Are there specific stickers for laptops?

Cookie policy

StickerApp uses cookies on the website

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file with information stored on your computer, your smart phone or tablet when you visit a website. Cookies makes it possible to identify you as a visitor to the website and is used for the website to work more efficient. A cookie can be used to collect statistics, do market research or to personalise ads and offers.

There are two types of cookies. One type will remain on your computer for a specific duration of time. The other type is temporary and will only be used for as long as youre on the website, then it will disappear.

Cookies can have different owners. Many websites use third-part cookies. These cookies are usually used to collect statistics and improve content and ads, they come from different business partners.

Why does StickerApp use cookies?

StickerApp uses both lasting and temporary cookies on the website. We also use third-part cookies. We us cookies to improve our website and make it more user friendly and generally improve the user experience.

Some cookies are necessary for you to be able to use our website and make a purchase. With the help of our cookies we can also analyse the customer flow on the website and through that improve the website and our customer support. Through cookies we save information on which pages the users visits, which enable us to adjust offers and marketing.

What cookies are used on the StickerApp website?

StickerApp uses the tool Google Analytics in order to collect anonymous information of your website usage. This information does not contain any personal information and does not enable us to identify any specific users. Google Analytics is a third part cookie. These cookies are used to provide us with a clearer picture of what works well and what does not on the website. This by providing us with statistics over, for example, general user habits, succession of pages visited, what pages are most popular and what paths leads to sales.

Adyen is the card payment service provider we use. Adyen uses cookies in order to make payments possible and to prevent fraud. If a fraud is detected Adyen can use their cookies to stop transactions on other websites who also uses Adyens payment solutions.

Google Ads, Bing Pixel and Facebook Pixel are also third part cookies. They collect anonymous information in order for us to study purchase behaviour and the effectiveness of our ads. It enables us to create target groups with a certain behaviour and target ads more effectively.

Below is a list of the cookies we use.

Necessary cookies

These cookies are essential for our website to function and for you to be able to use the cart and checkout on our website.

Type of Cookie



Third part cookie

Session Cookies

To store personal settings, login to your account, handle cart/checkout et.c.

Maximum, 30 days

No, these are StickerApps own cookies.


To Enable card payments through Adyen and prevent and track frauds.

2 years


Cookies for Statistics and Marketing
All these cookies are third part cookies.These cookies provide us with a general idea of user website usage. There is a possibility to block these types of cookies in our browser by adjusting the settings, should you not wish to accept third part cookies.

Type of Cookie



Third part cookie

Google Analytics

Statistics. To analyse user behaviour on our website and measure marketing results.

2 years


Google Ads

Analysis and targeted marketing. Tracks website usage and interactions.

You can read more about how Google works with ads and Cookies here:

30 days


Bing Pixel

Analysis and targeted marketing. Tracks website usage and interactions.

1 year


Facebook Pixel

Analysis and targeted marketing. Tracks website usage and interactions.

1 year


Snapchat Pixel

Analysis and targeted marketing. Tracks website usage and interactions.

1 year



Used to track Visitor/User identity and chat sessions performed by the User

1 year


Crazy Egg Cookie

Statistics. To analyse user behaviour and experience on our website.

1 year

Crazy Egg

Cookies on your device

Most browsers has a standard setting that allows the use and storage of cookies. You can edit your settings so that the storage of cookies are blocked or limited. The browser can be set so you receive a warning each time a website attempts to store a cookie on your device. You can also delete all cookies that are stored. How to remove cookies or edit your settings for them is usually stated in the browsers help section.

Please observe that if you should choose to block the cookies that are used on the StickerApp website your user experience will be affected and some features may cease to function.

If you have any questions regarding how we use cookies, please contact us.

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