If you only want to respond to the person who sent you an email, you should use ______.

The Core Rules of Netiquette by Virginia Shea

The following 10 rules and reminders for online communication and behaviour have been summarized from Virginia Shea's book, Netiquette.

Rule 1: Remember the human 

Remember that behind every screen is a human being with independent thoughts and feelings. It is easy to misunderstand or be rude to others when you are not interacting with them in person. Before clicking send or post, ask yourself: Would you say it to the person's face?

Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior as in "real life"

This rule is a reminder that the ethical standards and laws that govern our society extend to cyberspace as well. This includes harrassment and bullying, copyright regulations, and privacy.

Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace

Different environments require different behaviour. The way we interact with our friends, for example, may not be acceptable in a school or work situation. This principle extends to online environments as well. Comments that are acceptable on Facebook, for instance, may be considered inappropriate on a professional networking site such as LinkedIn.

Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth

In this rule, "bandwidth" is synonymous with "time." When you send and email or post on a discussion board, keep your comments brief and relevant to the environment or situation.

Rule 5: Make yourself look good online

There are many positive aspects about the Internet, including the ability to remain anonymous. This rule is a reminder not to allow this aspect of the Internet influence how you communicate. Pay attention to your grammar, spelling and word choices as well as the overall content and truthfulness of your writing, as this is what others are using to judge you.

Rule 6: Share expert knowledge

The Internet is a great platform for sharing good information. However, it can also be used to spread misinformation and distortions. If you hold a lot of knowledge about a certain topic or subject, don't be afraid to share it online in a manner that is helpful and accurate.

Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control

"Flaming" refers to verbal disagreements that occur between users in contexts such as message boards. They are often a result of strongly held opinions and emotions. As in rule 4, do not monopolize online discussion with long or offensive commentary.  

Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy

The Internet is an open forum. Remember not to share information about others that could get them -- or yourself -- into trouble, both personally and professionally.

Rule 9: Don't abuse your power

This rule is intended for those who carry more power on the Internet as experts, designers, system administrators or even hackers. Power should always be used responsibly and not to harm or take advantage of those who are less powerful or knowledgeable.

Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes

Give other users the benefit of the doubt and consider that they may come from a different background or have less experience on the Internet. Do not be rude when you encounter someone's mistake -- always respond with courteousy and respect.

Get started with Gmail

Next: Organize your inbox

Learn the basics of creating, sending, viewing, and replying to email.

1 Create and send email

2 See new email

Unread email are bold. To open an email, click it.

By default, replies to email are grouped into conversations. Keeping all email together in a thread makes it easier to keep track of them and saves space in your inbox.

If you prefer to separate your existing email from future email, you can turn off conversation view.


Turn off conversation view:

  1. At the top right, click Settings
    If you only want to respond to the person who sent you an email, you should use ______.
  2. To group or ungroup emails with the same topic together, scroll down to Email Threading and check the Conversation view box on or off.

To get more space for your email, you can close the left panel by clicking Menu 

If you only want to respond to the person who sent you an email, you should use ______.

3 Reply to email

You might see existing email at the top of your inbox with a suggestion to reply or follow up. To hide these suggestions, click Settings 

If you only want to respond to the person who sent you an email, you should use ______.
If you only want to respond to the person who sent you an email, you should use ______.
Settings, go to Nudges and uncheck the boxes.

4 Change recipients or subjects

Add and remove recipients:

  1. From an open email, click a recipient’s address.
  2. To add more recipients, type their email addresses.
  3. To remove recipients, next to their email address, click Remove .

Tip: To add someone in the body of an email, type + and the person's name.

Edit an email subject:

5 Save and print attachments

When someone sends you an attachment, such as a photo or document, you see a preview of the attachment in the email.

You can quickly add images and attachments to your email by dragging them from your desktop to your Gmail compose window, or drag pictures and attachments from your email to your desktop if you want to download them.

Learn more about Gmail attachments.

6 Email without an internet connection

Chrome Browser only

Use Gmail offline to read, respond to, and search your Gmail messages when you aren't connected to the internet. Any email you write, archive, label, or delete while you're offline will be sent or moved when you’re back online.

When you enable Gmail offline on a device, your messages sync with the browser's storage on the computer you're using. Enable Gmail offline on each device for which you want offline access.

Enable Gmail offline:

  1. At the top right, click Settings See all settings.
  2. Go to the Offline tab and check the Enable offline mail box.

    Note: If you don't see this option, contact your administrator.

  3. (Optional) Next to Sync settings, choose how many days of email you want to store offline.
  4. Next to Security, choose whether to keep or remove offline data on your device.

    Note: If you don't see this option, contact your administrator.

  5. Click Save Changes.

7 Turn your vacation responder on or off

Note: To use Vacation responder, your account must be at least 24 hours old.

  1. Open Gmail .
  2. At the top right, click Settings See all settings.
  3. Scroll down to Vacation responder and select Vacation responder on or Vacation responder off.
  4. If you turned on the vacation responder, enter the dates you're away and add a message. Then, select who should get a response.
  5. At the bottom, click Save Changes.

If you are a Workspace Individual subscriber, you can create a branded email and send it to many recipients at once.

  • Learn about bulk email best practices
  • Create branded emails with customized layouts
  • Use multi-send for email marketing, newsletters, and announcements

Next: Organize your inbox

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Which option should you use to respond to every single person included on an email?

Use Reply when you only want to send your message to a single person in an email thread -- either the original sender of the email or the last person to reply in the thread. Reply All when you want to respond to every contact on the thread.

Which option should you use to respond to the sender of an email but not all the recipients?

When you receive a message, there are several actions you can take on that message. To reply to only the sender, select Reply. To reply to the original sender and all other recipients on the To and Cc lines, select Reply All. To send the message to someone not on the To or Cc lines, select Forward.

Which of the following is an example of a proper salutation in an email to an instructor?

Always start out your email with a polite “Dear” or “Hello” followed by your professor's name/title (Dr. XYZ, Professor XYZ, etc.). If you're not sure what their proper title is, using “Professor” followed by their last name is almost always a safe bet.

Which of these are tips for making sure your emails are answered in a timely manner?

Which of these are tips for making sure your emails are answered in a timely manner? Be sure to add an attachment. Use clear, concise language. Be short and to the point.