Work laptop etiquette

Work laptop etiquette

For anyone who works remotelywhether every day or just once in a whiletheres something energizing about working out ofyour local Starbucks or local coffee shop. However,its not just about the free Wi-Fi or addictive beverages.
Recently, I had left work for a doctors appointment but had about an hour to kill before picking my kids up from school. Since I already had my computer with me, I headed to the nearest Starbucks, orderedmy favorite $4 drink, and attempted to find a table to get some work done. I hadnt done this in probably over a year, and I must admit that it was amazing: I felt like I was in a hub for freelancers and other professionals. Pretty much everytable was taken by people who were actually working, not just sipping lattes. There was a buzz in the air, and I could definitely understand why so many people chooseStarbucks and other coffee shops as their work spots (I know someone who wrote an entire book out of her local Starbucks!)
Sure, itsno secret thatcoffee shops have become synonymous with working remotely. However, if so many people are going to make these places their pseudo offices, then weve all got to follow some basic etiquette.
Here,some suggestions Ive heard from people who often work out ofmy local Starbucks:
Dont take up too much space.
Most coffee shops are small, so if youre alone dont snag a big table orpush two two-tops together so you have room to spread out your laptops, papers, and purses or other bags. In other words, make room for others. There is oneplace this point might not apply down the roada crazy, huge Starbucks coming to Chicago. Like 43,000 square feet huge!
Keep it down.
This one goes out to the guy sitting a few tables over from meon my recent afternoon working at Starbucks: Yes, we are all impressed that youre working on a huge, important deal thatll bring in tons of cashto your company. But wereally dont wantto hear about it. Talk at a regular volume. Please.
Order something.
This should gowithout saying, but people actually campout at coffee shops eating a sandwich and drinking bottled water they brought from home. Dontbrown bag it ifyoure going to take a table for hours on end. Ordera beverage or snack every two hours or so.
Keep your area neat.
No, its not cool to create a virtualobstacle course with your power cordsand laptop bag. Make sure no one can trip over your stuff.
Not all coffee shops offer free Wi-Fi. In fact, some are consciously taking it away or limiting it to encourage conversation among patrons. Years ago, even some Starbucks in New York City started plugging up outlets so people could only stay as long as their batteries lasted. Also, dont complain to the baristas if the Wi-Fi isnt fast enough for you.they are not your personal IT department.

Consider alternatives.
If you really plan to work out of a coffee shop every day,you might want to consider otherplans. After all, lets face itthese placesare usually pretty congestedand theyre often so noisy that it makes it very difficult to have an important work call or Skype a colleague. Here are some other great options.