the walk of shame là gì - Nghĩa của từ the walk of shame

the walk of shame có nghĩa là

the walk across campus in the same clothes as yesterday after you slept with someone and spent the night in their dorm room


Scott: hey man, nice hair - you doin the walk of shame?
Dan: what, me? ah... no... I, um, fell asleep in the library...

the walk of shame có nghĩa là

n. the course walked home after a night of boozing and fucking. one usually wears either the clothes they went out in (eg. short skirt and heels) or the clothing of the person they slept with (eg.a large white t-shirt)the morning after and everyone notices they have the "I was fucked up last night" look and am now walking home from the guy-I- fucked's house.


"I don't remember what his face looked like and I had to do the walk of shame."
"I don't remember if the sex was good enough for the walk of shame."

the walk of shame có nghĩa là

when you leave someone's house with the same clothes you had on the night before. usually after a booty call


He did the walk of shame last Friday out my house.

the walk of shame có nghĩa là

The walk from another person(s) house, apartment, condo, dorm, van, bar, park bench or other; to your place of residence wearing the same clothes you had on the night before.

Typically used when someone leaves the home of a sexual escapade (quite possibly with someone you met the night before) in the morning; hair sticking out in all directions, lines on your face, and missing at least one article of clothing.

In the event that your “Walk of Shame” did include sex, you may be wearing your partner’s clothes. If you did not have sex you probably did get into a fight, damaged property, was escorted off someone’s premises, or in someway embarrassed yourself. In any case you will need to check yourself for injuries.


Still half-drunk, I began the walk of shame to my room, and made a futile attempt to recall all that I had done on Friturday.

the walk of shame có nghĩa là

The walk home after a one night stand. Sometimes celebrated as a stride of pride.


J was dishevled, hungover, and unable to remember the name of the woman who's bed he had woken up in earlier that morning. He took a back alley on the way home so that no one would witness his walk of shame.

the walk of shame có nghĩa là

walking home still wearing your clothes from the night before the morning after staying over at a guy/girl's house that you met at bar or party. Alcohol is usually involved in your decision to go home with them.


she took The Walk of Shame, still wearing her dress and heels, at 6am.

the walk of shame có nghĩa là

leaving the last afterhours when the sun's been up for hours, and all the "regular" people are out and about doing whatever it is that they do all day, and you've been up all night partying, in the same sweaty club clothes for HOURS, and you have to squint cuz its so frickin BRIGHT outside and who knows where your sunglasses are, and everyone's STARING at you cuz they can tell you're still probably really a liiiiiittle too fucked up to be seen outside in the daytime just yet, so you're not making eye contact with ANYONE, and you just wanna be HOME with the blinds closed but its soooooooo... farrrrrrrrr... awayyyyyy and there's no cabs and everyone's still staring at you and you can smell yourself and DAMN you STINK and what the hell were you thinkin anyway you shoulda left a long time ago under cover of the darkness of the night, or at least before the damn sun came up, instead of waiting til all the drugs ran out and it became obvious that no one had any more, or if they did they weren't gonna share 'em with YOU.

Best when performed in an outfit consisting of black pants with the word "FUCK" written ALL OVER THEM, a cheap-looking white fake fur coat, purple aviator club glasses and the smudgey remains of fuschia lipstick, and accompanied by a very tall gay man dressed in black leather pants, a black sleeveless shirt, Dior "badass" sunglasses, smeary black eyeliner and streaky bronzer residue.


I wish a cab would come already so we don't have to do the walk of shame past the church, the police station, McDonalds, Starbucks, Borders, and the gym! Ooh, wait, Starbucks... caramel macchiato, anyone?

the walk of shame có nghĩa là

The walk of someone who has attempted to shoot a ball shaped object such as a can into the garbage and missed. Can be accompanied by ooing and laughing by spectators as the failed baller walks over to the piece of garbage and places it in the bin.


(jeff shoots a soda can at the garbage, which bounces off onto the ground)
nicole: ooo, that was terrible.
mike: take the walk of shame, man. get some skills.

the walk of shame có nghĩa là

Refers to a phenomenon in which a person must walk past strangers or peers alone for an embarrassing reason before reaching a place of privacy.


"Where were you tonight?"
(Awkwardly avoiding answering the question)"Ugh...I was at this meeting thing."
"Oh really I saw you go into a place called the Loft on Green St. And looking around like you wanted no one to see you. Sort of like you were doing the walk of shame."
"I thought it was the entrance to Brother's!"

the walk of shame có nghĩa là

When you miss a shot into a trash can and you have to walk across the classroom to pick up your trash to put it into the can.


Jimmy had to perform the Walk Of Shame after a crappy throw.