meat heads là gì - Nghĩa của từ meat heads

meat heads có nghĩa là

Usually said in describing a male who frequents the gym obsessively and only is concerned with "getting big", and who possesses little or no other qualities or personality.


"Yo John, look at those meat heads over there on the bench press. I bet their nuts are the size of M&Ms after all the steroids they've taken."

meat heads có nghĩa là

A term that is used to describe a male who is overenthusiastic about lifting weights and whose thoughts consist of athletics, blondes, and sports cars. Meat heads are unaware of the majority of the English language and often communicate with others by using phrases such as “bro”, “dude”, and “sweet”. The dead giveaway of a meathead is if their attire includes a sleeveless muscle shirt, athletic shorts, and a lanyard for their car keys. If you ever find yourself in a setting with multiple meat heads, be prepared for frequent high fives, chest bumps, and hand pounds.


What Up Bro! - A common meat head greeting

meat heads có nghĩa là

One derivation of this term comes from perception of society that people who devote large amounts of their time to lifting weights in the gym must not be very bright, due to the excessive nature of the weight-lifting activity. There is further perception that a bodybuilder or weightlifter has other serious shortcomings that result in him/her feeling the need to devote their lives to changing their body shape by rigorous exercise. Thus we call someone a meat head due to the assumption that their head is full of meat or muscle, and not brain tissue. Meathead is thus synonymous with stupid.


That guy is such a meat head.

meat heads có nghĩa là

A man who is proud of his size and muscles.

These people usually invest a lot of time and money on their physical enhancements rather than expanding mental abilities.

Meat head's psychology is base on masculinity and intimidation.

Meat heads in general drive:
- V8 such as Trucks and Muscle Car (AMERICAN ONLY)

Meat heads in general shop base on:
- Size and Shape

Meat heads work in fields of construction such as housing, rail and road maintenance, or sport/fitness trainers in civilian or military sector.

Meat heads are mostly after blond chick who are physically relatively small and light.


1)A person who is driving a heavy duty truck most likely can be categorized as a meat head since:

He is driving the truck for reasons related to work or for masculinity.

If former is the case, ie he is driving the truck for work purposes, then he must be working in a job which requires lots of muscle and not much of brain use. For instance jobs such as construction and etc.

If the latter is the case, ie he is driving the truck to show his masculinity, then he is all about muscles and intimidation.

Both cases lead to the same conclusion that the driver is a meat head.

In terms of probability, it can be said that most of meat heads can be spotted base on their vehicle that they are driving.

other examples:

2) Meat head's BBQ is not just any type of BBQ. The Meat Head's BBQ has to be big and masculine. You can spot a Meat Head by looking at his BBQ.

3) Meat heads wear muscle shirts to show their muscles. Meat heads use tattoos to attract more attention.

meat heads có nghĩa là

A meat head is someone who tries really hard to be ultra-masculine. This involves lifting weights, talking about lifting weights, walking with your arms out because you're so huge, looking to get in fights at bars because the ladies aren't down with you or because someone ran into one of your arms or just because you saw an emo dude with a stupid shirt. Meat heads always wear Affliction shirts or vests.

Contrary to popular opinion, being a meathead is more about how you act than how you look. Therefore, a skinny dude or even a bull dike could be a meathead, cuz they exhibit this behavior.


Look at that dude over there by the ladies restroom with the cutoff Affliction shirt, what a meat head.

meat heads có nghĩa là

A guy usually over obssessed with constantly working out. A doof who pries only on looking good and scoring with as many chicks as possible. Usually the likes of a college franternity, binge drinking, club hopping, egotystical maniac. Though may be easy on the eyes, this guy offers no personality to the table and has "one night stand" written all over him.


John's lack of personality and sexual promiscuity remind's me just how much of a meat head he is.

meat heads có nghĩa là

A Meat Head is a really large land whale. There is only one of this species currently known to scientists. The Meat Head has a ham on the top of its neck, in place of a head. The Meat Head can be spotted strutting up the sidewalk, with its one and only homeboy. Since the Meat Head is insulated with so much blubber, it only wears a thin sweater even in the coldest of winter days, to stay cool and prevent the ham from cooking. When the Meat Head chooses a sweater it may live inside it for 6 months to a year, or until it rots of and needs replacing. The Meat Head lives a lonely life. It spends its time alone, or with its only friend. The Meat Head will never mate. Due to its fat to muscle ratio, the Meat Head does not have the strength required to perform the necessary movements. Also, being the only one of its species, the Meat Head would only be able to produce sterile offspring, similar to when a horse mates with a donkey to produce a mule. NASA is currently studying the phenomenon of Meat Head Orbit. Meat Head Orbit or MHO is caused by the Meat Heads fat ass, it is actually so large that it has its own orbit. The Meat Head uses MHO to its benefit, capturing anything that begins orbiting it, and eating it, making his orbit stronger, and able to pull in larger objects for consumption. NASA is concerned that at the Meat Heads rate of growth, it may implode into a black hole, sucking the Earth in.


-"Holy shit! A beached whale! We should call the coast guard!"
-"Nah, that's just a Meat Head. It's actually a land whale, you can tell be cause it wears a blue sweater and has orbit."

meat heads có nghĩa là

another word for a guard at a famous hardware store in salford precinct


short fat man,weird testicles and bad feet. use to be 6ft 6 before the weight issues hence being a meat head, or wow have you seen that meat head , omg that meat head has a dead dog

meat heads có nghĩa là

They're not the most approachable people. When you're a newbie the last thing you need is a meat head who continuously stares at you as you move from one machine to the other. It's like a scene from Prison break,when an inmate is holding his belongings and his taking that intimidating walk to his cell accompanied by Prison guards and the old heads death stare him waiting to claim him as their bitch. Meat heads intimidate you and they wait for you to do the wrong thing before they scream at you as loud as they could 'DON'T DO THAT' or 'YOUR FORM IS TERRIBLE' or 'WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING', they laugh at you and shake their heads in disbelief. Meat heads are the reason why you ditch your membership.


Meat Heads think they know it all.

meat heads có nghĩa là

An enormous, muscular man who lifts weights for countless hours in the gym in order to get big. Usually wear cut offs and shirts as tight as leggings to expose their muscles. Always have a jug of water with them everywhere. The only subject that you will hear them talking about is weightlifting and protein. They tend to drive fast sports cars or street bikes. They are mostly seen at Planet Fitness getting their pump on since it's the most legitimate gym out there. They bench press more than what they squat which is why you see some of them with big upper bodies and skinny legs. Constantly say bodybuilding quotes such as "Go Big or Go Home" and "No Pain No Gain". They always communicate with bro and like to compare muscle sizes. Have ruined the sport of bodybuilding.


Hey dude check out that meat head benching 300lbs. I bet he couldn't even squat half of that with those skinny ass legs.
Hey look at those meat heads over there curling heavy weight but they sure are bending their back.