At what stage of embryonic fetal development will teratogenic drugs medicines causing fetal malformation impact the development of the limbs?

Medical Genetics: Teratogens

What is a teratogen?

A teratogen (ter-AT-uh-jen) is something that can cause or raise the risk for a birth defect in a baby. They are things that a mother may be exposed to during her pregnancy. Teratogens include:

  • Some medicines

  • Street drugs

  • Alcohol

  • Tobacco

  • Toxic chemicals

  • Some viruses and bacteria

  • Certain health conditions, such as uncontrolled diabetes

The riskiest times of pregnancy

Experts believe that teratogens can begin affecting a baby growing in the womb about 10 to14 days after conception. Conception is when a woman’s egg is fertilized by a man’s sperm. After conception, it takes about 6 to 9 days for the egg to implant in the uterus. Once the fertilized egg is attached to the uterus, the mother and the embryo share a blood supply. Chemicals in the mother's blood can then affect the growing baby.

As a baby grows in the womb, teratogens may affect parts of the baby’s body as they are forming. For example, the neural tube closes in the first 3 to 5 weeks of the pregnancy. During this time, teratogens can cause neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Some organs are sensitive to teratogens during the whole pregnancy. This includes the baby's brain and spinal cord. Alcohol affects the brain and spinal cord, so it can cause harm at any time during pregnancy. This is why you should not drink alcohol if you are pregnant.

How are teratogens known?

Researchers have two ways of finding out if a substance is a teratogen. They are:

  • Animal studies. Animal studies are the main way to find out if a medicine or other substance is safe during human pregnancy.

  • Observations from human exposure. This means reports of problems about a substance over time .

What are nonteratogenic agents?

Certain things have been shown to not cause birth defects. These are called nonteratogenic agents. These include:

  • Spermicides. These are chemicals that kill sperm to prevent pregnancy. These chemicals are found in products for birth control, such as gels, creams, and foams, and on some condoms. Studies have shown no link with the use of spermicides and any increased chance for birth defects.

  • Acetaminophen. This is a common ingredient in some pain medicines. There has been no link between birth defects and taking acetaminophen at the advised dose during pregnancy.

  • Prenatal vitamins. Prenatal vitamins are prescribed to pregnant women to help meet the extra nutritional needs of pregnancy. When used at the recommended dose, they don’t increase the risk for birth defects. But don’t take any extra vitamins, minerals, or herbal supplements without talking with your healthcare provider first. Extra amounts may be harmful.

  • Microwave ovens. Microwave ovens use nonionizing radiation. This type of radiation is not teratogenic. Microwaving food while pregnant is not known to increase the risk for birth defects or health problems.

Talking with your healthcare provider  

If you’re pregnant, talk with your healthcare provider about things to avoid during pregnancy that may cause birth defects. He or she can help answer your questions and help you have a safe pregnancy.

Environmental Toxicology

C.P. Gerba, in Environmental and Pollution Science (Third Edition), 2019

28.8 Teratogens

Teratogens affect the DNA in a developing fetus, often causing gross abnormalities or severe deformities such as the shortening or absence of arms or legs.

Perhaps the most famous (or infamous) teratogen is thalidomide, a sedative that was taken by thousands of pregnant women during the early 1960s. Sometimes, however, the deleterious effect of a teratogen does not appear until many years after the mother has been exposed. This was the case for diethylstilbestrol (DES), a drug that was prescribed for pregnant women in the United States for more than 30 years. Developed to prevent miscarriages, DES has been implicated in cervical and vaginal abnormalities in the daughters of women who had used DES during pregnancy. Nor are drugs the only teratogens. For example, the rubella virus, which causes a mild viral infection (German measles), is a teratogen during the first trimester of pregnancy. This virus can cross the transplacental barrier to produce cardiac defects and deafness in the offspring.

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Developmental Toxicology

P.G. Wells, L.M. Winn, in Comprehensive Toxicology, 2010

12.08.8 Reactive Oxygen Species-Mediated Signal Transduction

For teratogens that initiate the formation of reactive oxygen species, the elucidation of molecular targets and teratologically critical damage is further complicated by alternative, or perhaps interrelated, processes (Figure 1). The embryo is maintained physiologically in a highly reduced state, with GSH concentrations relatively higher in proliferating cells of developing embryonic tissues compared to differentiated fetal tissues (Allen 1991; Allen and Balin 1989; Sohal and Allen 1990). Xenobiotic-initiated alterations in this tightly regulated redox balance can affect embryonic cell signaling pathways (reviewed in Hansen 2006; Kovacic and Pozos 2006). Reactive oxygen species can serve as second messengers and increased levels due to xenobiotic bioactivation may perturb the crucial balance needed during embryonic development. Furthermore, posttranslational redox modification of proteins can alter enzymatic activities, changing normal patterns of cellular growth and death. Exposure of murine embryos to phenytoin increases the activation of the Ras-dependent signal transduction pathway (Winn and Wells 2002) and enhances the expression of the redox-sensitive transcription factor NF-κB (Kennedy et al. 2004). The teratological importance of these transduction alterations is evidenced by a reduction in phenytoin embryopathies with either inhibition of Ras activation using a farnesyltransferase inhibitor or inhibition of NF-κB expression using antisense oligonucleotides (Kennedy et al. 2004; Winn and Wells 2002). Interestingly, in the case of thalidomide, increased reactive oxygen species and decreased NF-κB activity were observed in susceptible exposed rabbit limb buds while no changes occurred in resistant exposed rat limb buds (Hansen et al. 2002). Similarly, Knobloch et al. (2008) demonstrated that thalidomide exposure led to increased PTEN signaling resulting in increased apoptosis in embryonic fibroblast from susceptible species. Furthermore, this study also demonstrated that the addition of a PTEN inhibitor could block thalidomide-induced limb malformations in susceptible chicken embryos. The differences observed among species again illustrate the need for caution in interpreting results from different experimental models.

Reactive oxygen species can also lead to teratogenesis by interfering with epigenetic regulation during development (reviewed in Hitchler and Domann 2007). Recent studies have shown that the teratogen valproic acid can alter chromatin structure by acting as a histone deacetylase inhibitor, leading to the acetylation of histone tails (Eikel et al. 2006; Marchion et al. 2005). Acetylated histones are associated with active transcription while deacetylated histones are associated with transcriptionally silent chromatin (Marks et al. 2003). Genes that are controlled by histone acetylation/deacetylation include those important for cell cycle arrest, cell proliferation, cell differentiation, and apoptosis (Tou et al. 2004). Direct evidence for the importance of histone deacetylase activity during embryonic development comes from studies demonstrating that mice lacking histone deacetylase activity die early during development or exhibit severe developmental defects (reviewed in Menegola et al. 2005). Studies have linked inhibition of histone deacetylase activity with the teratogenicity of valproic acid (Eikel et al. 2006; Gurvich et al. 2005; Menegola et al. 2005), the antitumor agent trichostatin A (Menegola et al. 2005), the anticonvulsant drug carbamazepine (Beutler et al. 2005; Eyal et al. 2004), and boric acid (Di Renzo et al. 2007).

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M.S. Mitra, B.K. Philip, in Encyclopedia of Toxicology (Third Edition), 2014

Mechanism of Toxicity

Diethylstilbestrol is a known teratogen and carcinogen. Experimental studies using transgenic estrogen receptor knockout animals suggest that binding and activation of the estrogen receptor is required to elicit diethylstilbestrol toxicity. Hence, diethylstilbestrol lesions primarily appear in tissues enriched with estrogen receptors. Diethylstilbestrol binds to the estrogen receptor with a very high affinity and forms a complex with the target tissue. The complex then internalizes in to the cell and translocates to the nucleus. Once in the nucleus, diethylstilbestrol may directly bind with the cellular DNA and cause mutations and unscheduled DNA synthesis. Diethylstilbestrol is also known to induce aneuploidy.

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K. Ghoreishi, in Encyclopedia of Toxicology (Third Edition), 2014

Developmental Toxicity

Thalidomide is a human teratogen. Based on present knowledge, thalidomide should not be used at any time during pregnancy. The risk of severe birth defects including amelia, phocomelia, hypoplasticity of the bones, absence of bones, facial palsy, eye abnormalities (anophthalmos, microphthalmos), congenital heart defect, or death to the fetus is extremely high during the critical period of pregnancy. Alimentary tract, urinary tract, and genital malformations have been documented and mortality at or shortly after the birth has been reported in 40% of infants. The risk of other potentially severe birth defects outside this critical period is unknown, but may be significant. Based on the published literature, the critical period is estimated to range from 34 to 50 days after the last menstrual period or days 20–36 following fertilization. Defects that occur following exposure to thalidomide during the critical period include upper limb malformations during days 24–32, lower limb malformations during days 27–34, external ear malformations (including anotia, micropinna, small or absent external auditory canals) during days 20–24, inner ear malformations during days 24–34, thumb hypoplasia during days 21–28, and triphalangism of the thumbs during days 32–36 postfertilization. Other thalidomide embryopathies and resulting malformations are described in Figure 1.

At what stage of embryonic fetal development will teratogenic drugs medicines causing fetal malformation impact the development of the limbs?

Figure 1. Thalidomide-related human embryopathy during the critical period postconception.

Reprinted with permission from Oxford University Press; Kim, J.H., Scialli, A.R., 2011. Thalidomide: the tragedy of birth defects and the effective treatment of disease. Toxicol. Sci. 122(1), 1–6.

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Reproductive toxicity and endocrine disruption of potential chemical warfare agents

Tim J. Evans, in Handbook of Toxicology of Chemical Warfare Agents (Third Edition), 2020 Adverse effects of heavy metals on embryonic/fetal development

Several heavy metals have been identified as teratogens and possible abortifacients in humans and animals, and the adverse effects of prenatal lead exposure on the developing nervous systems of both human and laboratory animal species have been well documented (Evans et al., 2003; Rice, 1998; Rogers, 2013). Prenatal exposure to organotins has been associated with pregnancy loss and impaired ossification in rodents (Ema and Hirose, 2006). The outcomes of an industrial accident in Japan and misuse of contaminated grain in Basra, Iraq, clearly demonstrated the developmental neurotoxicity of organic mercury (i.e., methyl mercury and related compounds) in humans and animals (Chang et al., 1998; Cordero, 1993; Golub, 2006b). Other heavy metals, including cadmium, have been associated with placental toxicity, as well as developmental neurotoxicity (Gupta, 2007; Hastings and Miller, 1998), and it has been recently reported that cadmium and other metals or metalloids might also have estrogenic effects (Golub, 2006b).

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S.C. Gad, in Encyclopedia of Toxicology (Third Edition), 2014

Chronic Toxicity (or Exposure)


The hexavalent form of chromium is a potent teratogen, primarily affecting bone formation. However, trivalent chromium was not found to be teratogenic. Animal studies also show an increase in the risk of cancer after exposure to chromium(VI) compounds.


Chromium(III) is an essential nutrient that helps the body use sugar, protein, and fat. Chronic liver and kidney damage due to long-term exposure of chromium(VI) has been reported. However, chronic low-level exposure to chromium does not appear to produce measurable renal damage. Dermal exposure to chromium compounds can cause irritant dermatitis and skin ulcerations (chrome holes). Breathing high levels of chromium(VI) can cause irritation to the nose, such as runny nose, nosebleeds, and ulcers and holes in the nasal septum. Inhalation of chromium(VI) compounds is also associated with lung cancer, and these compounds are classified as human carcinogens.

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S.C. Gad, in Encyclopedia of Toxicology (Third Edition), 2014

Chronic Toxicity (or Exposure)


Animal studies have shown cadmium to be a teratogen and a reproductive toxin; however, the results of mutagenesis experiments are equivocal. Cadmium produced local sarcomas in a number of rodent species when the metal, sulfide, oxide, or salts were administered subcutaneously. Intramuscular injection of cadmium powder and cadmium sulfate also produced local sarcomas. Injection of cadmium chloride into the ventral prostate resulted in a low incidence of prostatic carcinoma. Exposure via inhalation of cadmium chloride produced a dose-dependent increase in lung carcinomas in rats.


Chronic exposure to cadmium through any route will have adverse effects on the heart, lungs, bones, gonads, and especially the kidneys. The principal long-term effects of low-level cadmium exposure are generally chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, and chronic renal tubular disease. Cardiovascular and skeletal effects are also possible. The initial symptoms of chronic inhalation exposure are those associated with metal fume fever (e.g., fever, headache, chest pain, sore throat, coughing, and rhinitis). Metal fume fever is most often associated with inhalation of zinc oxide but may occur following exposure to other metals such as cadmium. Although inconclusive, there is evidence that the cadmium burden in the body can lead to hypertension.

Since cadmium can displace zinc, its accumulation in the testes can suppress testicular function. Evidence obtained in the past several years appears to relate cadmium to prostate cancer in young men who work with cadmium. Additional investigation, such as epidemiological studies with a larger cohort, needs to be performed to investigate this apparent association of cadmium with prostate cancer.

Skeletal changes due to cadmium accumulation are probably related to calcium loss, which can be influenced by diet and hormonal status. These skeletal changes include osteomalacia (softening of bone resulting from loss of minerals) and pseudofractures. In Japan, people who ate fish contaminated with cadmium experienced skeletal changes, especially in their backs. This very painful effect was called the ‘Itai-Itai’ (‘ouch-ouch’) disease. Postmenopausal women with low calcium and vitamin D intake were apparently most susceptible.

Since the kidneys are the main depot for cadmium, they are of the greatest concern for cadmium toxicity. Cadmium interferes with the proximal tubule's reabsorption function. This leads to abnormal actions of uric acid, calcium, and phosphorus. Aminoaciduria (amino acids in the urine) and glucosuria (glucose in the urine) result; in later stages, proteinuria (protein in the urine) results. When this happens, it is assumed that there is a marked decrease in glomerular filtration. Long-term exposure to cadmium leads to anemia, which may result from cadmium interfering with iron absorption.

Cadmium metallothionein has also been studied extensively. This metalloprotein is high in the amino acid cysteine (∼30%) and is devoid of aromatic amino acids. Metallothionein itself may function to help detoxify cadmium. For some experimental tumors, cadmium appears to be anticarcinogenic (e.g., it reduces the induction of tumors). While cadmium is not genotoxic, International Food Additives Council classifies it as a human carcinogen.

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J.M. Conley, S.M. Richards, in Encyclopedia of Ecology, 2008

Teratogenesis is the creation of a deformed organism. A teratogen is any agent that physically or chemically alters developmental processes and produces congenital deformities. The nature of the teratogen and developmental stage during which the alteration occurs is critical to the type and severity of abnormality it will produce. Biological factors such as the organism’s gestation process, developmental pathways, and life-cycle characteristics also influence the exposure and effect of a teratogen. Mechanical disruptors, environmental factors, and chemical contaminants are the primary categories of teratogens affecting wildlife species. Exposure of an embryo, fetus, or larva to a teratogen may result in death, structural malformation, functional disorder, or growth retardation. The most commonly described teratogenic effects occurring in ecosystems are external malformations. Wild organisms have always been subject to teratogenic insult; however, current anthropogenic activities have increased the prevalence of deformities. Herein, the current state of teratogenesis knowledge concerning amphibians, reptiles, birds, fishes, mammals, and invertebrates is discussed with emphasis on structural malformations resulting from exposure to chemical contaminants.

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Russell Barbare, in Encyclopedia of Toxicology (Second Edition), 2005

Chronic Toxicity (or Exposure)


Accutane is a potent rat and rabbit developmental toxin (teratogen). Testicular atrophy and evidence of lower spermatogenesis was noted in dogs given isotretinoin for 30 weeks at 20 or 60 mg kg−1 day−1. Fischer 344 rats dosed at 8 or 32 mg kg−1 day−1 for over 18 months had a dose-related raised incidence of pheochromocytoma, an adrenal gland tumor. The relevance in man is unknown since this animal develops spontaneous pheochromocytoma at a significant rate.


Any level of exposure may be teratogenic, so potentially fertile females must not be pregnant or get pregnant within 30 days before, during, and after exposure (see Mechanism of Toxicity). Other effects that often require monitoring are psychiatric disorders, including depression and suicidal thoughts, and benign intercranial hypotension, which can lead to headache, visual disturbances, or nausea and vomiting. These disorders may not stop upon discontinuation and should be evaluated by a professional. Dose-dependent adverse effects on the skin and mucous membranes may include inflammation or cracking of the lips, dry eyes, nosebleeding, irritation of the palpebral conjunctiva, and redness or dryness of the skin. Less common effects on the same organ systems include hair loss, photosensitivity, formation of granular tissue, or dark adaptation dysfunction. Colonization and, rarely, infection by Staphylococcus aureus can also occur. Hyperlipidemia is reported in 25% of treated patients during therapeutic courses of treatment on a systemic level, with the most common effect being increased triglyceride levels. There may also be increased cholesterol levels, raising of low-density lipoprotein levels, or lowering of high-density lipoprotein levels. Long-term treatments can generate several skeletal side effects including joint or lower back pain, bone hypertrophy, ossification at tendinous insertions, and lowered bone density. Children may experience premature closure of the epiphyseals. Tests of sperm count and motility in man have shown no significant changes.

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Developmental Toxicology

C. Kappen, ... G. Pavlinkova, in Comprehensive Toxicology, 2010

12.09.4 Future Challenges Application of Gene Expression Measurements to Teratogen Exposure

A common finding in adverse exposures – whether to toxicants or teratogens – is the reduced penetrance and variable expressivity of outcomes. Even in highly inbred strains, it is rare to find 100% of the exposed individuals affected, and even if possible, individuals may vary in the severity of outcomes. For example, in the FVB inbred strain, streptozotocin (STZ)-induced maternal diabetes produces about 15% of malformed embryos (Pavlinkova et al. 2008, 2009), and although almost all of them exhibit NTDs, some also have heart defects and other malformations (Salbaum and Kappen, unpublished observations). The factors that make certain individuals more susceptible than others despite identical genetic makeup have not been identified, but likely involve threshold phenomena and a quantitative distribution of risk. This is fundamentally different from polymorphisms in natural (human) populations that may be responsible for altering protein function or expression levels, or the action of so-called modifier genes. Instead, inbred strains offer the possibility of identifying nongenetic mechanisms that confer variability of risk to the individuals in the population. Through quantitation of gene expression levels for a single gene in a large number of animal samples (Kruger et al. 2006), we have shown that gene expression levels follow a normal distribution within the population, but also that they can vary by as much as fivefold between individuals in the extreme 10% margins of the distribution. Thus, even in normal embryos, there may be considerable variation in the levels of expression for any gene. Whether these differences in any one gene or a particular constellation of genes increase susceptibility to exposure remains to be investigated. A major technical limitation is presented by the fact that gene expression is typically measured in terminal samples, and thus preexposure parameters and outcome data cannot be collected from the same animal. In adults, it may be possible to remove part of a tissue, or one duplicate, assuming equivalency and lateral symmetry at the molecular level, such as fat pads or limb muscles. However, for developmental exposures, this is infeasible. Once specific targets have been identified, however, reporter transgenes may be amenable to quantitation by whole-body live imaging methods. It is unlikely that technologies to do this on a genome-wide scale would become available soon. Yet, even in the absence of direct methods for observation of response to exposure, it may be possible to derive insight into variability from the existing microarray results. Coordinate Regulation as Identified by Cluster Analyses

In a wide variety of experimental paradigms subjected to microarray analysis, it is of interest to identify coordinately regulated subsets of genes. This is typically done through cluster analysis (Eisen et al. 1998). The merits of the different cluster algorithms have been discussed elsewhere (Do and Choi 2008; Fan and Ren 2006; Gollub and Sherlock 2006; Quackenbush 2006; Rahnenführer 2005). Figure 1 shows an example of hierarchical clustering of microarray data obtained from our diabetes-exposed embryos. Several clusters of genes can be identified that change in the same direction and exhibit either greater or lesser variability between individual animals. Such clustering may indicate coordinate regulation of these genes, possibly through common signaling pathways or transcriptional mechanisms. Second, those genes in clusters that show variability could be associated with variability of the response of individuals with respect to differences in outcome. While such an analysis of cluster features can identify promising candidates from microarray data in a discovery paradigm, when applied to validated genes their predictive power should be even greater. This is actually borne out by identification of cancer subtypes via microarrays and gene expression profiles (Alizadeh and Staudt 2000; Bittner et al. 2000; Golub et al. 1999; Hu et al. 2006; Ross et al. 2000). In the future, it may be possible to apply similar approaches to teratogen exposure paradigms; predictive power relative to susceptibility will most likely be dependent on the degree of variation between individuals as well as sample number available for a specific exposure. Temporal Trajectories of Altered Gene Expression

As alluded to earlier, toxicological and teratological studies of altered gene expression aim to identify the molecular basis of pathogenicity of a given exposure. Inherently, there are proximal and distal elements to the initial insult, and the two types of responses become even more difficult to dissociate in chronic exposures. Exposure to maternal diabetes during pregnancy is obviously a chronic exposure, although there may be distinct phases of vulnerability in the embryo, depending on tissue and cellular response mechanism. Vulnerability to oxidative stress, for example, may be ongoing and related to physiological thresholds, while altered gene expression itself is expected to make its impact as soon as the product becomes limiting or is present in excess. For the latter, detailed investigations over time should identify the earliest time point of response to the insult. In different molecular pathways, this may follow different timelines; for example, reduction in a critical transcription factor may well have a more immediate effect than lack of relatively stable cytoskeletal or extracellular matrix components. Similarly, proliferating and quiescent cells may respond differently to the same molecular change in expression level. Therefore, to understand how the various pathways affected by altered gene expression contribute to pathogenesis and variations in response to exposure, it is indispensable to consider the temporal trajectories of individual genes (Mitiku and Baker 2007) and the changes in their spatial expression patterns. For the developing embryo, the relevant experimental methods then move away from whole-genome scale to more focused and functional analyses in the respective exposure paradigm. Will Technical Advances Soon Make Microarrays Obsolete?

Recently, massively parallel sequencing technology (Wheeler et al. 2008) has been developed with decreasing price, so that it may soon be possible to profile gene expression by directly measuring the occurrence of specific sequences in the transcriptome of cells or organisms. The advantage over microarrays is that identification of a transcript is no longer dependent on the specificity of hybridization. This eliminates the need for corrections for cross-hybridization, such as mismatched oligonucleotide probes, with their implicit limitations. In fact, transcriptomes of several organisms (Erdner and Anderson 2006; Jongeneel et al. 2005; Torres et al. 2008) and different cell types (Chen et al. 2005; Morin et al. 2008a,b) have recently been characterized by massively parallel sequencing. While this may eventually make the wet-bench aspects of microarray technology obsolete (Coppee 2008), many principles of data analysis will remain similar when the goal is to identify genes that are differentially regulated as a result of pathogenesis, disease, or exposure. However, because direct sequencing enables detection of not only transcripts but also DNA sites occupied by transcription factors (Wederell et al. 2008), it will be possible to elucidate mechanisms of regulation as well as outcomes, such as differential gene expression. This will have particular implications for epigenetic modifications (Charalambous et al. 2007) that are currently difficult to detect at the whole-genome level, but which may play an increasingly prominent role in understanding predisposition to disease (Dolinoy and Jirtle 2008) and susceptibilities to the effects of environmental exposures, such as nutrition (Dolinoy et al. 2007) or teratogens.

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During which stage of fetal development is exposure to teratogens most damaging?

The embryonic period, during which organogenesis takes place, occurs between implantation at around 14 days to around 60 days postconception. This is usually the most sensitive period to teratogenesis when exposure to a teratogenic agent has the greatest likelihood of producing a malformation.

What phases affect teratogens?

Experts believe that teratogens can begin affecting a baby growing in the womb about 10 to14 days after conception. Conception is when a woman's egg is fertilized by a man's sperm. After conception, it takes about 6 to 9 days for the egg to implant in the uterus.

During which stage of fetal development is exposure to teratogens most damaging quizlet?

- The effects of a teratogenic agent are worst during the critical period when an organ system grows most rapidly. - Organogenesis takes place during the embryonic period (weeks 3-8 of prenatal development).

At what time period in a pregnancy can medication potentially have the greatest risk of causing malformations?

First-trimester medicine exposure (particularly days 18 to 56 post-conception) is associated with the highest risk of malformation.