Textile and garment là gì

With the second national textile contract in 1927, unions thus got the exclusive right to hire.

This representation of rich textiles and fabrics served to heighten the illusion of the grandeur, the splendour and the power of the king.

But the new unions, at least in textiles, were not company unions.

In the manufacturing sector, the main areas of funding were chemicals, food products, metals, clothing, and textiles and forest products.

The eastern belt, the predominant industrial labour area, is the city of chimneys of the textile mills.

By the end of the century there were four large textile mills running in the city.

But later, the textile mills came up to the right of the railway line.

This period also witnessed an increase in railroad mileage as well as growth in such industries as timbering, sawmills, and cotton textile mills.

In textile and jute industries, sardars were labour contractors and their status depended on how many labour hands they brought to the industry.

Another inherent problem when dealing with textile fibres is the diversity of raw materials used in the industry.

The textile sector managed to do so to a significant degree, though not without difficulties and failures.

This was the case for food, textiles and other sectors.

Often supported by law, textile workers continued their attempts to obtain better work conditions, which led them into increasing conflict with factory authority.

Textile workers laboured six days a week before, during and after the revolution.

Not all proletarian textile families had a similarly comfortable life.

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

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Textile and garment là gì

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Textile and garment là gì

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Textile and garment là gì
