Harry style sign of time review năm 2024

Harry Styles’s solo career was inevitable the minute Zayn Malik announced his departure from One Direction on March 25, 2015, a date that will remain branded on the brains of 1D stans for all eternity. No matter what the other guys said about their commitment to 1D, the end was nigh, and if anyone other than Zayn had a shot at a solo career, it was Harry. Like Zayn, he had one of the strongest voices in the group, but unlike Zayn, he didn’t seem to mind the fame and attention that came with his music stardom. Harry was always the most theatrical, the most outgoing, the one whose name your mother was most likely to know. Of course he’s the first one to try his hand at acting, because who else in 1D had his flair for drama?

Though Zayn and Harry are clearly headed in different musical directions, Zayn’s comments about his time in the band do provide some insight about what exactly what was going on behind the scenes. Zayn has said he'd felt stifled in 1D, because their sound wasn’t the kind of music he liked himself and because their lyrics were too chaste. That’s evident upon first listen to Mind of Mine, which leans toward R&B and EDM more than classic rock, and includes lyrics like, “I’ll get her wetter than ever.” Big boy status, achieved.

If Harry has negative feelings about the way music was produced in One Direction, he’s kept them to himself, but it seems likely it wasn’t exactly his style either. His rarely updated Instagram has established him as a fan of people like Patti Smith, Nirvana, and David Bowie, not exactly touchstones for 1D’s sound, not to mention the fact that the longer his hair got, the more he looked like a cosplayer at a Mick Jagger fan convention. There’s no way “Best Song Ever” is what he’d make if he were left to his own devices.

Still, I thought there was a chance Harry would suppress his rockier instincts and go for the tepid EDM or sexless R&B that’s everywhere these days. That would be the easiest, safest path to radio play and a new audience — just ask Justin Bieber, whose turn toward club bangers on Purpose proved to haters that he might actually be talented. He could have also tried a one-man interpretation of the 1D sound, which at best would have resulted in serviceable but bland radio pop. Instead Harry went for (somewhat reserved) glam rock, which in my extremely biased opinion, is exactly what he should have done. For all his skintight pants and onstage thrusting, Harry can’t really sell music made for grinding, but he can sell a piano-driven ballad with vague lyrics about the end of a relationship and/or the apocalypse, that sounds like it was written by a guy who’s spent way too much time listening to his dad’s Queen records.

“Sign of the Times” isn’t the most exciting song ever released, but it’s very pretty, and Harry’s raspy voice is perfectly suited for this kind of plaintive, yearning melody. If this is what the rest of his solo album is like, he’ll be in good shape, if not for Bieber-level mega-stardom, then for a smaller group of devotees who appreciate his taste for the dramatic. At the very least, he sounds like himself, which is enough to make me excited for more.

I never thought I’d be reviewing a song by one of the guys from One Direction, but the gorgeous new song “Sign of the Times” by Harry Styles simply blew me away the moment I first heard it. It’s incredibly moving and powerfully anthemic, aiming straight for the heartstrings, and proves once and for all that Harry’s a really talented singer. Now 23, he’s grown as an artist – both vocally and stylistically – and exhibits great on-stage charisma.

The song starts off with a somber piano movement then, with tremendous emotion in his voice, Harry begins to sing “Just stop you’re crying, it’s a sign of the times. Welcome to the final show. Hope you’re wearing your best clothes.” He may be admonishing us to not cry, but boy it’s hard not to! His voice rises to a tender falsetto before the song bursts open with lush, powerful orchestration. The combination of piano, strong percussion and electric guitar, accompanied by Harry’s heartfelt soaring vocals, propel the song to great heights, raising goosebumps along the way.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Harry explained the meaning behind the song: “‘Sign of the Times’ is written from a point of view as if a mother was giving birth to a child and there’s a complication. The mother is told, ‘The child is fine, but you’re not going to make it.’ The mother has five minutes to tell the child, ‘Go forth and conquer.‘”

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Of all the former One Direction members, Harry Styles’ solo debut has been the most anticipated since Zayn Malik released his album MIND OF MINE in 2016.

Premiered on BBC Radio 1 with his best mate Nick Grimshaw, the track opens to plodding piano chords before Styles opens on a Bowie-style vocal lament.

It becomes quickly apparent that while many (this writer at least) were hoping to be impressed by something altogether more fast-paced, Styles and his team have gone with the traditional piano ballad as a means of introducing his solo work.

Co-writers and Styles’ label have spent the past few months waxing lyrical about how different a direction he’s taken since the band split off for their respective new projects, but is ‘Sign of the Times’ really that different?

Working with producer Jeff Bhaskar [Bruno Mars, Taylor Swift, Rolling Stones] suggested that he would find the perfect balance of the rock music he clearly idolises and the pop that dominates the radio.

“You can’t bribe the door on the way to the sky/You look pretty good down here/But you ain’t really good,” Styles sings, and that's not even the worst lyric. As in, it's not offensively bad, but it isn't much of a step-up from the insipid lyrics he peddled as a former boyband member.

Five minute and 42 seconds as a running time feels absurdly self-indulgent; showbiz columnist Dan Wooton claims this length would be ‘commerical suicide’ for any other artist which seems a fairly redundant thing to say given how One Direction fans will obviously never allow that to happen - it's literally the only song with a shot at knocking Sheeran off his No.1 spot on the charts.

While there are plenty of nods to the likes of Queen, Bowie, and Bruno Mars track ‘When I Was Your Man’, he's appropriating those artists rather than coming into his own - the feeling by the end of ‘Sign of the Times’ is that he listened to ‘Life On Mars’ once too often before heading into the studio.

Style’s vocal work is what redeems this track. Alternating between a tender, slightly husky croon to an impressive falsetto, a lack of band members to compete with allows him to show off what was certainly one of the better voices of the group.

But the reason Malik’s effort worked so well is because he broke off from the tween pop and sickly ballads that One Direction peddled and produced a slick, mature pop album that was miles apart from anything he’d done before.

Those glam rock influences in the guitar and intro certainly suit Styles’ personality, and this is a far more confident release than songs released by his former bandmates (Malik not included). But it’s going to take something bigger than this one track to assert Styles as a serious artist... whatever his team and his best mate say.

Why did Harry Styles wrote sign of the times?

The idea of the song was conceived by Styles while playing chords on the piano in Jamaica. Styles explained to Rolling Stone that "The song is written from a point of view as if a mother was giving birth to a child and there's a complication. The mother is told, 'The child is fine, but you're not going to make it.

What does sign of the times sound like?

“Sign of the Times” is a slow burn. The melody calls upon '70s rock icons like David Bowie and the Stones while the lyrics seem to curb emotion in the wake of hard times. Soon after releasing the song, Styles revealed that it was inspired by a mother who is told she only has a few minutes to live after giving birth.

Who was the original singer of Sign of the Times?

Prince performed all vocals and instruments on the song. "Sign o' the Times" was reportedly written and composed on a Sunday, when Prince usually wrote his most introspective songs.

What is Harry Styles net worth?

Styles has a net worth of $120 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth. Styles' Love on Tour became the fifth-highest-grossing tour of all time, bringing in more than $600 million, according to Billboard.