society weakens society by wasting the efforts of its leadership in trying to defy the laws of nature.

Karl marx

Karl Marx who observed society's exploitation of the poor by the rich and powerful. He claimed that a society's economic system decides peoples' norms, values, mores, and religious beliefs, as well as the nature of the society's political, governmental, and educational systems. Also unlike Spencer, Marx urged people to take an active role in changing society rather than simply trusting it to evolve positively on its own.

Emile durkheim

no one used scientific methods. Not until Emile Durkheim did a person systematically apply scientific methods to sociology as a discipline. Durkheim stressed the importance of studying social facts, or patterns of behavior characteristic of a particular group.
He recommended that sociologists avoid considering people's attitudes when explaining society. Sociologists should only consider as objective "evidence" what they themselves can directly observe. In other words, they must not concern themselves with people's subjective experiences.

Max weber

Max Weber disagreed with Durkheim. He argued that sociologists must also consider people's interpretations of events—not just the events themselves. Weber believed that individuals' behaviors cannot exist apart from their interpretations of the meaning of their own behaviors, and that people tend to act according to these interpretations. Weber believed that sociologists must inquire into people's thoughts, feelings, and perceptions regarding their own behaviors. He recommended that sociologists adopt his method of Verstehen (vûrst e hen), or empathetic understanding. Verstehen allows sociologists to mentally put themselves into "the other person's shoes" and thus obtain an "interpretive understanding" of the meanings of individuals' behaviors.

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Sociology is the study of Quizlet

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What is sociology is the study of?

Sociology examines the organization, structure, and change of social groups and institutions. It combines rigorous methods of inquiry and analysis in various areas of research, such as: mass media, the environment, racism, gender issues, class, and deviance and social control.

What is sociology quizlet?

Sociology. the systematic or scientific study of human socity and social behavior, from large-scale institutions and mass culture to small groups and individual interactions. Sociology is often thought of as. the study of society.

What is the main definition of sociology?

Sociology is the study of human social relationships and institutions.

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What is the main focus of sociology? society and social behavior by focusing on cultures, organizations, groups and other social institutions.