What are the most popular blog topics 2020?

Its already a steep climb to support yourself with a blog. There are thousands of them on the internet, which makes competing as a professional blogger challenging. Thats why choosing one of the best blog niches, one that provides unique content for specific groups of people, can give you a head start.

By creating content based on trending niches, finding the most profitable blog niches, and while also avoiding broad subject matter, you increase the chances youll establish a good following and also have monetization opportunities. If youre hoping to blog for a living, these aspects are key.

In this post, well explore what niches are and how they fit into the blogging industry. Then well list five of the best blog niches to choose from, from popular niches to the most profitable blog niches. Lets go!

Want to start a #blog? These 5 popular and profitable niches will set you up for long-term success...
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Understanding good, unique niches and why theyre important for blogging

In blogging, we typically think of a niche as a specific area in which a blogger specializes. Their content relates to this unique subject matter and is considered high-quality and authoritative on trending topics.

Not every blog has a unique niche, and there is some debate over whether or not a blog must stick to a specific niche in order to be profitable/popular. However, it is generally acknowledged that niche blog topics provide some useful qualities that make money and offer content guidance for beginners and advanced content creators alike.

First, a good niche narrows your blogs content. If you decide to write about any subject that comes to mind, your blog can become somewhat chaotic, bouncing between high-demand topics and those that only a few people want to read. Visitors may struggle to make sense of what your blog is about, and this can affect your retention rates.

The creator of Dad With A Pan narrows his food niche by sharing recipes and tips for simple, fun family meals. And it all comes from a dad, which isnt as common as mommy blogs or female cooking sites.

Scattered subject matter also makes it more difficult to build a dedicated audience. Visitors typically make their way to popular blogs looking for information on a unique topic. If your blog covers many blog topics, it will be harder to encourage first-time readers to engage with additional posts that may not apply to their interests.

Finally, sticking to a high-demand, trending niche can help establish your credibility. Writing about niche blog topics, following one or two ideas, gives you the chance to show your knowledge, while writing broad, shallow articles with ideas and topics that readers can find anywhere, sets you up for failure.

Should you choose to pursue a unique niche, the decision isnt one to make lightly. Youll likely be working in this area for years, so you want your subject to be something you find interesting and enjoyable. However, it also helps if the niche blog topic already has an established audience [high demand] and opportunities that make money.

How to start a popular, and profitable niche blog

For beginner bloggers who dont know much about setting up a site, heres how to start a niche blog with good topics:

  • Get a killer domain name a domain name or your blog name [like www.themeisle.com] will cost you as low as $8 per year using Namecheap.
  • Find reliable hosting this is the server that stores your website files, making it live online. We highly recommend Bluehost, which costs as low as $2.75 per month. Here are some other inexpensive hosting providers to consider.
  • Use a blogging platform thats built for beginners we suggest WordPress which is the #1 blogging platform in the world and provided as a free download [you simply have to sign up for your own hosting].

Once you put it all together, its rather simple to start your own blog; all you need next are some niche blog ideas and profitable topics!

Starting a blog is one of the best ideas for making money online, assuming you find a trending niche to target. And to help you with that, we created a hand-picked list of the five best blog niches to make your online business profitable, high demand, and unique in 2022.

How to find your niche

Deciding on a niche involves some soul-searching, self-evaluation, and an analysis of trending topics and the public in general.

Here are some important questions to ask for finding the popular, profitable niche that youll be excited about long into the future:

  • What are your passions or interests? Sports, travel, business, woodworking, gardening, interior design, fashionthey all have potential as profitable niches.
  • Are there niche blog topics you could get interested in? Just because youve never cooked doesnt mean you cant learn.
  • What are the workload and resource requirements? Travel blogging is expensive and time-consuming, but sitting at home taking pictures of food or clothing makes for a lifestyle that wont burn you out.
  • Can you narrow down one of your interests into a sub-topic? Like gardening for urban dwellers, shopping for gluten-free people, or fashion for lanky men.
  • Do your niche blog ideas offer plentiful content options? You want to ensure you never struggle to think of ideas for blog posts.
  • Are there profitable monetization opportunities? Think affiliate marketing, advertising, partnerships, sponsorships, and course creation. Are there affiliate programs that actually pay good money? Many affiliate programs pretty much take advantage of people with their low percentages.
  • Will you have a love for this niche blog topic after youve written 100s of posts? Really put yourself in that mentality down the road. You also dont want to destroy your love for a passion by turning it into a business.
  • How many other people are looking for this type of content? Keyword research helps to figure this out.

Popular niche vs less explored niche: which type should you choose?

You have two options when considering niche blog ideas:

  • Choose a popular niche with strong competition.
  • Opt for a less-explored niche with better growth potential.

Either way, we want the niche to be profitable, and it must provide opportunities for popular, trending, unique content.

So, which route should you take? Here are some thoughts on each:

Choosing a larger-scale, popular niche

  • Youll encounter far more competition.
  • This competition will most likely have stronger connections, resources, and SEO tools when youre just starting out.
  • You wont be able to monetize as quickly, but it has the potential for much higher profits in the future.
  • Popular niches offer plentiful content opportunities.
  • Youll have an easier time finding sponsorships and affiliate programs.
  • You can partner with already established bloggers within the popular niche.
  • Its sometimes easier to build a website since many theme developers cater to popular blogging niches.

Choosing a less-explored niche

  • Less-explored [but still potentially profitable] blog niches give you more of a chance to focus on a passion as opposed to going with whatever is trending/popular.
  • Its less intimidating since youre not battling the behemoths in the space.
  • Youll have an easier time finding success with keywords.
  • Its much easier to grow a following.
  • Youre more likely to create extremely loyal followers, since you may be the only credible resource online for their needs.
  • You may find it a little more difficult to find sponsorships and monetization options.
  • Although making money should come earlier if youre able to connect with the right people through marketing.
  • Content ideas should be plentiful, but you wont have as much inspiration to pull from [since not as many people are writing about it online].

Five of the best blog niches that make money [and are great for beginners]

Theres a host of top blogging niches available for hobbyists and professionals alike. Manyif not allof them can be profitable. Yet, overall, high-quality content and strong Search Engine Optimization [SEO] are more critical for a blogs success than a unique niche.

Even so, the top blogging niches below tend to give beginners a higher likelihood of being able to live comfortably off their blogs revenue. Weve compiled this list by looking into which popular niches are profitable, high demand, and popular enough over history [instead of fizzling out after a while].

Keep reading to find the best niche blog ideas and topics for your next site!

Profitable niche blog idea #1: food

Everyone eats, so naturally, food is a popular blogging topic. Food blogging gains a fair amount of organic traffic through recipe posts, and you also have the potential to branch out into cookbooks and tutorials. And according to income reports [1], plenty of food blogs are profitable, bringing in thousands [sometimes millions] each month.

Its a high-demand, niche blog idea, one that makes money and often thrives on trending food patterns; sometimes we see international cuisines introduced elsewhere [remember how people in the US suddenly realized that hummus and avocados existed?]; other times, social media plays a role, like how everyone wanted to showcase pies and sourdough bread at the start of the Covid pandemic. In short, unique topic ideas often come naturally with food blogs.

Pinch of Yum is a food blog that showcases realistic healthy meals, focusing on shorter cooking times and affordable ingredients.

You have an even better chance of crafting a profitable blog if you choose to specialize in a particular diet; unique vegan and vegetarian blogs, for example, have an easier time building a loyal audience than more generalized food blogs, as do popular blogs related to specific food allergies.

Learn how to create a popular food blog to get started on the path to profitable content creation!

Niche blog idea #2: fashion

Fashion blogs are one of the most-searched-for types of blogs on the internet [2]. Should you choose to start one, theres a good chance youll be able to bring in organic traffic fairly quickly since thousands of people are looking to follow good, unique blogs in this profitable niche.

The Atlantic-Pacific blog combines east-coast and west-coast styles to offer feminine, quirky, and classic fashion advice.

There are also good opportunities for sponsorships since youre constantly working with branded products to research for trending, niche blog topics. You could also easily expand your brand onto other platforms, such as Instagram and YouTube, creating additional revenue streams and becoming profitable faster.

Popular niches in the fashion world vary based on the trends themselves. Fashion moves quickly, but many bloggers have found success by focusing on fashion for beginners [like beginner fashion for college kids or people who just recently moved to a city], or when catering to unique needs, like fashion for people with certain hair types, heights, or body types.

Learn how to create a fashion blog with a beautiful theme, a vigor for fashion, and some popular blog topics

Profitable niche blog idea #3: personal finance

Managing your money can get confusing, which might be why so many people turn to good personal finance blogs for help. And, since finance-savvy individuals usually run them, its not surprising that there are quite a few of these blogs are in high demand and profitable, some making tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars per month [3].

The FinMasters blog covers personal finance with actionable, everyday tips that anyone can complete to improve their financial standing right now.

Finance is a popular niche that isnt easy to just jump into. While you dont need a formal finance-related education, youll at least want to have a good handle on your own money, and unique tips and tricks to share with readers.

If youre wondering how to find a profitable niche within the finance world, it usually starts by evaluating your strengths with personal finance, then researching for good blog topics, trending ideas, and specific people who may need help with unique financial situations.

For instance, the Money Under 30 blog helps young adults; Get Rich Slowly focuses on building wealth the smart way: with minimal risk; and The Penny Hoarder taps into unique ideas to save money, and it also offers at-home activities that make money, along with coupons to save in the future.

Niche blog idea #4: lifestyle

The lifestyle blogging niche is a bit of a catch-all topic. It only requires bloggers to write about their daily lives and related topics, so lifestyle blogs dont always stick as closely to a single topic as those in some other profitable, high-demand niches. A popular sub-group is the infamous Mommy Blog:

The Scary Mommy lifestyle blog showcases multiple contributors who share their experiences and hacks from motherhood, with advice on pregnancy, parenting, kids, lifestyle, entertainment, and relationships.

You can essentially generate a blog that chronicles your life; yet, it must have some sort of pull with trending niches and an overall topic thats fun, relatable, and usefullike mommy blogs, family travel blogs, or even urban living blogs. The idea is to outline how you live your life, and that often leads to profitable endeavors, since you can showcase good hacks for people to implement in their own lives.

An entire industry has sprung up around this niche blog idea, with vast opportunities for sponsorships and other monetization techniques [seeing as how you could recommend anything from kitchenware to car products, and movie theaters to kids toys]. The biggest challenge is standing out from the crowd in order to gain the unique visibility needed to grow your readership. As always, high-demand, niche blog help you connect with readers.

The lifestyle niche blog topic makes for a wonderful adventure, but you must have the organization to manage a wide variety of sub-topicsconsidering the average person does quite a bit on a day-to-day basis.

Learn how to create a lifestyle blog

Best blog niches #5: blogging

As strange as it may initially seem to put blogging on a list of the best blog niches, blogging is actually an extremely popular, profitable topic for blogs. When you think about it, though, it makes a little more sense, since people get into blogging because they enjoy it. So, it makes sense theyd like to write about the popular subject as well.

Copyblogger, Problogger.com, and the Smart Passive Income Blog all follow similar models, catering to content creators who want to become profitable in their own unique niche. Youll see niche blog topics like creative ways to fight writers block, best services to inspire your work, and building an audience in the creator economy.

Copyblogger is the gold standard for blogging guidance, with articles about content marketing, writing, making money, and more.

Plus, when youre already tapped into the blogging community, other blogs are an obvious resource for advice and news. This might explain why there are blogs in this niche that see more than 100,000 visitors come in through organic search. It all stems from the blog owners finding trending niches within blogging, writing guides with good blog topics, and using profitable monetization techniques.


Finding a niche blog idea can help you stay focused and relevant to your readers. However, for professional bloggers, you also want to be profitable. Going into one of the more popular and profitable niches could make it easier to earn a living, so we recommend considering these trending, popular blog ideas and strengthening your brand regularly with niche blog topics while writing.

Want to start a profitable, popular #blog? These 5 niche blog ideas will set you up for success
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Over the course of this post, we examined five of the best blog niches:

  1. Food.
  2. Fashion.
  3. Personal finance.
  4. Lifestyle.
  5. Blogging.

We also linked you to some guides to starting blogs in those unique niches. For other types of profitable, trending blogs, you can check out our general guide to creating a blog.

Do you have questions about choosing a good niche for your blog? Ask away in the comments section below!

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[1] //raelyntan.com/blog-income-reports/
[2] //kristiehill.com/blogs-with-highest-searches/
[3] //millennialboss.com/2017/05/bloggers-making-six-figures-millions/

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