How many words can be formed out of 10 consonants and 4 vowels such that each contain 3 consonants and 2 vowels?

hello bhai thoda forced out of 10 continents and 4 vowels how many words can be formed each containing 3 consonants and 2 vowels in a given things in the quotient is one that was rn424 and continents consonants is equal to 10 in how many how many words can you from each containing 3 consonants and 2 vowels to find number of page number 33 consonants and 2 vowels and consonants number of N2 and to which of the following c4c

so beautiful the number of page number of word Number Ko words will be equal to number of page into 2 arrangements number of ways is equal to 23 and 24 seater into arrangement will be the total 53 number of arrangement will be 533 factorial 10 upon 3 into factorial 7430 factored into into factored into into factorial by simplified in 29 in 28

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How many 5 letter words can be formed out of 10 consonants 4 vowels such that each contains 3 different consonants and 2 different vowels?

Number of groups, each having 3 consonants and 2 vowels = 210. Each group contains 5 letters. = 5! = 120.

How many words of 4 consonants and 3 vowels can be made from 10 consonants and 4 vowels if all the letters are different?

= 12C4 × 4C3 Each group contains 7 letters, which can be arranging in 7! ways. Therefore required number of words, = 12C4 × 4C3 × 7!

How many ways can 4 consonants and 3 vowels be selected from 10 consonants and 5 vowels?

Required number of ways = [210 x 120] = 25200.

How many words are formed by 2 vowels and 3 consonants taken from 4 vowels and 5 consonants?


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