What definition is used that includes examples of terms and words found in the dictionary?

Important Information about Techniques

See Understanding Techniques for WCAG Success Criteria for important information about the usage of these informative techniques and how they relate to the normative WCAG 2.0 success criteria. The Applicability section explains the scope of the technique, and the presence of techniques for a specific technology does not imply that the technology can be used in all situations to create content that meets WCAG 2.0.

The objective of this technique is to provide a definition for any word used in an unusual or restricted way.

A word is used in an unusual or restricted way when:

  • dictionaries give several definitions of the word but one specific definition must be used in order to understand the content;

  • a specific definition must be used in order to understand the content and dictionaries list that definition as rare, archaic, obsolete, etc.;

  • the author creates a new definition that must be used in order to understand the content.

This technique can also be used to provide definitions for jargon, that is, the specialized vocabulary used in a particular profession or technical field and understood by people in that field but not by people outside the field.

The technique can also be used to define idiomatic expressions. For example, speakers of a language who live in a particular region may use idiomatic expressions that are accepted by everyone in the region but not by people from other regions where the same language is spoken.

The word "technology" is widely used to cover everything from the stone tools used by early humans to contemporary digital devices such as cell phones. But in WCAG 2.0, the word technology is used in a more restricted way: it means a mechanism for encoding instructions to be rendered, played or executed by user agents, including markup languages, data formats, and programming languages used in producing and delivering Web content.

Some people say "spill the beans" when they mean "reveal a secret", e.g., "In the police station, Joe spilled the beans about the plot to kidnap the prime minister."

In Japanese, Kata-kana is used for adopted foreign words. If words are unfamiliar to users, provide the meaning or translation so that users can understand them.


English translation: "Accessibility" (it can be accessed by all users including elderly people and people with disabilities) is an essential aspect of the Websites.


English translation: Using both layout table and CSS is called "hybrid" (combination of multiple forms).

No resources available for this technique.


For each word or phrase used in an unusual or restricted way:

  1. Check that a definition is provided for the word or phrase

Expected Results

  • Check #1 is true.

If this is a sufficient technique for a success criterion, failing this test procedure does not necessarily mean that the success criterion has not been satisfied in some other way, only that this technique has not been successfully implemented and can not be used to claim conformance.

A technical definition is a definition in technical communication describing or explaining technical terminology. Technical definitions are used to introduce the vocabulary which makes communication in a particular field succinct and unambiguous. For example, the iliac crest from medical terminology is the top ridge of the hip bone (see ilium).

Types of technical definitions[edit]

There are three main types of technical definitions.[1][definition needed]

  1. Power definitions
  2. Secondary definitions
  3. Extended definitions


Aniline, a benzene ring with an amine group, is a versatile chemical used in many organic syntheses.

The genus Helogale (dwarf mongooses) contains two species.

Sentence definitions[edit]

These definitions generally appear in three different places: within the text, in margin notes, or in a glossary. Regardless of position in the document, most sentence definitions follow the basic form of term, category, and distinguishing features.


A major scale is a diatonic scale which has the semitone interval pattern 2-2-1-2-2-2-1.

  • term: major scale
  • category: diatonic scales
  • distinguishing features: semitone interval pattern 2-2-1-2-2-2-1

In mathematics, an abelian group is a group which is commutative.

  • term: abelian group
  • category: mathematical groups
  • distinguishing features: commutative

Extended definitions[edit]

When a term needs to be explained in great detail and precision, an extended definition is used. They can range in size from a few sentences to many pages. Shorter ones are usually found in the text, and lengthy definitions are placed in a glossary. Relatively complex concepts in mathematics require extended definitions in which mathematical objects are declared (e.g., let x be a real number...) and then restricted by conditions (often signaled by the phrase such that). These conditions often employ the universal and/or existential quantifiers (for all (), there exists (

What definition is used that includes examples of terms and words found in the dictionary?

Note: In mathematical definitions, convention dictates the use of the word if between the term to be defined and the definition; however, definitions should be interpreted as though if and only if were used in place of if.


Definition of the limit of a single variable function:

Let be a real-valued function of a real variable and , , and be real numbers. We say that the limit of as approaches is (or, tends to as approaches ) and write if, for all , there exists such that whenever satisfies , the inequality holds.


  1. ^ Johnson-Sheehan, R: Technical Communication Today, pages 507-522. Pearson Longman, 2007

What are the 4 types of definition?

Here are just four among the many types of definitions: (1) Definition by synonym; (2) Ostensive definitions; (3) Stipulative definitions, and. (4) Analytical definitions.

What is the definition of term and example?

1. 2. The definition of a term is a word or group of words that has a special meaning, a specific time period or a condition of a contract. An example of term is "cultural diversity." An example of term is three months for a college semester.

What are the 3 types of definition?

All definitions attempt to explain or clarify a term. This lesson will introduce you to the three different types of definitions: formal, informal, and extended.

What are the 2 types of definition write the word definition?

Definitions can be classified into two large categories: intensional definitions (which try to give the sense of a term), and extensional definitions (which try to list the objects that a term describes).