Which of the following methods returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the argument in Java?

The Math.ceil[] function always rounds up and returns the smaller integer greater than or equal to a given number.

Try it



Return value

The smallest integer greater than or equal to x. It's the same value as -Math.floor[-x].


Because ceil[] is a static method of Math, you always use it as Math.ceil[], rather than as a method of a Math object you created [Math is not a constructor].


Using Math.ceil[]

Math.ceil[-Infinity]; // -Infinity Math.ceil[-7.004]; // -7 Math.ceil[-4]; // -4 Math.ceil[-0.95]; // -0 Math.ceil[-0]; // -0 Math.ceil[0]; // 0 Math.ceil[0.95]; // 1 Math.ceil[4]; // 4 Math.ceil[7.004]; // 8 Math.ceil[Infinity]; // Infinity


ECMAScript Language Specification
# sec-math.ceil

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also


Guys, does anyone know the answer?

get which of the following number method returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the argument from screen.


Java - floor[] Method, The method floor gives the largest integer that is less than or equal to the argument.

Java - floor[] Method

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The method floor gives the largest integer that is less than or equal to the argument.


This method has the following variants −

double floor[double d]

double floor[float f]


Here is the detail of parameters −

A double or float primitive data type.

Return Value

This method returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the argument. Returned as a double.


Live Demo public class Test {

public static void main[String args[]] {

double d = -100.675;

float f = -90;





} }

This will produce the following result −


-101.0 -90.0 -100.0 -90.0 Previous Page Next Page Advertisements

स्रोत : www.tutorialspoint.com

Java Math Abs[] Round[] Ceil[] Floor[] Min[] Methods/Function with Example

Java Math Class provides useful methods for performing the math’s operations like exponential, logarithm, roots and trigonometric equations too. This tutorial teaches Java Math Class with examples.

Java Math Abs[] Round[] Ceil[] Floor[] Min[] Methods/Function with Example

By James Hartman Updated May 7, 2022

Java has had several advanced usage application including working with complex calculations in physics, architecture/designing of structures, working with Maps and corresponding latitudes/longitudes, etc.

In this Java tutorial, you will learn:

Math.abs in Java Math.round in Java

Math.ceil and Math.floor in Java

Math.min in Java

All such applications require using complex calculations/equations that are tedious to perform manually. Programmatically, such calculations would involve usage of logarithms, trigonometry, exponential equations, etc.

Now, you cannot have all the log or trigonometry tables hard-coded somewhere in your application or data. The data would be enormous and complex to maintain.

Java provides a very useful class for this purpose. It is the Math java class [java.lang.Math].

This class provides methods for performing the operations like exponential, logarithm, roots and trigonometric equations too.

Let us have a look at the methods provided by the Java Math class.

The two most fundamental elements in Math are the ‘e’ [base of the natural logarithm] and ‘pi’ [ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter]. These two constants are often required in the above calculations/operations.

Hence the Math class java provides these two constants as double fields.

Math.E – having a value as 2.718281828459045Math.PI – having a value as 3.141592653589793

A] Let us have a look at the table below that shows us the Basic methods and its description

Method Description Arguments

abs Returns the absolute value of the argument Double, float, int, long

round Returns the closed int or long [as per the argument] double or float

ceil Math ceil function in Java returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the argument Double

floor Java floor method returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the argument Double

min Returns the smallest of the two arguments Double, float, int, long

max Returns the largest of the two arguments Double, float, int, long

Below is the code implementation of the above methods:

Note: There is no need to explicitly import java.lang.Math as its imported implicitly. All its methods are static.

Integer Variable int i1 = 27; int i2 = -45;

Double[decimal] variables

double d1 = 84.6; double d2 = 0.45;

Java Math abs[] method with Example

Java Math abs[] method returns the absolute value of the argument.

public class Guru99 {

public static void main[String args[]] {

int i1 = 27; int i2 = -45; double d1 = 84.6; double d2 = 0.45;

System.out.println["Absolute value of i1: " + Math.abs[i1]];

System.out.println["Absolute value of i2: " + Math.abs[i2]];

System.out.println["Absolute value of d1: " + Math.abs[d1]];

System.out.println["Absolute value of d2: " + Math.abs[d2]];

} }


Absolute value of i1: 27

Absolute value of i2: 45

Absolute value of d1: 84.6

Absolute value of d2: 0.45

Java Math.round[] method with Example

Math.round[] method in Java returns the closed int or long as per the argument. Below is the example of math.round Java method.

public class Guru99 {

public static void main[String args[]] {

double d1 = 84.6; double d2 = 0.45;

System.out.println["Round off for d1: " + Math.round[d1]];

System.out.println["Round off for d2: " + Math.round[d2]];

} }


Round off for d1: 85

Round off for d2: 0

Java Math.ceil and Math.floor method with Example

The Math.ceil and Math.floor in Java methods are used to return the smallest and largest integer that are greater than or equal to the argument. Below is the Math floor and ceiling Java example.

public class Guru99 {

public static void main[String args[]] {

double d1 = 84.6; double d2 = 0.45;

System.out.println["Ceiling of '" + d1 + "' = " + Math.ceil[d1]];

System.out.println["Floor of '" + d1 + "' = " + Math.floor[d1]];

System.out.println["Ceiling of '" + d2 + "' = " + Math.ceil[d2]];

System.out.println["Floor of '" + d2 + "' = " + Math.floor[d2]];

} }

We will get the below output of the math.ceil in Java example.


Ceiling of '84.6' = 85.0

Floor of '84.6' = 84.0

Ceiling of '0.45' = 1.0

Floor of '0.45' = 0.0

Java Math.min[] method with Example

The Java Math.min[] method returns the smallest of the two arguments.

public class Guru99 {

public static void main[String args[]] {

int i1 = 27; int i2 = -45; double d1 = 84.6; double d2 = 0.45;

System.out.println["Minimum out of '" + i1 + "' and '" + i2 + "' = " + Math.min[i1, i2]];

System.out.println["Maximum out of '" + i1 + "' and '" + i2 + "' = " + Math.max[i1, i2]];

System.out.println["Minimum out of '" + d1 + "' and '" + d2 + "' = " + Math.min[d1, d2]];

स्रोत : www.guru99.com


This section of our 1000+ Java MCQs focuses on rounding functions in Java Programming Language. 1. Which of these class provides various types of rounding functions? a] Math b] Process c] System d] Object 2. Which of these methods return a smallest whole number greater than or equal to variable X? a] double ceil[double X] ... Read more

Java Questions & Answers – Java.lang – Rounding Functions

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This section of our 1000+ Java MCQs focuses on rounding functions in Java Programming Language.

1. Which of these class provides various types of rounding functions?

a] Math b] Process c] System d] Object View Answer advertisement

2. Which of these methods return a smallest whole number greater than or equal to variable X?

a] double ceil[double X]

b] double floor[double X]

c] double max[double X]

d] double min[double X]

View Answer

3. Which of these method returns a largest whole number less than or equal to variable X?

a] double ceil[double X]

b] double floor[double X]

c] double max[double X]

d] double min[double X]

View Answer

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4. Which of function return absolute value of a variable?

a] abs[] b] absolute[]

c] absolutevariable[]

d] none of the mentioned

View Answer

5. What will be the output of the following Java code?

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advertisement class A { int x; int y; void display[] {

System.out.print[x + " " + y];

} } class Output {

public static void main[String args[]]

{ A obj1 = new A[]; A obj2 = new A[]; obj1.x = 1; obj1.y = 2;

obj2 = obj1.clone[];

obj1.display[]; obj2.display[]; } } a] 1 2 0 0 b] 1 2 1 2 c] 0 0 0 0 d] System Dependent View Answer

6. What will be the output of the following Java code?

advertisement class Output {

public static void main[String args[]]

{ double x = 3.14;

int y = [int] Math.abs[x];


} } a] 0 b] 3 c] 3.0 d] 3.1 View Answer

7. What will be the output of the following Java code?

class Output {

public static void main[String args[]]

{ double x = 3.14;

int y = [int] Math.ceil[x];


} } a] 0 b] 3 c] 3.0 d] 4 View Answer

8. What will be the output of the following Java code?

class Output {

public static void main[String args[]]

{ double x = 3.14;

int y = [int] Math.floor[x];


} } a] 0 b] 3 c] 3.0 d] 4 View Answer

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Which method returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a number?

ceil[] The Math. ceil[] function always rounds up and returns the smaller integer greater than or equal to a given number.

Which method returns the smallest double value that is greater than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer?

ceil. Returns the smallest [closest to negative infinity] double value that is greater than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.

Which number function returns the largest integer value that is equal to or less than a number Celi [] trunc [] floor [] MOD []?

floor[] function returns the largest integer less than or equal to a given number.

Which method returns the next integer less than or equal to a given number?

floor[] method may be used to get the nearest integer that is less than or equal to a given value. We can see in this example that several variables are supplied to the floor[] method, which returns a result.

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