Which is a sequence of instruction followed in a computer language to solve a problem?


There are three basic building blocks to use when designing algorithms:

  • sequencing
  • selection
  • repetition

What is sequencing?

We have already learnt that an algorithm is a plan, a set of step-by-step instructions that a computer follows to solve a problem.

Sequencing is the name given to the specific order in which instructions are carried out in an algorithm.

To solve the problem, the instructions have to be followed in the right order. If the instructions are not carried out in the right order, you won’t get the result you expected.​​​​​​​​​​​​​

A computer can only do what it is programmed to do. If the steps are programmed in the wrong sequence, the computer will perform the tasks in this sequence – even if this is incorrect.

Why is sequencing important?

It is important that the steps in an algorithm are performed in the right order – otherwise the algorithm will not work correctly.

Suppose the steps for you getting ready for school in the morning were as follows:

If the steps were in a different order, for example the ‘get dressed’ instruction was before the ‘shower’ instruction, it would be completely wrong!

As a human, you would realise that you need to shower before you get dressed, but a computer would not know that anything was wrong.

Sequencing in practice: Drawing a square

An algorithm to get a computer to draw a square on the screen might consist of these steps:

  1. draw a 3 cm line
  2. turn left 90 degrees
  3. draw a 3 cm line
  4. turn left 90 degrees
  5. draw a 3 cm line
  6. turn left 90 degrees
  7. draw a 3 cm line

The steps in this algorithm are in the correct sequence. This algorithm would result in a perfect square.

If there was a mistake when designing the algorithm, and the steps in this sequence were placed like this:

  1. draw a 3 cm line
  2. turn left 90 degrees
  3. draw a 3 cm line
  4. turn left 90 degrees
  5. draw a 3 cm line
  6. draw a 3 cm line
  7. turn left 90 degrees

This algorithm would create this shape, rather than a perfect square:

Because step 6 is in the wrong sequence [it should switch with step 7], this algorithm failed and we have ended up with something unexpected.

Follow this hyperlink to learn more:-

  1. Hour of Code
  2. BBC Schools

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An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure to solve any problem or a task which does not depend on a particular programming language, above chapter has used a layered architecture where computer games use blockchain safely. Learn more in: Blockchain in Gaming


A step-by-step problem-solving procedure, especially an established, recursive computational procedure for solving a problem in a finite number of steps. Learn more in: Decision Trees


A mathematical sequence of instructions telling how to carry on computation to implement it as a program. Algorithms are used to create repetition by performing operations on previous products. Algorithm serves for solving a complex problem by writing a sequence of simpler, unambiguous steps. Such course of action is used for writing computer programs and in programmed learning. Learn more in: Visualization as Communication with Graphic Representation


A procedure that solves a given problem by a finite number of steps. A problem solved by an algorithm is said computable . The term “algorithm” is derived from the Latin transcription of the name of the Persian mathematician al-Khwarizmi, which is considered one of the first authors to have made reference to this concept. Learn more in: Clustering Techniques for Revealing Gene Expression Patterns


A mathematical recipe, a sequence of instructions telling how to proceed computation to implement it as a program. Algorithms are actually mathematical equations used to create repetition. An algorithm is a procedure for solving a complicated problem by carrying out a fixed sequence of simpler, unambiguous steps. A recursive process means that an algorithm is applied multiple times to perform operations on its previous products. Such procedures are used in computer programs and in programmed learning. Learn more in: Duality of Natural and Technological Explanations


An algorithm is a sequence of steps that describe how a problem can be solved. It is a set of self-contained sequence of instructions or actions that contains finite space or sequence and that will give us a result to a specific problem in a finite amount of time. If X0 has been identified, then a program which uses a program [X0] to generate an output, i.e., X1, is said to be implemented using an Algorithm. Learn more in: Random Processes and Visual Perception: Stochastic Art


A mathematical sequence of instructions telling how to carry on computation to implement it as a program. Algorithm serves for solving a complex problem by writing a sequence of simpler, unambiguous steps. Learn more in: Visualization as a Knowledge Transfer


It is a mathematical recipe, a sequence of instructions telling how to proceed computation to implement it as a program. Algorithms are actually mathematical equations used to create repetition. An algorithm is a procedure for solving a complicated problem by carrying out a fixed sequence of simpler, unambiguous steps. A recursive process means that an algorithm is applied multiple times to perform operations on its previous products. Such procedures are used in computer programs and in programmed learning. Learn more in: Visualization of Big Data Sets Using Computer Graphics


A declaration of a stepwise process of computations; the order of steps precisely prescribed; at each step exactly known how to obtain a result from the source date. Learn more in: Sleptsov Net Computing


A well-defined procedure to solve a problem. It generally takes some input, carries out a number of effective steps in a finite amount of time and produces some output. A common method of its simplification is to divide a problem into sub-problems of the same type. A method of specifying a process by means of itself is called recursion. The recursive algorithm calls itself with smaller and smaller subsets of the original input, doing a little bit of work each time, until it reaches the base case. Recursion is a very simple, yet useful and powerful programmer’s tools. A programming routine activates itself and it can be a subroutine or a function. Learn more in: Integration of Educational Games in Synchronous Virtual Classroom: A Case Study


An algorithm is a procedure that solves a given problem by a finite number of steps. A problem solved by an algorithm is said computable . The term “algorithm” is derived from the Latin transcription of the name of the Persian mathematician al-Khwarizmi, which is considered one of the first authors to have made reference to this concept. Learn more in: Building Gene Networks by Analyzing Gene Expression Profiles


A set of computational rules to be followed to solve a mathematical problem. More recently, the term has been adopted to refer to a process to be followed, often by a computer. Learn more in: Big Data, Who Are You?


A mathematical recipe, a sequence of instructions telling how to carry out computation to implement it as a program. Algorithm is a mathematical equation used to create repetition, a procedure for solving a problem by carrying out a fixed sequence of simpler, unambiguous steps. Such procedures are used in computer programs and in programmed learning. Learn more in: Cognitive Learning with Electronic Media and Social Networking

What is the sequence of instructions given to a computer?

Computer programming refers to the detail or steps of instructions given to a computer in an appropriate computer language, which enable the computer to perform a variety of tasks in sequence or even intermittently. Q.

What called a sequence of instructions?

A sequence of instructions, in a computer language, to get the desired result, is known as an Algorithm or a Program. The Sequence of step-by-step instructions is known as a process.

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