What strategies can you implement to promote language development?

It’s never too early to nurture children’s development of language and literacy skills. Even at a very young age, experiencing different genres of books, hearing stories from the adults who care about them, and exploring books alone or with peers helps them learn how to listen to and understand language and how to share their thoughts, ideas, and feelings.

Below we highlight eight ways to support language and literacy skills development in your own early childhood classroom.

  1. Capture children’s interest before you read.
    Have children sitting on the edge of their seats before the story even begins! Before your next read-aloud, take a moment to get children interested by providing an exciting overview of the story they’re about to hear. Not sure what this looks like? Below, Vice Chair of the Board Kai-leé Berke provides a few examples so you can see this technique in action.
  2. Introduce vocabulary during a read-aloud.
    Select a few words to highlight and define for children before you begin the read-aloud. Choose words that are important to understanding the meaning of the story and then define the words as you read. You can define words during a read-aloud by pointing out part of an illustration that shows the meaning of a word, showing facial expressions or moving your body in a way that provides explanation, or giving a brief definition.
  3. Share the see-show-say strategy with families.
    See-show-say is an easy, 3-part strategy that you can share with families for conducting read-alouds at home. In the below video, Breeyn Mack demonstrates how adults can invite children to see, show, and say what they’re experiencing in the story.
  4. Highlight children’s favorite books.
    Highlighting children’s favorite books during read-aloud time is a great way to get them engaged and keep their attention. Encourage children to talk about their favorite books and share their recommendations with others. Keep sticky notes and pencils in the Library area so children can identify their favorite books. Ask them to write their name on the sticky note and then place it inside the book’s cover; then, at read-aloud time, you can point out that this book is Charlie or Lia’s favorite.
  5. Establish read-aloud routines.
    Young children thrive with consistent, predictable routines, so it’s important to establish regular times for reading. We recommend scheduling time for read-alouds at least twice a day.
  6. Read in small groups.
    To get the most literacy learning out of a read-aloud experience, make sure you take the time to read to children in small groups. Research shows that children who hear stories in small-group settings develop stronger comprehension skills, ask and answer more questions, and comment more on the text. So while you’re probably already reading aloud to large groups of children, try to find time for these small-group interactions, too!
  7. Support children who are learning two languages.
    To support dual-language learners, include books and recorded readings in children’s first languages and wordless books in your classroom book collection. Whenever you can, read the story in the child’s first language before reading in English.
  8. Start early! Read with infants and toddlers.
    Make reading physically interactive by inviting children to hold the book and turn the pages, if they are physically able, or offering them a toy to hold while you’re reading. Focus their attention by pointing to and naming the things in the pictures. And be prepared to read the same books over and over again—very young children thrive on routine and repetition.

Below, Natalie demonstrates what a read-aloud could look like in a real classroom.

To learn more about using read-alouds in your classroom, view our video series and additional resources for proper read-aloud techniques here.

One of the biggest concerns parents have about their babies and toddlers is their language development. 

Encouraging language development in early childhood can be quite simple if you know the best strategies to use.

I would recommend using them frequently within your daily routines to have the most benefit. 

Here are some examples of daily routines that would work well with these strategies for language development in early childhood:

  • Bath time
  • Diaper Changes
  • Car Rides
  • Grocery Shopping
  • Play time
  • Folding Laundry
  • Feeding Your Child
  • Cleaning
  • Book time

What strategies can you implement to promote language development?

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Strategies to Encourage Language Development in Early Childhood

How do you support language development in early childhood?

One of the best ways you can support language development in early childhood is by talking to your baby from birth on up.

Narrate daily activities and singing songs can be an easy way to promote language skills everyday.

Why is language development important in early childhood?

Language development allows your child to follow directions as well as express their needs and wants.

As your child learns to communicate effectively they will be less frustrated an you will most likely see a decrease in temper tantrums.

Exposure to Lots of Language:  How many times does a child need to hear a word to learn it?

The number one thing you can do for your baby from birth on up is to talk to them.

Seems simple right?

Children need to hear words repeated over and over for them to be able to imitate them.

Label the objects that they desire, food they want to eat, and their favorite people again and again.

Imagine that you have decided to learn Spanish.  If you were to step into a room of all Spanish-speaking people how would you learn the language?

How many times do you think you would need to hear a new word to learn it?

Now think about that from your little one’s point of view as they try to learn how to speak for the FIRST time.

Do not count on the TV for learning language….babies don’t understand it as we do!)

Providing your child with a rich language environment is the best way to encourage language development in early childhood.

This easy and excellent strategy should be at the top of your list for strategies to promote language development.

Here are 8 more effective strategies to support infant language development.

Modeling Language for Toddlers

Here are some examples of simple ways to increase the number of words your little one is exposed to everyday:

Example 1: When you are at the grocery store talk about what you see and hear. Label the items that you put in your cart. With your little one sitting right there in front of you it makes it a perfect time for them to watch, listen, and learn while you talk.

Example 2: Narrate your day. Whether you are making dinner or doing laundry, talk about what you are doing. All of your daily activities provide the perfect opportunity for your little one to learn a new set of vocabulary.

Example 3: Car time is a perfect time to talk! Describe what you are seeing as you drive. Comment on the sounds or words your child is making in the backseat.  This lets them know you are listening.  A 10 minute drive can turn into a wonderful language lesson.

Hands down children learn best through play. 

What is more motivating for a child than having fun and playing?

Narrating your toddler’s play will help them learn the names of their toys and the actions that they are doing.

For example, when my son is driving his dump truck (he loves this one)I will say “go go go!” as he zooms it on the floor.

Notice that I repeat the short fun words multiple times as those are the most fun for children to imitate.

Pick three target words that you really want to focus on during a play session so your child hears those words repeated frequently.

Model Language Skills for Toddlers

When showing your little one a new object hold it right underneath your chin.

This will draw your child’s eye gaze to your mouth and help them to imitate a new word as they are watching you.

Slow down your speech while you talk to them and it will make it easier for them to understand you.

This strategy naturally draws your child’s vision up to your face which is what they need to be watching in order to imitate.

Imitation is the first step in learning language.

What strategies can you implement to promote language development?

Use Choices to Increase Toddler Vocabulary

Whether it be picking out a snack or what to wear for the day give your little one the opportunity to choose.

 This not only exposes your child to new words but also gives them MOTIVATION to use their words to communicate.

Here is what it should look like:  Do you want a banana or Cheerios? (by asking them you are modeling both of these words that you want to be part of their vocabulary.  

If possible hold up the two items for your child to see.


Give them time to respond.  If they point to their desired choice that’s great!  

You then take that item and repeat its name-Cheerios?


Give them the opportunity to repeat the name.  If they don’t…that’s ok!  

The goal is to get your child to the point where you can ask them a simple question and they can let you know what they need or want using words.

What if your child doesn’t point to what they want?

 You will need to watch their cues and their eyes to know what they want if they are not pointing yet.

 Hold up the two objects and see which one they are drawn to.

 They may just gaze over  very quickly at it so you need to pay close attention.  

Then give your child the desired choice.

Do not expect this to work the first time…or the second.

 For this to be effective it needs to be done consistently and will take some practice.

 Use choices when you can fit it in-mealtimes, getting dressed, or even asking what toy they want to play with next are all good opportunities.


Building Phrases to Increase Vocabulary

What strategies can you implement to promote language development?

Once your child has started to master some words it is time to build on to what they say.

 If you are looking at books (this book would work well) and he points and says “duck” add-on to that by repeating back “yellow duck.”  

This simple strategy can be used while looking at books to help build vocabulary while engaging your young reader (read more about the benefits of early literacy.)

Try it out during a walk with your little one by talking about what you see.  

If she points out the flower, add-on a descriptive word such as a color or size.

 Singing Encourages Communication Skills

One of the most natural ways to model and create repetition of words is through singing.

 Whether it be “Itsy Bitsy Spider” or “Twinkle Twinkle” this is a simple way to engage your child in a rich language activity at any time or any place.

It doubles as a distraction if you sing to your wiggle worm while trying to change that dirty diaper.  

Serenade your little one on your way to the grocery store.  

These are just a couple of ways to work this strategy into your day, I bet you can think of a few more!

Target Words to Increase Vocabulary

Pick target words that you want your child to learn during playtime or a daily routine. 

For example, if your toddler is getting dressed you might pick the words: on, off, and socks. 

Then every time your child is getting dressed you make sure to use these words consistently.  This also works well when trying to teach your child a second language.

Vocabulary for Toddlers

How many words should be in your toddlers vocabulary?

All children are different so their language will come in differently.  

However here are some estimates at how many words your little one should have:

15-18 Months:  Uses 10-15 words

18-21 Months:  Uses 15-20 words

24-30 Months:  Uses 50+ words

30-35 Months:  Uses 200+ words

If you have concerns about your toddlers language development make sure to consult your pediatrician or early intervention for more information.  

You can also try these easy ways to communicate with non verbal toddlers to help bridge the gap before words come in.

What strategies can you implement to promote language development?

Grab your FREE Milestone Guide HERE.

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What strategies can you implement to promote language development?

What strategies can you implement to promote language development?

Kayla O’Neill has a master’s degree in education as well as a bachelor’s degree in special education with an emphasis in early childhood education. She has been working as a developmental therapist with babies and toddlers in early intervention since 2012. She is also a mom with two young children.

What are 4 ways that you can promote language development?

Here we look at simple ways encourage and enjoy your child's language development..
Get your child's attention. Face your child or sit down with them. ... .
Have fun together. ... .
Comments not questions. ... .
Give them time to think. ... .
Use simple language. ... .
Repeat what you say. ... .
Make it easier for them to listen. ... .
Build on what they say..

What is one of the most effective strategies for promoting children's language development?

The best way to encourage your child's language development is to do a lot of talking together about things that interest your child. It's all about following your child's lead as they show you what they're interested in by waving, babbling or using words. From birth, talk with your child and treat them as a talker.

How would you implement language development in your classroom?

In your classroom, use pictures, labels, objects, and real events to link the language the child knows to the language he or she is learning. (This literacy and vocabulary-building strategy benefits every child.) Invite the child and his or her family to share their home language and culture in your classroom.

How can we promote language and communication development?

Activities to Encourage Speech and Language Development.
Say sound like "ma," "da," and "ba." Try to get your baby to say them back to you..
Look at your baby when he makes sounds. ... .
Respond when your baby laughs or makes faces. ... .
Teach your baby to do what you do, like clapping your hands and playing peek-a-boo..