What is the difference between cytokinesis and meiosis?

Science is a multidisciplinary field of knowledge comprising three key subjects, namely Physics, Biology, and Chemistry. The three are divided in their relative fields . For example, Physics deals with gravity, inertia, kinetics, force, etc., while Chemistry deals with chemical compounds, reactions, formulas, periodic tables, etc. Biology is also very different because it talks about plants, animals, and humans. 

Humans and their related systems, animals, food chain, plants, chlorophyll, photosynthesis, etc., fall under Biology. Biology is a major theme of biodiversity. Now, two words in Biology have great significance, namely, Cytokinesis and Karyokinesis. Both of these terms are related to cell formation and division. You must be wondering what these words mean. Therefore, let us first understand the meaning of Cytokinesis and Karyokinesis, following the differences between the two.

What is Karyokinesis?

This is the first stage of mitosis. Karyokinesis is part of the nucleus of a cell that leads to two female nuclei. The whole process takes place in 5 stages: Prophase, Prometaphase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase.

Prophase - This is the first stage of Karyokinesis that separates repetitive genes that carry the parent nucleus and form two female cells.

Prometaphase - This is the second stage of Karyokinesis. Here the membrane around the nucleus breaks.

Metaphase -The third stage of Karyokinesis where the chromosomes found in the parent nucleus are formed in a straight line between cells is Metaphase.

Anaphase - This is the fourth stage of Karyokinesis in which repetitive chromosomes are separated and new chromosomes are formed at both ends of the cell.

Telophase - This is the fifth and final stage of Karyokinesis. This initiates the formation of two female nuclei shortly after the new chromosomes and duplicated chromosomes are drawn to the opposite sides of the cell.

What is Cytokinesis?

This is the second process that starts after Karyokinesis and you need to know that this is another process from Karyokinesis. Sometimes Cytokinesis is not part of the mitosis process and makes the process itself completely different which leads to the formation of a single cell but has many nuclei in it. For example, mold, slime fungus and coenocytic algae. Unlike Karyokinesis, Cytokinesis is a simple procedure with no stages involved.

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The technique of division of the nucleus is referred to as Karyokinesis

Cytokinesis is referred to as the system of division of cytoplasm.


Two daughter nuclei are divided from a nucleus.

The daughter cells equally acquire the divided nuclei, cellular organelles, and cytoplasm.


Do not rely on Cytokinesis.

cannot take the region without Karyokinesis getting involved


For the technique to initiate, the M segment is step one.

M phase is the second step for the Cytokinesis to begin the technique.


Karyokinesis takes location earlier than Cytokinesis and the nucleus gets divided earlier than the cytoplasm.

Cytokinesis takes the area after Karyokinesis and the nucleus gets divided after the cytoplasm.

Symptoms of Cytokinesis

  • Cytokinesis occurs at the end of the process of meiosis and mitosis. This process helps to differentiate the daughter cells.

  • The formation of a contractile ring is an important step in Cytokinesis. This is how the process begins.

  • The contract ring contains cytoskeleton proteins.

  • The plasma membrane binds together and separates after reaching the ring.

  • The daughter's heads are facing. The cell is in the middle.

  • The cell is divided equally so that there is a nucleus in each girl's cells.

  • Cell plate formation occurs in plants, and embryonic separation occurs in animals.

Symptoms of Karyokinesis

  • The process of cell division during mitosis is called Karyokinesis.

  • Karyokinesis is the first step that occurs during cell division.

  • Cell regeneration occurs in Karyokinesis.

  • Tissues, organelles, and cells function well under Karyokinesis.

  • The genes are distributed evenly so that each female cell has a nucleus in it.

Therefore, these are some of the features of Cytokinesis and Karyokinesis. Both of these processes are important for all living things as cell division is essential for their occurrence. In addition, both Cytokinesis and Karyokinesis occur in plants, animals and humans. Thus, both processes are essential for supporting life on earth.

The main difference between cell division and nuclear division is that the cell division is the splitting of a parent cell into two daughter cells whereas the nuclear division is the splitting of a parent nucleus into two daughter nuclei. Furthermore, the two main steps of cell division are nuclear division and cytokinesis.

Cell division and nuclear division are two types of splitting events that occur during the life cycle of a cell, the cell cycle.

Key Areas Covered

1. What is Cell Division
     – Definition, Steps, Importance
2. What is Nuclear Division
     – Definition, Types, Characteristics of Daughter Cells
3. What are the Similarities Between Cell Division and Nuclear Division
     – Outline of Common Features
4. What is the Difference Between Cell Division and Nuclear Division
     – Comparison of Key Differences

Key Terms

Cell Division, Cytokinesis, Meiosis, Mitosis, Nuclear Division

What is Cell Division

Cell division is the process of splitting the parent cell into two or more daughter cells. According to modern cell theory, new cells derive from the existing cells. Thus, cell division is the mechanism of producing new cells from those existing cells. The two steps of cell division are nuclear division and cytokinesis. During nuclear division, the parent nucleus splits into two daughter nuclei while, during cytokinesis, the cytoplasm of the parent cell splits in between the two daughter nuclei, separating the parent cell into two daughter cells completely.

Figure 1: Animal Cell Cycle

The two main types of cell division are vegetative cell division, which occurs through mitosis, and the cell division responsible for the formation of gametes, the meiosis. Vegetative cell division is important for the growth, repair and the propagation by means of asexual reproduction. On the other hand, gametes are responsible for sexual reproduction. Significantly, sexual reproduction produces genetic variation through the random distribution of chromosomes, crossing over between homologous chromosomes, and fusion of male and female gametes.

What is Nuclear Division

Nuclear division is the process of splitting the parent nucleus into two or four daughter nuclei. It is the first step of cell division flowed by the cytoplasmic division called cytokinesis. The two methods of nuclear division are mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis results in two daughter nuclei with the exact number of chromosomes as the parent nuclei. On the other hand, meiosis results in four daughter nuclei with half of the chromosomes in each when compared to the number of chromosomes in the parent nuclei.

Figure 2: Plant Cell Division

Mitosis occurs through four steps as described below:

  • Prophase – Condensation of the chromosomes and the formation of the mitotic spindle;
  • Metaphase – Aligning of the chromosomes in the equatorial plate;
  • Anaphase – Constriction of the microtubules of the mitotic spindle to separate the sister chromatids;
  • Telophase – Sister chromatids are pulled towards the opposite poles of the cell.

However, in meiosis, there are two consequent nuclear division steps as meiosis 1 and meiosis 2. Each of the two steps of meiosis consists of a prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and a telophase. During meiosis 1, homologous chromosomes separate to from two daughter nuclei. This is followed by cytokinesis, forming two daughter cells. Subsequently, each of these two daughter cells undergoes meiosis 2 where the sister chromatids separate into two daughter nuclei; cytokinesis that follows produces two daughter cells. Ultimately, four daughter cells result in meiosis.

Similarities Between Cell Division and Nuclear Division

  • Cell division and nuclear division are two types of splitting events taking place during the cell cycle.
  • Both are important for the production of new cells from the existing cells.

Difference Between Cell Division and Nuclear Division


Cell division refers to the process in which a parent cell divides, giving rise to two or more daughter cells while nuclear division refers to the process by which a nucleus divides, resulting in the segregation of the genome to opposite poles of a dividing cell. This explains the basic difference between cell division and nuclear division.


The two main steps of cell division are nuclear division and cytokinesis while nuclear division is the first step of cell division.

Difference in Animal and Plant Cells

There is a difference between cell division and nuclear division in animal and plant cells. Cleavage furrow separates daughter cells in animals while in plants, it occurs through the formation of the cell plate. This is the difference in the cell division in animal and plant cells. On the other hand, animal cells form the spindle apparatus with the assistant of centrioles but, the spindle apparatus of plant cells form without centrioles. This is the difference in the nuclear division in animal and plant cells.


Cell division is responsible for the production of daughter cells from a parent cell. It occurs through nuclear division followed by cytokinesis. Nuclear division is the splitting of the parent nucleus into daughter nuclei. It occurs either through mitosis or meiosis. Moreover, cytokinesis follows nuclear division. It is responsible for the splitting of the cytoplasm between the two daughter nuclei formed during the nuclear division. Therefore, the main difference between cell division and nuclear division is the types of events that occur in each type of division.

What's the difference between meiosis and cytokinesis?

Mitosis: A somatic cell divides once. Cytokinesis [the division of the cytoplasm] occurs at the end of telophase. Meiosis: A reproductive cell divides twice. Cytokinesis happens at the end of telophase I and telophase II.

What is the difference between cytokinesis and mitosis?

Mitosis is a type of cell division in which a whole cell divides while Cytokinesis is one of the steps of mitosis in which the Cytoplasm of the cell divides.

Is the cytokinesis part of meiosis?

Telophase II and cytokinesis: This is the last phase of meiosis, however cell division is not complete without another round of cytokinesis. Once cytokinesis is complete there are four granddaughter cells, each with half a set of chromosomes [haploid]: in males, these four cells are all sperm cells.

What is the difference between meiosis and cleavage?

Mitosis is a cell division process wherein a parent cell divides into daughter cells. ... Difference between Cleavage and Mitosis..

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