What are the auditors responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements?

The process of getting financial statements audited is a really important step in lieu of ensuring that the organization has presented true and fair view of their financial position over the past year.

Therefore, the responsibility of an auditor to provide assurance on that particular claim is quite significant, since it really impacts the overall stakeholders.

Therefore, auditors’ responsibilities can be defined as follows:

Risk Assessment, Audit Risks, and Audit Procedures

Identifying and assessing the overall risk of material misstatement of the entity’s financial statements. This also includes any chances of errors, frauds, or incorrect declaration by the organization.

Furthermore, the auditor is also responsible to ensure that he is able to perform audit tasks and procedures responsive to the audit risks that are identified.

Subsequently, it is also important to obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate enough to provide the basis for the auditors’ opinion.

Internal Controls

Additionally, the auditor is also responsible for obtaining an understanding of the internal controls that are present relevant to the auditor in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purposes of expressing their thought regarding the organizations’ internal control.

If the controls are strong, then auditors might relying on the controls so that they might reduce audit sample size.

If the control is concluded to be weak then the risk of material misstatement of over financial reporting are high then the sample sizes of the transactions or balance in the financial statements to be reviewed will be increasing up 100%.

Accounting Estimates

The auditor is also responsible to ensure that the accounting policies and the overall reasonableness of the accounting estimates is done appropriately.

Related disclosures should also be made in order to provide any additional information that might be useful to either of these parties.

Audit Conclusion

After having conducted the relevant audit risk assessments, auditors are also responsible to conclude on the overall extent to which the going concern basis is reflected in the accounting.

Furthermore, based on the audit evidence that is obtained, it should also be seen if material uncertainty exists related to the events, which may question the entity’s overall ability to continue as a going concern.

In case of a material uncertainty, the auditor is required to disclose and draw attention in the auditor’s report pertaining to the existing issues.

Furthermore, related disclosures should also be made in the financial statements. Basically, the auditor is responsible to draw conclusions based on audit evidence, which is obtained until the date of the audit completion.

Therefore, determination of the extent to which the organization is a going concern is quite a significant responsibility of the auditor.

Presentation and Fair Disclosure

Additionally, the auditor is also required to evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the information included in the financial statements, which includes the disclosures, and if financial statements are in full compliance which achieves fair representation.

Basically, an auditor is also responsible for providing assurance regarding true and fair value being represented in the Financial Statements.

Group Audits

In the same manner, it can also be seen that when the auditor is required to report on consolidated financial statements, he needs to obtain sufficient audit evidence regarding the overall financial information of the entities or business activities within the group in order to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements.

Therefore, in this regard, the group auditor is responsible for the direction, supervision and the overall performance of the group audit. The group auditor, therefore, also has to take sole responsibility for the audit opinion.

Therefore, the responsibilities of the auditors can be seen as a step forwards, towards verification and validation of the responsibilities that have been undertaken by the management.

Therefore, in this regard, the auditor is responsible more than the organization itself, because the auditor is solely responsible for ramification in case of any error of judgement, which might fail to reflect a true and fair view of the organization.

This is perhaps the most integral responsibility of any auditor. 

Updated November 17, 2022

In the past, companies and tax-exempt organizations often relied on accountants from their audit firms to assist in reconciling accounts, preparing the adjusting journal entries, and writing financial statements. Smaller organizations often lacked the level of accounting sophistication necessary to carry out these tasks. Relying on the audit firm often made sense from the perspective of efficiency and cost containment.

New requirements by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [AICPA] and a host of related regulatory guidance issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission [SEC], the General Accounting Office [GAO, and the U.S. Department of Labor [DOL] have prompted an increased focus on auditor independence over the last decade. These days, the standards generally restrict the non-attest services like tax or consulting services that auditors may perform and the circumstances under which those services may be allowed. The increased regulations serve to muddy an already often-misunderstood set of expectations.

What Auditors Do

The outside, independent auditor is engaged to render an opinion on whether a company’s financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with financial reporting framework. The audit provides users such as donors, lenders and investors with an enhanced degree of confidence in the financial statements. An audit conducted in accordance with GAAS and relevant ethical requirements enables the auditor to form that opinion.

To form the opinion, the auditor takes a risk-based approach to gather appropriate and sufficient evidence and observes, tests, compares, and confirms until gaining reasonable assurance. The auditor then forms an opinion about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Some of the more important auditing procedures include:

  • Inquiring of management and others to gain an understanding of the organization itself
  • Identifying and communicating significant risks
  • Concluding whether there are conditions or events, considered in the aggregate, that raise substantial doubt about the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern for a reasonable period of time.

At the completion of the audit, the auditor may also offer objective advice for improving financial reporting and internal controls to maximize a company’s performance and efficiency.

Effective December 15, 2021, the Auditing Standards Board issued Statement of Auditing Standards 134 Auditor Reporting and Amendments, Including Amendments Addressing Disclosures in the Audit of Financial Statements. This standard was intended to overhaul the presentation of the independent auditor’s report and aims to enhance the communicative value and relevance of the report. The standard also introduces the concept of communicating “Key Audit Matters” [KAMs] within the independent auditor’s report. KAMs allow the auditor to disclose the most important things identified in the audit and note them on the face of the report. Ultimately this allows for audit reports to be customized for individual entities. It is important to note that an auditor can only disclose KAMs when specifically engaged to do so.

What Auditors Do Not Do

For a clear picture of the role of external auditors, it helps to understand what you should not expect auditors to do. The emphasis is on “independent.” Many people are surprised to learn that auditors do not take responsibility for the financial statements on which they form an opinion. The responsibility for financial statement presentation lies squarely in the hands of the entity being audited.

Auditors are not a part of management, which means the auditor will not:

  • Authorize, execute, or consummate transactions on behalf of a client;
  • Prepare or make changes to source documents;
  • Assume custody of client assets, including maintenance of bank accounts;
  • Establish or maintain internal controls, including the performance of ongoing monitoring activities for a client;
  • Supervise client employees performing normal recurring activities;
  • Report to the board of directors on behalf of management;
  • Serve as a client’s stock or escrow agent or general counsel;
  • Sign payroll tax returns on behalf of the client;
  • Approve vendor invoices for payment;
  • Design a client’s financial management system or make modifications to source code underlying that system; or
  • Hire or terminate employees.

This list is not all-inclusive. In short, the auditor may not assume the role and duties of management. In practical terms, there are a number of tasks you should not expect your auditor to perform:

  • Analyzing or reconciling accounts;
  • “Closing the books”;
  • Preparing confirmations for mailing;
  • Selecting accounting policies or procedures;
  • Preparing financial statements or footnote disclosures;
  • Determining estimates included in financial statements;
  • Determining restrictions of assets;
  • Establishing the value of assets and liabilities;
  • Maintaining client permanent records, including loan documents, leases, contracts and other legal documents;
  • Preparing or maintaining minutes of board of directors meetings;
  • Establishing account coding or classifications;
  • Determining retirement plan contributions;
  • Implementing corrective action plans;
  • Preparing an entity for audit; or
  • Preparation of the Statement of Functional Expense.

Management’s Responsibilities in an Audit

The words, “The financial statements are the responsibility of management,” appear prominently in an auditor’s communications, including the audit report. Management’s responsibility is the underlying foundation on which audits are conducted. Simply put, without management having responsibility for the financial statements, the demarcation line that determines the auditor’s independence and objectivity regarding the client and the audit engagement would not be as clear.

It is important for a company’s management to understand exactly what an audit includes as well as the role of the auditor. The auditor’s responsibility is to express an independent, objective opinion on the financial statements of a company. This opinion is given in accordance with auditing standards that require the auditors to plan certain procedures and report on the results of the audit, while considering the representations, assertions, and responsibility of management for the financial statements.

As one of their required procedures, auditors ask management to communicate management’s responsibility for the financial statements to the auditor in a representation letter. The auditor concludes the engagement by using those same words regarding management’s responsibility in the first paragraph of the auditor’s report.

Auditors cannot require management to do anything or to make any representation. However, to conclude the audit with the hope of a “clean” unmodified opinion issued by the auditor, management  must assume responsibility for the financial statements.

Auditing standards are very clear that management has the following responsibilities fundamental to the conduct of an audit:

  • To prepare and present the financial statements in accordance with an applicable financial reporting framework, including the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal controls relevant to the preparation and presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatements, whether from error or fraud.
  • To provide the auditor with the following information:
    • All records, documentation, and other matters relevant to the preparation and presentation of the financial statements;
    • Any additional information the auditor may request from management; and
    • Unrestricted access to those within the organization if the auditor determines it necessary to obtain audit evidence objectivity.

It is not uncommon for the auditor to make suggestions about the form and content of the financial statements, or even assist management by drafting them, in whole or in part, based on information provided by management. In those situations, management’s responsibility for the financial statements does not diminish or change. Furthermore, auditors can advise on implementation of new Accounting Standard Updates [ASUs] as long as management has the proper skills, knowledge, and experience [SKE] to take responsibility for non-attest services. For example, ASU 2019-01, Leases [Topic 842] is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2021. The standard changes the accounting treatment for operating leases and involves a complex calculation to recognize a lease asset and lease liability at the present value of the lease payments in the Statement of Financial Position.

In addition to findings, the management letter may contain recommendations for management ranging from segregation of duties to addressing possible cybersecurity risk. Addressing these recommendations in a timely manner will safeguard operations and ensure the organization is applying industry best practices.

Risk management is an area often highlighted in the presentation of audit findings to the board of directors. Below are two areas that auditors often recommend for further review. To be proactive ahead of the next audit, organizations should review these areas to avoid possible findings.


During the audit, the auditor may observe risk to the organization related to IT policies and procedures and recommend a separate cyber audit. The scope of a cyber or cybersecurity audit focuses on internal IT infrastructure, external infrastructure, framework benchmarking, penetration testing, and more.

Learn more about cybersecurity audits.

Fraud Risk

Fraudulent activity is on the rise and every organization is at risk. Implementing new technology, reliance on third-party vendors, and necessary changes to internal control structures all provide opportunities for fraud. It is more important than ever for organizations to remain proactive in preventing fraudulent activity through effective management of fraud-related risks and implementation of anti-fraud controls.

Learn more about preventing fraud risk.


For more on audit best practices, including the implementation of new ASUs, visit GRF’s resource center or contact us for assistance.

Contact Us

Amy Boland, CPA
Partner and Director, Audit


What are auditors main responsibilities?

The role of the auditor or reviewer is to give a professional and independent on these financial statements. The review or audit of an association's financial report can ensure greater accountability to the members and provide an assurance that all funds received by the organisation have been correctly accounted for.

What is the auditor's responsibility with regard the other information in documents containing audited financial statements?

Under the current ISA, the auditor has an obligation to respond appropriately when documents containing audited financial statements and the auditor's report thereon include other information that could undermine the credibility of those financial statements and the auditor's report.

What is the management responsibilities in audit auditing ]?

Management is responsible for adopting sound accounting policies and for establishing and maintaining internal control that will, among other things, initiate, record, process, and report transactions [as well as events and conditions] consistent with management's assertions embodied in the financial statements.

What is audit of financial statements?

A financial statement audit is the examination of an entity's financial statements and accompanying disclosures by an independent auditor. The result of this examination is a report by the auditor, attesting to the fairness of presentation of the financial statements and related disclosures.

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