A wad of dollar là gì

Đồng nghĩa của a wad of


An indefinitely large number of
many a lot of lots of myriad a wealth of scores of a collection of a good deal of a great deal of a great number of a heap of a huge amount of all kinds of a plethora of a variety of loads of masses of no end of oodles of piles of plenty of reams of umpteen a boatload of a bunch of a great quantity of a large amount of a large number of a load of a mass of a mountain of ample amounts of a multitude of an abundance of an appreciable amount of a profusion of a slew of assorted a stack of a ton of bags of bazillions of billions of bountiful amounts of considerable amounts of copious amounts of countless amounts of dozens of droves of excessive amounts of exorbitant amounts of frequent gazillions of gobs of great quantities of heaps of hundreds of incalculable amounts of infinite amounts of inordinate amounts of large numbers of legions of millions of multiple stacks of tons of uncountable amounts of untold amounts of unusually high amounts of voluminous amounts of a batch of a bonanza of a bulk of a bundle of a bushel of a cluster of acres of a horde of a hunk of a jillion of a legion of a lump of a multiplicity of an amount of an excess of a shedload of a stash of a store of a superabundance of a swag of a volume of a whole batch of a whole bunch of a whole load of a whole slew of enough of scads of slathers of superabundant amounts of superfluous amounts of surfeit amounts of surplus amounts of thousands of unreasonable amounts of zillions of a buildup of a clump of an accumulation of an army of a swarm of a trillion of a whole bundle of diverse amounts of stock of sufficient amounts of undue amounts of a cargo of crowds of beaucoup a generous amount of a lavish amount of a liberal amount of an ample amount of an exuberant amount of an inexhaustible amount of an infinite amount of a overflowing amount of a plenteous amount of a rich amount of miscellaneous uncountable unnumbered a number of more than a few more than one can shake a stick at manifold numerous innumerable considerable untold countless some endless quite a lot of a few a couple of a handful of quite a few much too much substantial great ample abundant sizable plentiful immeasurable profuse copious extravagant full exceeding a great amount of mucho lashings of mega jam-packed such lotsa complete voluminous galore real extra generous a pile of lavish

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await awaited awaited with anticipation awaited with enthusiasm awaited with gusto awaited with pleasure a wad aW avuncularly avuncular avulsing avulses

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