What is the term for the social organization where males dominate females?

the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female or male.Term
the unequal distribution of wealth, power and privilege between men and women.Term
the hierarchical or vertical division of society according to rank, caste, or classTerm
global comparisons with regard to “masculinity” and “femininity”Definition
equality on the kibbutzim of israel, Mead's research and study of 3 different cultures and their gender rolesTerm
a form of social organization in which males dominate malesTerm
a form of social organization in which females dominate males.Term
the belief that one sex is innately superior to the otherTerm
sexism built into the institutions of society, women in low-paying jobs is an exampleTerm
attitudes and activities that a society links to each sex.
Human societies weren’t always male-dominated. The switch came when we became farmers – and that suggests ways to roll back towards a more equal system

Society 18 April 2018

By Anil Ananthaswamy and Kate Douglas

Harriet Lee Merrion

THE vast majority of cultures are patriarchies, where men are more likely than women to hold positions of social, economic and political power. So it is tempting to assume that this is the natural state of affairs, perhaps because men are, on average, stronger than women. But a study of humanity’s roots suggests this answer is too simple.

Chimpanzees are not a proxy for our ancestors – they have been evolving since our two family trees split between 7 and 10 million years ago – but their social structures can tell us something about the conditions that male dominance thrives in. Common chimpanzee groups are manifestly patriarchal. Males are vicious towards females, they take their food, forcibly copulate with females that are ovulating and even kill them merely for spending time away from the group.

Special report: The origins of sexism

The imbalance of power between men and women is being hotly debated. But no one benefits from a patriarchal society, so how did we get here, and where should we go next?

Males also spend their lives in the group they were born into, whereas females leave at adolescence. As a result, males in a group are more closely related to each other than the females. And because relatives tend to help one another, they have an advantage.


The same is true in human societies: in places where women move to live with their husband’s family, men tend to have more power and privilege. Patrilocal residence, as it is called, is associated with patriarchy, says anthropologist and primatologist Sarah Hrdy at the University of California at Davis.

For most of our history, we have been hunter-gatherers, and patrilocal residence is not the norm among modern hunter-gatherer societies. Instead, either partner may move to live with the “in-laws”, or a couple may relocate away from both their families. According to Hrdy, a degree of egalitarianism is built into these systems. If they reflect what prehistoric hunter-gatherers did, women in those early societies would have had the choice of support from the group they grew up with, or the option to move away from oppression.

According to one school of thought, things changed around 12,000 years ago. With the advent of agriculture and homesteading, people began settling down. They acquired resources to defend, and power shifted to the physically stronger males. Fathers, sons, uncles and grandfathers began living near each other, property was passed down the male line, and female autonomy was eroded. As a result, the argument goes, patriarchy emerged.

This origin story is supported by a study published in 2004. Researchers at the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, studied mitochondrial DNA [inherited from mothers] and genetic markers on the Y chromosome [inherited from fathers] in 40 populations from sub-Saharan Africa. This suggested that women in hunter-gatherer populations, such as the !Kung and Hadza, were more likely to remain with their mothers after marriage than women from food-producing populations. It was the reverse for men, suggesting that agriculture is indeed correlated with patrilocal societies.

“It’s tempting to assume male dominance is the natural state of human society. It isn’t”

In righting things, solidarity is crucial, says Amy Parish at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. She studies bonobo societies, which are patrilocal but female-dominated. Females weigh 15 per cent less than males – similarly to humans and chimps – yet Parish says they have the upper hand because they cooperate and form alliances. She sees a parallel with feminist movements: “The goal is to behave with unrelated females as if they are your sisters.”

It’s not as easy as it seems [see “Why the patriarchy isn’t good for men and how to fix it”]. “The #MeToo movement is about female cooperation,” says Hrdy, “but getting cooperation among non-kin is difficult.” Competitive instincts can prevail, or events can cause cooperation to fall apart – for instance in times of war, Hrdy says. “Women start to look out for the safety of their own children and their husbands.” She worries that conflict could erode gains from recent decades. “None of this stuff is certain,” she says. “It’s what I tell my daughters: don’t take any of this that you have now for granted.”

Restoring and strengthening equality will require effort on multiple fronts, she says. If patriarchy originated in sedentary social structures that formalised male ownership and inheritance, then laws that give women the right to own property in their own name, for instance, can help.

But such laws exist in many 21st century societies – so why does the patriarchy persist? Ultimately, real change will only come when societies embody the values espoused by the laws, argues Lise Eliot, a neuroscientist at the Rosalind Franklin University in Chicago: “The laws are the first step, the internalised values come later.”

This article appeared in print under the headline “The Origins of the Patriarchy”

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  • anthropology


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Magazine issue 3174 , published 21 April 2018

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What is it called when men dominate society?

Patriarchy refers to a male-dominated society. In a patriarchal society, men hold primary power in all aspects of the society such as politics, family, etc.

What is a male dominated patriarchy?

Male Dominance in Patriarchy Male domination in a patriarchal society refers to the fact that men make all the decisions in both their family unit and society itself. They hold every position of power and authority possible. They are considered superior in all ways.

What is patriarchy and Androcentrism?

Definition. Androcentrism literally means male-centered. Androcentrism results from and perpetuates a worldview that is persistently male, as a result of patriarchy, sexism, and misogyny in historical and contemporary cultures.

What is the so called patriarchy?

Patriarchy is an analytical concept referring to a system of political, social, and economic relations and institutions structured around the gender inequality of socially defined men and women. Within patriarchal relations, women are collectively excluded from full participation in political and economic life.

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