ass-kisser là gì - Nghĩa của từ ass-kisser

ass-kisser có nghĩa là

a person who sucks up to people in a position of authority in order to get some kind of reward or perks


My co-worker Josh is such an ass kisser

ass-kisser có nghĩa là

Ass kisser = a suck up, someone who will kiss someone's butt to gain points. Sometimes these folks are known as bum-kissers. Often these folks tend to be the goody goody types whom one can not trust for a second - these folks will use what you tell them, or do, against you for their own personal gain. Most of these people are social nerds with few social skills - the only way they can get attention is to play suck up to someone important - usually a boss, manager or teacher/professor - an authority fiqure.

The best way to deal with these kind of people - bum-kissers is to avoid them - never trust them, never confide with them.


I had a co-worker who was the consumate ass-kisser - he would suck up to the boss all day long to gain favors and access. All of us in the office were aware of this situation and adopted a strategy of avoidance - keeping our mouths shut and not getting involved with the little bum kisser in any way. The little ass kisser functioned in his own little world.

ass-kisser có nghĩa là

A lowlife person willing to use other people as their targets for advancement in their organization or on the job. They are proficient in manipulation skills. They normally have a nervousness about them [constantly moving their leg] or/and talk almost non-stop about irrevalent topics. This is their way of subconciously manipulating their victims. Any supervisor or authoritative figure not capable of detecting this should be terminated immediately for compromising company morale. Ass Kissers like to take gifts to their superiors [fresh mushrooms, fish, etc...] this is a control technique used on weak management. They also love to cause trouble by telling on other employees and if they have nothing to tell they will just lie to have a story. Ass Kissers love trouble! Good managers/supervisors will find a reason to quickly terminate these people because they know that is the Ass Kisser gets the chance they will burn them out of their job. Acronyms for Ass Kisser are BJ and CJ.


cj bjass kisser kiss ass trouble maker troublemaker butt licker dick licker cum swallower sociopath liar stalker

ass-kisser có nghĩa là

A person who flatters or compliments somebody in order to gain their trust or approval; a goal-oriented individual who wants to ascend a hierarchical system [in a corporation or otherwise], and accomplishes this by getting on good terms with people.

'Ass' is a common and somewhat rude term for a person's rear end. Someone who 'kisses ass' is willing to degrade himself in order to please others and get ahead.


1] That ass-kisser, Peter, is always telling the boss how great he is.

2] Don't be such an ass-kisser; the boss doesn't even know you are alive anyway.

ass-kisser có nghĩa là

The smart kind in the front of the class


That kid is a ass kisser

ass-kisser có nghĩa là

An Ass Kisser is SOMEONE who lets a evil person crap all over them, and excepts it, then, in return The ASS KISSER does great things to try to make the evil person happy. The ASS KISSERS life revolves around the evil persons feelings and what the evil persons needs and wants are...


CAROL: Lisa ruined My wedding! She Fought with My whole family! I'm baby sitting Her kids this weekend.

CAROL: Lisa started a fight between Me and My Husband Again! I'm having Her over for Our picnic.

CAROL: Lisa ruined the pinic! I can't believe what She did!?

CAROL: Lisa ruined Easter! Are you guys coming to her house for Memorial Day?

CAROL: Lisa M. ruined Christmas Eve at My house! We went to her house Christmas morning:]

CAROL: Lisa lost her Driver license cause all the DUIs , I'm driving Her everywhere and She's Screaming at Me.I gotta go! Lisa needs a ride to the store!

CAROL: What's wrong with You? I accept People for WHO & WHAT THEY ARE!

Me: Oh My God CAROL, YOU ARE AN Ass Kisser !!!

ass-kisser có nghĩa là

A politician because they have to please everone to get elected. In other words to kiss there asses.


Did you hear that ass kisser on tv?

ass-kisser có nghĩa là

Someone who bears down with their rectum forcing it onto the back of a toilet seat before they wipe.


Some ass kisser left their mark on this public toilet.

ass-kisser có nghĩa là

The lowest life form in the workplace not only trying to butter up to the boss or manager but to his superiors and even to the regional or company CEO.


The President of the company came to the store to visit but that little ass kisser ruined his visit by kissing up to him and giving a gift to him making the other co-worker very angry with her.

ass-kisser có nghĩa là

1. Any of several groups of people who flirt, laugh, joke, or bow down to someone of a higher status or position, in hopes of attaining said position or keeping the current one they already possess. 2. Any person or group of people who connect their lips to a buttocks a.k.a: ass. 3. Your garden variety superstore employee with exception of walmart and target. Most prevalent in high end places such as Tom thumb, Randall's, Safeway...etc.


1. "Bill is such an ass-kisser, this is the third time he has complimented the boss since that new position opened up." 2. "Whatever you do don't kiss Julia, she has this fetish for ass-kissing, and she uses her tongue." 3. "Hello valued customer! Please turn around and lean forward so that I may better kiss your ass today!"

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