What are the immobilization techniques for injury?


Casting and Immobilization techniques prevent movement to injured areas, allowing for proper positioning and reduction of strain and pressure. Casts and immobilization devices may be required if you are suffering from injury associated with overuse, trauma, or pre- and post-surgical casting. Illinois Orthopedic Institute has top of the line medical equipment, including immobilization and compression needs. IOI has you covered by offering a full range of casting, immobilization, and compression services, ensuring we can provide our patients with everything they need to stabilize, strengthen, compress, and immobilize recovering areas.


Depending on the extent and requirement for your specific immobilization, our team will decide from a plaster cast, synthetic cast, cast brace, half-cast, tensor bandage or sling for your injury. The team at Illinois Orthopedic Institute has the diagnostic ability, treatment options, and immobilization methods available to create a unique, patient tailored experience. In our efforts to be the best orthopedic office in Joliet, Illionois, we’ve spent countless years fine-tuning our craft that combines state of the art immobilization techniques, the best medical equipment, the most accurate diagnostic tools, and the most comprehensive treatment programs curated to our patients’ needs.


Casts are utilized to stabilize and immobilize a specific location to promote healing and discourage improper healing of broken or fractured bones by encasing the entire area with a hard shell. This cast will hold the specific shape for the entire healing period, allowing the proper positioning for healing that will help prevent future pain and injury. By holding the broken bone or fractured area in place while it heals, the bone is allowed to set for healing and regeneration. Ensuring the proper setting of a bone is key to recovery; if a bone is not properly set, it can cause complications, further pain and future injury. We have the best orthopedists in Joliet Illinois, and we work carefully to ensure our patients receive the best possible casting and immobilization, because we understand that improper casting can result in circulation difficulties, nerve pain, and future bone pain, and our goal is to help you heal as quickly, thoroughly, and safely as possible.


Our medical team specializes in setting bones, immobilizing joints, and pre- and post-surgical casts. No matter what your needs might be, from splints to fiberglass casting, Illinois Orthopedic Institute will ensure you’ve got the best, and work with you so you know how to properly use it and care for your injury while it heals and after. We will create a specific, personalized casting or immobilization for your orthopedic needs.


Our immobilization services also include removable braces, wraps, and stabilization aides. Our team will help you find the perfect solution for your needs – from neck braces, compression devices, tensor bandaging, joint braces, sleeves, and straps. We’ll match you up with the best solution for your individual needs, to help prevent swelling, reduce pain, promote healing, and limit movement. Compression techniques promote healing by allowing for relief of pressure, promoting blood flow, preventing the build-up of fluids in the injured area, which prevents swelling. Illinois Orthopedic Institute has the best selection of equipment for temporarily limiting motion in injured joints during a flare-up, allowing for stability and preventing overuse, pain, and swelling. Let the best orthopedic specialists in Joliet, Illinois assess your orthopedic pain, and find out if you would benefit from orthopedic immobilization techniques to reduce pain and get you moving. Don’t leave treatment options on the table. A happier, healthier, pain-free life is just a phone call away!

What is immobilisation?

Immobilisation involves stabilising and resting an injury by preventing the affected muscle, joint or limb from moving or bearing weight.

Forms of immobilisation


Broken bones will usually be placed in a cast; the cast will be fitted once the two ends of the bone have been re-aligned. Casts are usually made of fibreglass or plaster. Once a cast has been fitted it will hold the bone in place and allow it to heal. Casts are designed to fit the individual person.


Splints are used for smaller fractures, such as broken fingers and dislocations. A splint helps to stabilised the bone or joint and can be used as a temporary measure before a cast is fitted.


A sling is used to immobilise the arm after an injury to the arm, wrist or shoulder. Commonly, slings are used in conjunction with a cast.


Collars are used to stabilise and support the neck after an injury. The collar also limits the movement of the head, which prevents further harm to the neck.


Braces are commonly used for spinal, leg and arm injuries; braces are used to hold bones in place and support the surrounding area. Braces are usually removable.

Mobility aids

When the body is recovering from an injury, an athlete may use aids, such as crutches, a walking stick or a wheelchair to help them get around while the injured joint, muscle or limb is immobilised; this also ensures the affected body part is not under pressure from bearing weight, which will aid recovery and prevent further damage.

Effects and benefits of immobilisation

Immobilisation allows the injured body part to heal and prevents it being damaged any further.

Sports Injury Treatment Guide Index:

  • Immediate Treatment
  • Cold Pack Treatment
  • Heat Treatment
  • Compression
  • Pain relief
  • Immobilisation
  • Cortisone Injections
  • Surgery

What are the immobilization technique for injuries?

Casts are the most common way to immobilize a fracture. A cast is placed on the arm or leg after your doctor has aligned it properly. The cast prevents the fractured bone from moving, keeping it in place so that the broken spaces will rejoin.

What is immobilization technique?

Immobilization is a technical process in which enzymes are fixed to or within solid supports, creating a heterogeneous immobilized enzyme system. Immobilized form of enzymes mimic their natural mode in living cells, where most of them are attached to cellular cytoskeleton, membrane, and organelle structures.

What other methods can be used to immobilize the limb?

Casts and splints are orthopedic devices that are used to protect and support broken or injured bones and joints. They help to immobilize the injured limb to keep the bone in place until it fully heals. Casts differ from splints because they provide more support and protection for a limb that is injured or broken.

What types of immobilization techniques could be used on extremity radiographs?

Immobilization techniques verbal techniques. physical holding by the parent or radiographer. Velcro straps. sandbags.

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