Giải tiếng anh lớp 6 a closer look 2

1. Look at the signs at the library and complete the sentences with should or shouldn't

=> Answer: 

1, should          2. shouldn't            3. should         4. shouldn't

2. Tick the activities children should do at Tet and cross the one they shouldn't

=> Answer:

- Activities children should do at Tet: 1, 3, 5, 6

- Activities children shouldn'y do at Tet: 2, 4, 7, 8

3. Work in pairs. Look at the activities in 2. Take turns to say what you think children should/ shouldn't do

=> Answer:

1. Children should plant trees

2. Children shouldn't break things

3. Children should go out with friend

4. Children should make a wish

5. Children shouldn't fight

6. Children shouldn't play cards all night

4. Complete the sentences with some or any.

1, - What do you need to decorate your room? >

- I need ............... colour paper and  ................. pictures.

2. - Do you have ............... free time for sports?

- Yes, I do.

3. - Are there ............... interesting activities here during Tet?

~ Yes, there are traditional games like human chess, running and cooking.

=> Answer: 

1, some/ any        2. any             3. any          4. some

5. Workin pairs. Look at the fridge. Make sentences with the words / phrases provided, using some or any.


=> There is not any ice cream,

=> There are some cucumbers. »

1. eggs => ...........................................

2. fruit juice => ....................................

3. apples => .........................................

4. bread => ..........................................

5. banana => .......................................

6. cheese => ........................................

=> Answer: 

1. There are some eggs

2. There is not any fruit juice   

3. There are some apples

4. There is not any bread

5. The are some bananas

6. There is not any cheese

1. Choose the correct answer

1. We ....... new subjects for this school year.

A have            B has          C. having

2. Duy ........  to school every day.

A cycling         B. cycle      C cycles

3. My new school.......  in the centre of the vilage.

A not              B isn't          C doesnt

4. I live near here. Where........ live?

A. do you       B you           C are you

5. My friend has a sister, but she......... brother.

A not has     B don't have        C. doesn't have

=> Answer:  1.A     2. C           3.B       4. A       5.C

2. Miss Nguyet is interviewing Duy for the school newsletter. Write the correct form of the verbs

Miss Nguyet: Tell us about yournew school, Duy.

Duy: Sure! My school [1. have] .........a large playground.

Miss Nguyet: You......... [2. have] any new friends?

Miss Nguyet: Tell us about yournew school, Duy.

Duy: Sure! My school [1. have] .........a large playground.

Miss Nguyet: You......... [2. have] any new friends?

Duy: Yes. And | [3. like] friencis, Vy and Phong.

Miss Nguyet: ..........Vy [4. walk] school with you?

Duy: Well, we often [5. ride]........our bicycles to school.

Miss Nguyet: What time do you go horne?

Duy: I [6. go] ..........  home at 4pm. every day.

Miss Nguyet: Thank you!Yes. And | [3. like] friencis, Vy and Phong.

Miss Nguyet: ..........Vy [4. walk] school with you?

Duy: Well, we often [5. ride]........our bicycles to school.

Miss Nguyet: What time do you go horne?

Duy: I [6. go] ..........  home at 4pm. every day.

Miss Nguyet: Thank you!

=> Answer: 

1. has      2. Do you have     3. like     4.  Does Vy walk     5. ride     6. go

3. Fill the blanks with usually, sometimes or never

=> Answer: 

2. usually        3. sometimes     5. never

4. Choose the correct answer A or B to complete each sentence

1 I....... late on Saturdays.

A. get up usually                   B. usually get up

2. My mum ......... to work late.

A. rarely goes                      B. goes rarety

3. .......... at weekends?

A. Do you often travel          B. Often do you travel

4. What kind of music.  .. ?

A. usually does Susan listen to           B. does Susan usually listen to

5. When........... go on holiday each year?

A. do you usually               B. you usually

=> Answer: 

1.B       2. A     3. A      4.B      5.A

5. Work in pairs. Make questions, and then interview your partner

1. you / often / ride your bicycle / to school

2. you / sometimes / study / in the school library

3. you / like / your new schoo!

4. your friends / always / go to school /with you

5. you / usually / do homework / after school

=> Answer: 

1. Do you often ride your bicyle to school?

2. Do you sometimes study in the school library?

3. Do you like your new school/

4. Do your friends always go to school with you?

5. Do you usually do homework after school ?


Should / shouldn’t for advice

1. Look at the signs at the library and complete [nhìn những biển hiệu trong thư viện và hoàn thành câu]

Đáp án:

1. should 

2. shouldn’t 

3. should 

4. shouldn’t

Hướng dẫn dịch:

1. Bạn nên giữ im lặng.

2. Bạn không nên ăn hay uống.

3. Bạn nên gõ cửa trước khi vào.

4. Bạn không nên chạy.

2. Tick the activities children should do at Tet and cross [x] the ones they shouldn’t. [những hành động nào trẻ emneen và không nên làm trong dịp Tết]

3. Work in pairs. Look at the activities in 2. Take turns to say what you think children should / shouldn’t do. [Làm việc theo cặp. Quan sát những hành động trong bức tranh ờ bài 2. Lần lượt nói em nghĩ trẻ em nên/ không nên làm gì]


- Children should behave well.

- Children shouldn’t eat lots of sweets.

4. Complete the sentences with some and any. [Hoàn thành câu với some hoặc any]

Đáp án:

1. some, some 

2. any 

3. any, some

1. – What do you need to decorate your room?

   - I need some colour paper and some pictures.

2. – Do you have any free time for sports?

     - Yes, I do.

3. – Are there any interesting activities here during Tet?

    - Yes, there are some traditional games like human chess, running and c

Hướng dẫn dịch:

1. – Bạn cần gì để trang trí phòng của mình?

    - Tớ cần một vài tờ giấy màu và vài bức tranh.

2. – Bạn có dành thời gian rảnh cho thể thao không?

    - Có chứ.

3. – Có hoạt động nào thú vị trong dịp Tết không?

    - Có chứ, có các trò chơi truyền thống như cờ người, chạy và nấu cơm.

5. Work in pairs. Look at the fridge. Make sentences with the words / phrases provided, using some or any. [Làm việc theo cặp. Quan sát tủ lạnh. Đặt câu với những từ được cung cấp, dùng some hoặc any].

Đáp án:

1. There are some eggs [in the fridge].

2. There is some fruit juice. / There are some packs of fruit juice.

3. There aren’t any apples.

4. There are some bananas.

5. There is some cheese.

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