How many ways can the letters of the word failure be arranged so that consonants occupy odd position?

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Related The number of arrangements of the letters in the word FAILURE, so that vowels are always coming together isa]576b]575c]570d]none of theseCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

There are 4 vovels so we can write statement like this[A,I,U,E]f,L,R now this starement permutation will be 4*3*2*1 but vovels can also rearrange there position so now vovels permutation will be 4*3*2*1 now total arrangements will be 4*3*2*1+4*3*2*1 which is 576

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Answer is 576.

here are seven letters in the word ‘FAILURE’ out of which the consonants are- F, L and R. And the vowels are A,E,I and U. There are total 4 odd positions [1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th] and 3 even positions [2nd, 4th and 6th] to fill.

The constraint is that consonants may occupy only an odd position. So, first we’ll fill the odd positions with the consonants. There are total 4 odd positions and 3 consonants. Since there are only 3 consonants, then at a time, 3 consonants can occupy only 3 odd positions and one will be left out. So, we’ll need to select which three odd positions out of the four available odd positions we will fill first. The number of ways of selecting 3 odd positions out of four are:

This gives us 4 ways to select 3 odd positions out of the available 4 odd positions. Now that we have selected the odd positions to fill, we now need to arrange the consonants in these positions. The number of ways in which we can arrange 3 consonants is equal to 3.Now only the vowels remain to be arranged. There are 4 vowels and 4 vowels can be arranged in 4!.

Now we multiply these results to arrive at the answer: 4∗3!∗4!=576 ways.

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Related The number of arrangements of the letters in the word FAILURE, so that vowels are always coming together isa]576b]575c]570d]none of theseCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

The word FAILURE has 7letters 4 wovels and 3 consonants. In total there are 7 letters which are all different.

For all wovels to be together, let's make them a single entity.

So we have 4 entities to be arranged: F, L, R and AIUE

So number of possible arrangements will be 4!

Which is 24.

But the wovels as a group can also be arranged in 4! = 24 ways. [AIUE, AIEU, AUIE, etc.]

So the total number of possible arrangements is 24 * 24 = 576.

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The number of arrangements of the letters in the word FAILURE, so that vowels are always coming together isa]576b]575c]570d]none of theseCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? for CA Foundation 2022 is part of CA Foundation preparation. The Question and answers have been prepared according to the CA Foundation exam syllabus. Information about The number of arrangements of the letters in the word FAILURE, so that vowels are always coming together isa]576b]575c]570d]none of theseCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? covers all topics & solutions for CA Foundation 2022 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, meanings, examples, exercises and tests below for The number of arrangements of the letters in the word FAILURE, so that vowels are always coming together isa]576b]575c]570d]none of theseCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?.

Solutions for The number of arrangements of the letters in the word FAILURE, so that vowels are always coming together isa]576b]575c]570d]none of theseCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? in English & in Hindi are available as part of our courses for CA Foundation. Download more important topics, notes, lectures and mock test series for CA Foundation Exam by signing up for free.

Here you can find the meaning of The number of arrangements of the letters in the word FAILURE, so that vowels are always coming together isa]576b]575c]570d]none of theseCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? defined & explained in the simplest way possible. Besides giving the explanation of The number of arrangements of the letters in the word FAILURE, so that vowels are always coming together isa]576b]575c]570d]none of theseCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?, a detailed solution for The number of arrangements of the letters in the word FAILURE, so that vowels are always coming together isa]576b]575c]570d]none of theseCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? has been provided alongside types of The number of arrangements of the letters in the word FAILURE, so that vowels are always coming together isa]576b]575c]570d]none of theseCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? theory, EduRev gives you an ample number of questions to practice The number of arrangements of the letters in the word FAILURE, so that vowels are always coming together isa]576b]575c]570d]none of theseCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? tests, examples and also practice CA Foundation tests.

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There are 4 vovels so we can write statement like this[A,I,U,E]f,L,R now this starement permutation will be 4*3*2*1 but vovels can also rearrange there position so now vovels permutation will be 4*3*2*1 now total arrangements will be 4*3*2*1+4*3*2*1 which is 576

How many ways can be letters of the word failure be arranged so that the consonants may occupy only odd place?

As a result, there are 576 different ways to arrange the consonants so that they only appear in odd positions.

How many different ways can the letters of the word failure be arranged so that the vowels occupy only the odd positions?

Total no. ways =24×24=576 ways.

How many words can be formed with the letters of the word failure?

Therefore, there are 360 words that can be formed using the letters of the word FAILURE so that F is not included in any word.

How many ways the letters of the word failure can be arranged with the condition that the four vowels are always together?

Answer is 576. There are seven letters in the word 'FAILURE' out of which the consonants are- F, L and R. And the vowels are A,E,I and U.

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